Hi Pierre,
Yes, my store items have at least 3 in each and a lot have 10 available for sale, of the same item.
I started out listing the store inventory with just 1 or 2 available for sale of the same item, but once they were sold, I couldn't revise the listing, just the number available for sale... So, I got more products, and increased the available for sale to the level of each item I physically have in inventory...
Is that what is causing the confusion?
I guess if I added up all the available for sale quantities within the 300 or so, store items I have for sale, then yes, it would add up to almost 1800 items available for a BIN option.
Thanks Pierre, that solves the problem.
You are always an excellent resource for new eBay Powersellers like myself... Still lots to learn I guess...
Tell me, does your book teach all of this stuff? If so, I have to get one. Is it updated to the most recent, well within a year I guess, of eBay changes, and will it teach me to interpret eBay better, and become a better seller?
Thanks again, and best regards,

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."