Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Ive decided to post a thread on improving the feedback system on ebay. Its all we got to see who is doing what and is the only way we are to judge wheather we are going to bid on a product or maybe walk away.

Some reading I did on the internet, said its better to leave a comment like, Great satillete sytem, terrific seller, thankyou very much, vs just saying Great seller delivered on time and fast. However most ebayers just use a comment more like the latter.

The Ebay system only allows for seeing what the actual item that was sold was for approx 60 days, after that it may as well of been a post card being sold. So somehow i think the system would be better if the feedback comments retained the title of the item being sold rather than just a feedback number.

For this reason, when i do sell stuff I prefer to leave a comment reply after each feedback i recieve so future buyers know exactly what it was I sold.

For all you know the seller has sold 800 post cards with glorious feedback, and is now selling a Plasma television. Not much feedback can do to help if what was sold (such as the item title , remained in the feedback process with the item number.) So i think ebay should try and make a change to the feedback system to include this.

Bar being Attacked, disagreed with etc, I am starting this thread hoping ebayers have good suggestions for ebay to improving the feedback system. I think a retention of the item title would be a good idea, so ebayers have a better idea of what was sold.

"Those that say it can't be done, are likely to be interrupted by someone doing it". Always liked that phrase.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

The Feedback system is indeed a flawed system however, it is the only one in place and despite many attempts of buyers/seller to have eBay fine tune it, it remains as it was. My bone of contention is a NPB who may be crafty enough to respond to the NPB, still with no intention of paying, having the privilege of leaving a Feedback. They have NOT earned that right however, the system allows it. I do like your suggestion vis a vis item being mentioned but my guess is that eBay just would not consider that a priority. A widget is a widget to them, a postcard = plasma screen = car = shoelace.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Stopping a NPB from leaving feedback no matter what is not feasible.

A NPB should have the right to leave feedback against a dishonest seller who changes the terms of the sale after the fact, like charging obviously excessive shipping or 'insurance' fees that were not disclosed ahead of time.

Showing the title of the listing along with the feedback rating is something I don't believe would fly as it presents somewhat of a privacy issue.

The feedback system is not perfect, but when you have to balance for the interests of both buyers and sellers, you get something that is not entirely satisfying to either party. Many buyers, for instance, get worked up at sellers who won't leave feedback first.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

I can always have respect for a privacy issue, however the changes could be made, and the seller could be given the option of having this displayed for his id. I already add to mine voluntary. If someone did sell a lot of tvs anyway, it would make a difference in buyer confidence. People always do prefer OPEN honest communication in any deal.

At one time there was just feedback, and a person would not see a purchase or a buy! So at that time someone could buy ten items then start selling later. Ebay did change that to "from buyers" from sellers, and for others, with no consequences on privacy with this information being more transparent, remember it is transaparent already for 60 to 90 days, so myself personally , do not see a difference in having a title remain forever.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Community Member
I had a situation where a buyer asked me for local pickup and I agreed...let her pick up the item free of charge (as per item description) and then she leaves me NFB because apparently she was mad she had to sit on a train for 30 minutes. Pretty crappy and ruined my 100%. Needless to say that since that moment I have never and will never leave FB for a buyer until they leave FB for me first - I'd rather no one leave feedback at all than risk another situation like this. I guess you learn by messing up though.

I wish eBay had something where I could prove to them by sending emails from the buyer that she asked me to pick it up then left me negative for that reason. Oh well though, like I said - learn by messing up.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Community Member
she leaves me NFB because apparently she was mad she had to sit on a train for 30 minutes.
Wow, it is something new. You will never be protect from NFB because some persons just are total idiots.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Community Member
My bone of contention is a NPB who may be crafty enough to respond to the NPB, still with no intention of paying, having the privilege of leaving a Feedback.
A NPB should have the right to leave feedback against a dishonest seller who changes the terms of the sale after the fact, like charging obviously excessive shipping or 'insurance' fees that were not disclosed ahead of time.
I can see there already to great ideas, block the privilege of leaving a Feedback for person who:
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Community Member
Never pay for item.
overcharge postage cost and insurance more than $5
Message 8 of 10
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Yes, let's get eBay to implement more policies and then complain when they enforce them badly, because eBay is chronically understaffed, with reps who often don't enforce the policies properly. That sounds so much better than the system that's in place now. Oh wait, that IS the system that's in place now.
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Improving the feedback system, what can be done!

Community Member
We can just dream in Canada and USA!
Look an read:
Coming Soon: Feedback 2.0
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