Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I noticed on .com on the "Canadian Mail ..." thread, you mentioned you send all your US mail in prepaids, then a few posts later, you mention that you send all your insured US packets by Express Post. Do you use the prepaid US Express Post envelopes to sent jewellery?



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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
The thing with those prepaid Xpress Post envelopes is that you can buy them at the post office, fill them up and drop them in any postbox on the street if you want. They actually advertise that as an option when you're on hold calling Canada Post. I do like bringing them directly to the post office though because they scan them so its proof the parcel is in their hands.
Message 21 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Oh gawd, I know...it's such a horrible difference in price. I feel badly that some have to pay it and undoubtedly we all will eventually. Then we'll have to raise our shipping fees and that will affect business 😞

Message 22 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Hi Everyone,

I used to use the Express prepaid as well(I was sending out rings inside a bubble envelope in them...so nice and flat packages). Some post offices wouldnt let me, while others would(go figure). The ones that said I wasnt allowed, claimed it was for customs "sorting" reasons(shuuuure...read "duty & taxes reasons"). Then I spoke to a rep a CP, and she said the whole customs thing was nonsense...that I could go ahead and ship whatever I wanted in it.

BUT, then I was told that they had REMOVED the $100 insurance from that product. That's what stopped me. Since then, I have only used it for clients who want fast delivery, but dont care about insurance. I just didnt see the point anymore for most packages. So, instead I have been using the Small Packages service, which now does include the $100 insurance(though there is no tracking number). It's cheaper and slower, depending on if the client chooses air or ground service....however, if there really IS insurance on that Express prepaid envelope, I'd sure love to know! It would make a great alternative for those who want tracking numbers, and faster service.

I was told that if there was $100 insurance on it, there would be no need to use the 416 version of the same service essentially.

I agree with Jackie...it would be nice if they would choose a rule, and stick to it!


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 23 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Yes, if they could make the rules and have them be universal, it would be a huge help. Right now it's a crap shoot as to whether or not an envelope with a ring in it will cost $8 or $16. I mean, if you do a large volume, those differences are huge. It's no bloody wonder that people will try to get away with a freebie every now and then. It's pitiful. And let's be honest here. It's not like the service is so darned wonderful. I have packages shoved into my mailbox so hard, that I can't even raise to door to pull them out. They are literally crammned in.

Then there's the lovely fact that I go down to check my mail and in the box with a few bills will be a 'delivery notice' sitting there saying that the package will be available for pick-up the next day after 1:00 PM. I never left the house????? The notice says that he rang my bell at 14:00 and there was no response. This has happened 3 times to me. In the winter it pisses me right off because I have to drive thru all kinds of weather when this should have been delivered to my door. I don't even want to start on what I think of that activity. And they dare raise our prices and threaten us with strikes. WTF????

Message 24 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I think the bottom line is, if CP can deliver one of those envelopes and make a profit, then what business is it of theirs what the heck is in it. Ridiculous.

Message 25 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
You got it, Deb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x
Message 26 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
It's like Bell Canada. They charge a business line more than a residential line for the same service. Makes no sense. Or dry cleaners charging more for a woman's shirt than they charge for a man's shirt. There are all kinds of inconsistencies in charges for so many things.
Message 27 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Regarding the Bell situation, there is a reason why Bell charges more and it has to do with the fact that believe it or not, residential services are actually subsidized while business services are not.

Take for instance if you live in the country and there are only 2 houses within a mile stretch of road. Your basic local service is the same price, although due to the houses, it actually costs the phone company more to offer you the service. (I am not talking about the cost of installing lines, etc, just the cost of basic phone service).


Message 28 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Jackie, I have the delivery thing happen SOOOOO many times, I have lost track. I asked my local post office about this, and they told me that CP contracts out the delivery of these items. That sometimes the guys who are paid to do the delivery, don't bother...they fill in the form saying we weren't at home, and then deliver all their packs to the post office so that the customers can pick them up. Sounds like a really profitable job to me....no gas mileage at all. Just sit in the park somewhere and read, then pretend no one was home. I guess you'd have to at least make one or 2 deliveries...otherwise CP would get suspicious. (ahem)

I actually caught one of them at it. The guy came to our door, not realizing that I was standing near the window watching him(I was gettng changed). He hit the door ONCE and didnt even wait to se if I would answer...just walked away. I ran to the door and yelled at him just as he was climbing back into his car. Got my package. I was only half dressed though(LOL), or else I would have taken his liscence plate number and reported him to CP.

And we pay for this...


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 29 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Geez, if the guy takes the time to drive there and walk up to your door, you'd think he'd deliver the item. How lazy!!!

I live in a small village (actually, smaller than a village......it's called a hamlet) and we have to pick all of our mail up at the PO. A real pita. :o(
Message 30 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Oh Jaqui that's too funny. I can't believe it, yet I can. They come all this way to just not complete the pass. Makes no sense. But, I know my PO chickies very well and I always mention when this happens. You'd think that THEY would have mentioned it to their superiors. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're all in cahoots 😄

Message 31 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
If I had to mention it to anyone, I'd be mentioning it several times a month.

It has gotten to the point where I gave up, and just put a notice up on my front door..."If there is no answer, please ring next door at either #267 or #271". So, now they dont even try our door, they just go to one of our neighbors. If I get lucky, I see my neighbor in the next couple of days from then. 😞

Its not only CP though...some of the courier companies also contract out thier work. UPS is especially bad around here...they dont even leave a note to say they tried. I have had my stuff returned to the company I ordered from without even knowing they tried to deliver it. (grrrr)


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 32 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Oooooooooh Jaqui....I would be doing something about THAT PDQ. There is no excuse for a courier company to pass at your door and not leave a notice. As a matter of fact, they are supposed to try again. So, if this has happened to you, you should go to your local office and ask to speak with the manager. Give the details of time, date and whatever else may be pertinent. All the info would be in their computers to corroborate your story. This is just as unacceptable as it gets!!

Message 33 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Hi Jackie,

I did do something of a sort...I complained like He** to the company that sent it to me. I figured they were the ones with the actual account with the courier. They were very upset about it too, since I refused to pay for shipping the second time....and they ended up complaining to the courier company, and getting my stuff delivered for free the next time.

Part of the problem is that since there is no note left, I didnt know any of the details as to when they "tried". Only after speaking to my supplier did I get those details(they in turn had to phone the couriers comany to get those details). When I told the supplier I had been home those days, they were just as upset about it as me. After all....I could have chosen to simply cancel the order, and they would have lost a sale.

But, I have to say, in spite of complaints from me to the supplier, and from the supplier to the courier, it has happened more than once. I always end up getting it shipped for free the next time. But, it's the wasted time and frustration that eventually gets more bothersome. Once I had someone waiting for an item in one of those shipments, and I was darn lucky they didnt cancel thier order!


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 34 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Jaqui - I hear ya. Personally, I try to avoid sellers who ship exclusively by courier. Of course it's for selfish reasons. I don't want to have to pay duty on anything. But also because it's a PITA, as you well know.

Best of luck with future shipments!!!

Message 35 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Hi Jackie,

In this case it is not a seller on eBay...it's a regular wholesale supplier. I haven't yet met one who doesn't have a contract with a courier. Though, there have been one or two, who upon my insistence, have agree to ship via CP(cheaper and faster). This one though was in the US, so I didnt think there was much choice.


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 36 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Ahhhhh...I see. Sorry bout that. I thought you were talking ebay. Anyway, we do learn that we are so very much at their mercy, don't we Jaqui?

Message 37 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Sooo true! had I not been prepared to make a big fuss, they would have been happy to charge me shipping the second time!


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 38 of 39
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Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I have the same problem at my local post office. Documents only, and she is meticulous about measuring every box. Change post offices or drop it in a box and manually fill in the forms. I recently switched insurance to upic.com and they cover Canadian mail for a reasonable cost. It might be worth asking if they will insure the xpresspost envelopes if the post office does not cover the first $100

I wish my items would fit in an envelope!
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