Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

Community Member

I bought an item December 1, it was shipped December 3 by USPS from Washington to Ontario.  Other items I ordered in the same time period by USPS all arrived.   I never received the item so I contacted the seller, and did not receive a response after 5 days, and I also noticed the seller's other items for sale were removed, so I opened an "Item not Received" dispute.   I was told by Ebay I could escalate it on January 13.  January 12, the seller sent me an email that her computer died and she didn't  know I had opened a dispute (and she never mentioned the message I sent her through Ebay 5 days proceeding the opening of the dispute).  I asked her how she wanted to handle this.  She contacted Ebay and asked them to review this.


Then she sent me a message (all her messages have been outside the dispute I opened) that said: 



service:  International Inbound Express


and that it was delivered to my town.  I sent two msgs to her asking if she could send me the web site where she got the above information from.  I have not heard back from her.


One thing doesn't make sense:  She told me Ebay removed her items up for sale after the dispute was opened, that Ebay put a hold on them.  Not true, I sent her an Ebay msg after I noticed her items were gone and that was 5 days before I opened the dispute.  That is why I opened the dispute then, I thought she packed up and left Ebay. 


Am I missing something here?  The tracking number is definately USPS, and I googled International Inbound Express and found nothing.  USPS never updated the tracking number after Dec. 3.  If someone can help, I would really appreciate it.  I want to believe the seller, but I have an oogey feeling about this.  I hope I am wrong, and I think USPS lost the package but I don't want Ebay to side with her and I am out $85.  Won't Ebay want concrete proof than just the seller saying it was delivered?  It does not show delivered in my summary list.



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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?



Just go to the Resolution Centre and file an Item Not Received Dispute.

If she cannot prove that the item was delivered (not shipped, delivered) then either she will refund your original payment or Paypal will and go after her for their money.


It is up to the seller to get the item to you. She can take the problem up with the shipping company she sub-contracted that duty to.



Message 2 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

thought she packed up and left Ebay. 


More likely the listings were removed by eBay for some malfeasance. It may be as minor as not having an active credit card on file or it may be something downright criminal.

File the Dispute.

You only have 45 days from purchase for this.

Message 3 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

Yes, my dispute has already been open, but then the seller opened up (sorry, whatever sellers open) something where Ebay comes in and reviews it. But, where did she get her proof that it was delivered to my town? Notice, to the town, not my address.
Message 4 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

@sergus0 wrote:
Yes, my dispute has already been open, but then the seller opened up (sorry, whatever sellers open) something where Ebay comes in and reviews it. But, where did she get her proof that it was delivered to my town? Notice, to the town, not my address.

It appears to be in transit and got hung up somewhere. 

Message 5 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?


Message 6 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

I don't think that she has any proof that it was delivered otherwise the Canada Post and/or USPS site would say that it was delivered. Considering there is no info at all on the CP site, I am guessing that it never left the U.S.

Message 7 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

She may be inexperienced, 10 feedback, all good.

She sold some spoons the same day, through the GSP, and maybe she has the 2 items' tracking #s mixed up.

Seems odd, her other sales all show having used the GSP.

Message 8 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

.... or maybe she misunderstands the CP website showing your town ? Thinking it's delivered.

Message 9 of 10
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Item not received - what is International Inbound Express?

Thank you to everyone who replied to my problem, I appreciate it very much!


Ebay refunded me.  I am glad it is over because it was stressful.  I am lucky that most of the sellers I have dealt with have been just super. 

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