Item Not yet Shipped

Community Member

I placed a bid and won an item back on the 23rd of December and the item has yet to be shipped. I contacted the seller earlier the week and she/he told me I would have full tracking the following day, it now has been two days sense they told me that and I am unsure of what to do. Do I contact the seller again or do I go right to ebay and paypal?

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Item Not yet Shipped

Over three weeks later, you have showed a lot of patience.


Now - this morning -is time to file a complaint for non-receipt with the Resolution Centre:


At this point, there is little to gain by waiting any longer and by communicating any further with your seller.

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Item Not yet Shipped

This is another case of an American seller using the Global Shipping Program (GSP) for a low priced item ($15) instead of offering to ship directly by mail at a much lower cost.


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Item Not yet Shipped

I was to busy with work over the last few weeks that it slipped my mind until I logged in again. I will be filing a complaint like you said.
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