Many of you may hate MSN messager windows 2000 and up comes with it in the operating system
First and most important " YOU DO NOT NEED A HOTMAIL ACCOUNT TO USE msn messanger
You can use your exsisting email to use MSN messager for Ebay. When you sing up to messager it will ask you if you want to use a hotmail account . State no and then enter you other email . ...that's it
It actually can help with sales if you state in yoyur ebay auction that you can msn message you at this email account if you would like to talk about the products
Also it's a great way to talk to other Ebay sellers . i have about 30 Ebays sellers on my MSN
For those whom would like to try it out
my email for msn is
Give it a try ....if you find you do not like it ...just set up the account so it does not sing you in automatically . Then if you get tired of it you will not need to sigh in all the time