Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

Tonight I made an offer on 2 items being sold by the same seller. This seller very clearly stated in both ads that he/she would combine shipping on multiple items and requested to wait for a new invoice before paying when requesting combined shipping. The shipping fees were quite hefty on each item, but thinking that the seller would keep his/her word and combine the shipping, saving me such high shipping $ I went ahead and made my offers and the seller accepted them. I immediately contacted the seller with my combined shipping request and fully expected to be receiving the revised invoice soon. Instead I received a reply from the seller stating that he/she couldn't combine the shipping because Global Shipping would not allow it. I replied to that message asking why then did he/she state in the ad that they would gladly combine shipping if it was not possible. After another reply from seller, stating again that Global shipping would not allow it, I requested that the seller cancel both orders, seeing as how I would not have even bothered buying the items had he/she not stated shipping would be combined on request. I have not yet received a reply from the seller on that.

I purchase a fair amount on eBay and have had sellers combine shipping for me many times. Until today every seller was more than willing to do so. I may be mistaken, but I seem to remember getting combined shipping from a seller using Global Shipping in the past. it true that eBay's Global Shipping does not allow sellers to combine shipping on 2 or more items?

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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

@balto1255 wrote: it true that eBay's Global Shipping does not allow sellers to combine shipping on 2 or more items?

Mostly correct. Combining of separate listings for shipping is not allowed for GSP.

The only way to combine shipping using GSP is to close the listings and create a new listing with both items.


The seller's offer of combined shipping is probably intended only for their home country sales.



Message 2 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

As far as I can tell, it is pretty tough.  I am a buyer and a seller.  When someone wants to purchase something (or visa versa, for that matter), I either suggest agreeing with the buyer/seller what the total price will be of both items, then relist them either as one or two items.  This can be risky for the seller, though, as someone else could just sweep in and just buy the one...

if they are relisted as more than one item, do not pay until the system is able to send you/them a combined invoice.  Yes, Global Mail does do combined shipping.  You can also do this over a period of 5 days, just ask the seller not to bill you right away (especially if it is a combined auction/buy now listing.


when I've messed up, I usually cancel the transaction (you both do this and no one gets points off...whatever), and redo it.


its late, and you are probably more confused now than you were before.  But still, if you have any questions, feel free

Message 3 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

I seem to recall that if the buyer puts the items into a Shopping Cart that GSP will combine them. But I'm not sure about that.


Message 4 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

Thanks. Then the seller should state in his/her ad that shipping would be combined if shipped within the US, rather than misleading potential buyers. I normally try not to purchase anything being shipped via Global Shipping if I can help it. It takes about a month for items to get to me via GS, whereas if sent USPS it arrives in a couple of weeks and shipping fees are lower as well. I've contacted eBay directly about my situation and they agreed that the seller should not have offred combined shipping knowing it can't be done.
Message 5 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

If you as the buyer put your items into a Shopping Cart and Commit to Buy like that, the Global Shipping Program will combine shipping and import fees for them. This changed a little while ago but only if you use the Cart.


Otherwise, after the fact, it is practically impossible for the seller to fix it. Like not almost-impossible but literally practically impossible. It cannot be done.


Did you use the cart? 

Message 6 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

Thanks it_sparkles. I'm almost certain I have had combined shipping through Global Shipping in the past. I've been on the seller end myself, though not in the past year or so, but I've never used GS. I hate it so much myself that I'd never inflict it on anyone else. One item I purchased last year the seller cancelled and relisted items for me, but ahead of time we agreed on a specific time for it to be done. He relisted them at precisely 10 pm my time, and I was right there waiting and made the purchase immediately, likely before anyone else ever even saw the listing. It worked very well. Seller was happy and I was happy.
Message 7 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

No, did not use the cart. This is good to know for the future though, thanks. The seller cancelled both items for me. He now has them relisted and has changed his ad to state that he will combined shipping only within the US. I am still interested in this I were to try again and place them in my cart, do you know in what way GS would combine the shipping? Would there be any savings in shipping fees this way? Or would they simply calculate it by adding the original shipping fees together? A little nervous to try it.
Message 8 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

Place both items in your Shopping Cart and you will see in real-time how the shipping and import fees combine. And whether or not it looks acceptable.

Use Add to Cart instead of Buy It Now.

The shipping cost should reflect real cost as opposed to adding both together.

Message 9 of 10
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Is it true that shipping can not be combined with Global Shipping?

As to whether there are any postage savings, it really depends on the weight and dimensions of the articles in question. With international postage in particular, there are weight thresholds where cost doubles depending on whether you're a gram under or a gram over the limit for that weight category.

Regardless, by using Add to Cart, you can preview it before Commutting to Buy and submitting payment.

Did you and your seller discuss the cancellations on good terms? It's possible he or she may 'block' you for making waves. It's hard to know, not every seller on eBay has the same threshold for patience.
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