I'm with your hubby, I hate that too. It's one thing in a flea market or somewhere bartering is acceptable but certainly not the local grocery store or shopping mall for example. I was in line behind some woman berating this poor cashier about a loaf of bread.
The customer picked the loaf with that date and started freaking at this poor kid because it's expiry date was the next day and she wanted it for cheaper. Well heck lady, pick a different loaf of bread! I felt so bad for this kid. She doesn't have the authority to change the price of the item. She tried explaining that to the woman and said maybe find a loaf with a different date on it, you could put it back if there are none. Nothing doing! This woman yelled until a manager came over and they took off some piddly little amount of money. Can't remember how much but I thought jeeze! It just teaches these people to scream and they get what they want whether they're right or wrong.
I'm sorry but I just cringe at that sort of thing. Many stores are just not the place for that. I find it insulting when people ask, even as a fellow customer. It's one thing if the clerk volunteers and says here's what I can do for you but another altogether to ask or demand a discount. I just don't like that.
I saw someone do this at a Fruits & Passions store. She asked how much item A was and then said she wanted 2 but only if she could get them cheaper. And she started to get loud when the clerk said that they don't do that.
😮 What makes someone think they're so special that buying 2 is going to make the price cheaper than the next person buying 2? I don't get that. 2 cases of something, maybe but even then.