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OK, just got another email on one of my buying IDs. wants me to start selling so bad they are going to give me five freebies.

Where are the freebies for sellers? Do we really need more sellers? How will more sellers on eBay improve the profitability of the sellers that are already here? Isn't that what JB keeps telling us he is concerned about? Or did I misunderstand?

My simple understanding of the marketplace is that more sellers drives down the profitability for all - fewer sellers increases the profitability.

Bill treasure-pot


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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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It's not about's about ebay.

ebay decided a long time ago to focus on front-end fees as their primary income stream. Why do you think they do not promote store listings and push listing on the core. They really don't care if you sell anything provided that you LIST it.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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Then why all the pretence to be concerned about seller profitability?

I would sooner have JB say "You are on your own 'cause we're gonna squeeze every dime we can out of you" than continue this charade.

Bill treasure-pot


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In all honesty, I think Jordon really wants to help us out with the whole Seller Profitability. Unfortunately, his hands are tied by .com.

A prime example was the recent Seller Pack, which was fantastic for improving the profitability of Canadian sellers. I don't believe for a minute that they shut it down so quickly due to a lack of interest.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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Me either.
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Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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Monique, if he has no ability to effect change, why even open a discussion?

Why start a thread that solicits hundreds of posts with suggestions for improving seller profitability if they are only going to inflate seller hopes and cannot act on them?

The animosity created by this type of futile exercise serves no one.

Bill treasure-pot


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Probably to make it look like they care
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Monique, if he has no ability to effect change, why even open a discussion?

It is my belief that they let Jordon believe he had some power to effect change...until he tried to do it. Now they've reigned him in and the only real change he can effect amounts to squat in our pocketbooks.


Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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i'm wondering if it has ever crossed the great minds at ebay to enforce some sort of 'fee' for a percentage of whatever they buy..something like a buyer's premium type fee..i think its about time to start pulling something out of buyers for a change, and not just milk the sellers...
i'm guessing this was obviously brainstormed at some point, but they obviously thought it would be detrimental to buyers to impose any kind of fee, otherwise, i'm assuming it would have already been done..?
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Unfortunately opportunistic timing (if it ever really existed) to introduce such a plan has long ago passed. The notion of a free ride for buyers is so completely ingrained at this point that there is no turning back.

It just would not be accepted. If introduced today we may as well all pack it in. Buyers would leave in droves.

Bill treasure-pot


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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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Put it this way... if you visited the local shopping centre and they were charging an admission at the door, would you go in or look elsewhere?

Bill treasure-pot


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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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notion of a free ride for buyers is so completely ingrained at this point that there is no turning back

..sad..but true..and very unfair...although i can see the outcome of imposing a buyer fee..

to make myself feel better when it comes to all the ebay seller fees, i always compare myself to a fellow businessman who makes his living selling merchandise as well, but does so out of an actual antique shop, etc...and has to pay a higher multitude of fees compared to what we do on alone per month on good industrial avenues can be treacherous..labour fees...and the list goes on...
i guess when an average listing runs maybe 2 bucks, maybe 2 and a half with the fvf, its really not that bad considering its home run, and we can list, email and send invoices any time of day wearing our pj's...:-D
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..oh yea..and not to mention a worldwide marketplace...
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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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Put it this way... if you visited the local shopping centre and they were charging an admission at the door, would you go in or look elsewhere?
Costco does that and they seem to be doing ok.
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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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Apples and oranges... When did Costco become a shopping mall?

As a Costco member I can assure you that they do not have an admission charge every time you go through their doors. Costco is a destination store and they charge an annual membership - like belonging to a club - not the same thing at all.

When you go to a Costco you are not likely to find Sears, Zellers, WalMart, et all, within their walls.

If eBay was restricted to a single seller that was able to supply the scope of product that Costco does, it might be a different story.

Bill treasure-pot


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Interesting. To compare apples to apples, here locally (which is all I can speak to) auction companies used to charge a seller premium only - bidding was free to buyers. A few years ago that changed with the advent of buyer premiums - odd that almost all of the local auctioneers changed format at the same time, but that's another discussion(!). Auction junkies sucked it up, basically because it had become the norm.

Online selling is so competitive that I can't see a fee change like that ever taking effect.

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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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do we need more sellers or buyers?
Do we really need more sellers? How will more sellers on eBay improve the profitability of the sellers that are already here?

As a doctor: "Do we need more Doctors? No!!!"
Because my salary will drop.
As a thick person: "Do we need more Doctors? Sure!!!"
I'm tired sitting in waiting room 5-7 hours.
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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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Message 19 of 26
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Latest .ca promo - do we need more sellers or buyers?

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Ann, I agree that the "hammer fee" has become commonplace and is generally accepted in live auctions but it could never fly on eBay. While the company struggles to revert the site back to it's roots as an "auction" site, buyers have been so conditioned to purchase to satisfy immediate need or gratification. If buyers had to also add a hammer fee t0 their purchase cost there would be riots in the streets. Most of us are already aware of the difficulties in getting buyers just to add tax to their purchases.

The introduction of fixed price, BINs and eBay stores brought on the notion of a virtual shopping mall rather than an auction house for buyers. It leads me to really wonder about the long-term plans for eBay Express. Could eBay be so devious to introduce eBay Express as step one in a plan to remove and fixed price items from the original auction site? Doesn't it seem somewhat redundant to have fixed price on the traditional eBay and an additional site devoted solely to fixed price satisfaction for buyers? treasure-pot


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