Fat teachers telling fat students they must walk very slowly.
Some parents of students at a southeast public school say a note from a teacher banning chasing games is silly.
A letter was sent home earlier this week says children could get hurt. And it says if the kids don't stop chasing games — they'll have to see a supervisor.
Parent Mairin Beaulieu says she thinks the letter is "ridiculous, silly," adding that kids should be allowed to play tag.
“Their feelings might get hurt, or they might have tripped and skinned a knee, but that's kind of part of being a human. That that sort of thing happens.”
Parent and dad blogger Buzz Bishop says he understands trying to set reasonable limits for play.
"I can see how one teacher with dozens of kids all around, going crazy, wants to try and reign it in a little bit," he said.
"So I understand what she was doing, but at the same time I see that headline and I get why everybody's thinking we're just bubble wrapping our kids."
The CBE released a statement, saying there are no system-wide policies and schools should encourage safe play and injury prevention.