Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Good Morning, yesterday was the 16th day since Tea_past_times stopped selling items on Ebay. I've found, there is life after Ebay. We've been involved in 3 local auctions and netted a tidy sum from those consignments.
Yesterday we dropped off 80 cups and saucers in Meaford Ontario, to a lady who is starting up a collectables store in the spring.
As I have had time lately I've also attended a number of auctions in the area and scooped up some great deals, mostly due to the fact our weather has kept the competiton home.
Our last tea_past_times parcel went to the post office on Friday last week, a non paying bidder who finally sent payment a month after the purchase date.
I am keeping my eyes open for a location with a building on a highway, where I can display my wares for sale, and possibly offer ice cream or a chip wagon. I'd like to spend this summer somewhere on the Bruce Peninsula, near Highway 6.
My wife and I have compiled quite a list of things two people can do with a vehicle, a trailer and time on their hands, to make money.
You never really realize how much time you are spending on something, and how little return you were seeing until you stop for awhile, and do some counting up.
The best part of it, is that I am running my life again. As much as I enjoyed obeying non sensical edicts from California, I find planning my own business strategies refreshing.
I would imagine that key to anyone's decision to sell on Ebay, would be the amount of control over their own finances they desire. Ebay has changed from a venue, to an employer.
I remember being sixteen and having an older man tell me that I would never get rich working for someone else. Better advice, I've never gotten.
Message 1 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
~From ever increasing fees, to rule changes designed to make you include shipping in your list price, which in turn will increase your fees, to exchange rate ripoffs, to the coming feedback fiasco~

Well said !

I'm still here 😞 but not for long...


Message 2 of 21
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Life After Ebay,


OK now that he's gone -- EVERYONE BACK TO WORK!!!

Message 3 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Well said! I've been a powerseller for 4 months - this is my first visit to the board. Why? I've been too busy - but ebay, in its own stupidity says I'm finished here as of midnight tonight.

At first I was devastated but since the announcement came out but over the last week this sentence You never really realize how much time you are spending on something, and how little return you were seeing until you stop for awhile, and do some counting up. has also dawned on me.

If I work 16 hours a day on something else - even a fleamarket, I'll make more money than I do here, alot more.

The best part of it, is that I am running my life again. As much as I enjoyed obeying non sensical edicts from California, I find planning my own business strategies refreshing.

There is also truth to this - never again will my life depend on a bunch of people who only see us in dollar amounts.

So why did I come in today, when I'm on my way out the door? Because I DID work my butt off for powerseller status - so I wanted to walk in the "members only" hallowed halls just once. lol - best of luck to everyone -
and when it comes to trying to work "for" ebay - luck is indeed the keyword.

There is life after eBay.

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Message 4 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
I have to respectfully disagree with some of the comments made in this discussion because IT IS BECAUSE of eBay that I am able to work and make a living. I live rural here in northern Saskatchewan and I can tell you that the economy is not great here. What money there is most certainly is not spent on scrapbooking items! Globally, I feel that my eBay store is successful. And, best of all....working in my eBay store I've met the nicest people of all. I for one, maybe the odd one, am thankful that eBay is here for me and for my family!

No matter what venture one goes is necessary to have great communication skills...not just good ones. It is necessary to be able to problem solve on a dime. It is necessary to meet obligations and deadlines. So if you can do it on can do it anywhere!

Some Power Sellers are leaving because they are loosing their PS status. Some are leaving because they do not agree with the changes in fees, feedback or DSR's. For whatever reason you are leaving...I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Message 5 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Well put, Susan! I too am grateful for EBay. I hope they don't make too many more changes, however - I find them hard to keep up with!
Message 6 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
A croissant is a C shaped pastry, very flaky, can be cut and used as sandwich. Some are filled with cheese or chocolate. They are made with lots of shortening in layers.

A baguette is a long thin crusty loaf of bread. A little thinner than a sub bun, 2 - 3 feet long.

Yup, I still remember those folks!!
Message 7 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
And I could never ever interest someone from north rural Saskatchewan in a muffin. What is it about you folks and muffins?? You know what a muffin is right?
Message 8 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Well I guess that could describe anyone from North Rural Saskatchewan, now couldn't it?
Message 9 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Don't get me started on Winnipeg!!
Message 10 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Hi forcedoutofbusinesssale_march5tomay1_2008,

Honestly being a transplant from Virginia Beach, Virginia to rural northern Saskatchewan, I don't know what to say to you except I find your comments to be quite rude.

It's sad that you feel the need to build yourself up by putting others down.

If your writings here are any indication of how you treat your customers then you must give thought to why you are being forced out of business. It's not's you.

Words of kindness go a long ways. Mean words, degrading nothing.

Message 11 of 21
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Life After Ebay,


I don't know if you have had an opportunity to read the thread I started about My Blog so I bumped it up for you to read. I have never yet read anything by the author of the rude comments above that built up, encouraged or helped anyone on this board. He has no idea how little he will be missed.

Message 12 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
OMG you are an American?? I get it now.
Message 13 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
If I knew you were an American, I would never have been tongue in cheek with you. That just isn't fair I agree.
Message 14 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
My comments about Saskatchewan were not rude, I was just recounting real encounters with people from there.
Message 15 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Gnomes are fun if you catch them and tickle them .
Message 16 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Wow...must be the longest good-bye in history. Anyone have a Guinness Book of Records?


Message 17 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Monique, I don't think it's a good bye anymore. We will see after May 1, but I have a hunch he'll be still here ...
Message 18 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Nice to be noticed and missed youse guys. AWWWWW

Thanks for caring!:-D
Message 19 of 21
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Life After Ebay,

Community Member
Stay Optimistic!!
Message 20 of 21
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