Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi Miriam

I have not seen a editing feature for bulk editing of the shipping returns section and returns policies.

The new requirements of having to have this clearly stated in the template not in the body of the auction description has to be completed by September 1, 2008

Is this on the site already without having to pay for an additional service as I have looked for this feature.

Is there a link that I am missing ????

Selling manager and the manage my store section does not have this module that I have seen looking when editing.

Where is the feature or is there a feature to change inventory settings without potentially incurring additional listing fees.

If there is not there, are they going to add this feature as ebay is requiring this now to be included and may have to be changed globally on all auctions occasionally.

Editing individual listings to add this information in now, as required, is very non productive.

Let me know.

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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Good question. I have been looking for the same info as well.

Message 2 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi fitzheuen,

This question came up on last week's board hour with Rodney and Ryanne (on Canada Town Square). They are the product gurus and they recommended File Exchange as a bulk solution to this problem. More information on this tool located here: http://pages.ebay.ca/file%5Fexchange/

From the board hour: "Basically you can download your existing listing to a file, make the necessary changes. I'd probably use a spreadsheet program to perform a "find & replace". Then you can upload the revised file."

I've never personally used File Exchange myself, but it's worth checking out. If you've been registered for 90 days or more and have 50 active listings on the site each month, you can get it for free.

If you do try this out, please let me know if it was helpful to you.


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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi Miriam

I have gone to the page and it is telling me I do not qualify as I have not been a member for 90 days and have not listed 50 items.

I think that I have both of those requirements taken care of to meet approval for thr program.

Here is the message that comes up when I go to sign up to download the application.

We're sorry, but you are not eligible to use eBay File Exchange at this time.

To qualify for File Exchange, you must:
Be a registered member of eBay for at least 90 days.
List at least 50 listings a month in any category.

I have emailed and I will have to wait for a approval as the site will not let me download the application.

Lot of questions on this one ????

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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

I got the same message.
Message 5 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi fitzheuen and gifts_of_elegance,

That sounds ... sub-optimal. I will investigate further. Just to cover the bases, I assume you were both signed into eBay during this process?

Will report this to Rodney and let you know what I learn.


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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

I'm another seller that should meet the requirements but get the your not qualified message
Message 7 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Curious if you are seeing these messages on items in your stores where there have already been purchases?

If yes....that may be the reason you are getting that message because you can't alter things once a purchase from your store inventory has been made.

Just a thought!
Message 8 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi Susan

Editing items that have no bids.

Downloaded the form but it is another complicated excel spread sheet.

If you are good ar excel and have lots of time to mess around then this is for you.

Unfortunately it is not very useful.

Message 9 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi Fitz,

I wish I could help you...but I do everything through Blackthorne.

I know there are many people who are affected by this and other changes that require each listing to be individually attended to.

I have my store on holidays this month so that I may tend to the 3000 listings that I need to change! And...to spend time with our four daughters!

Hopefully eBay will get something in place quickly to help you and others. My fingers are crossed!

Message 10 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi fitzheuen, gifts_of_elegance and fatdane,

Just following up on this bug - apparently this happens from time to time, especially for users who have previously subscribed to File Exchange on eBay.com.

I got Customer Support to give you each a manual override on the approval process, so you should be able to subscribe with no problem now.

If anyone else runs into this same problem, you can email turbodata@ebay.com to get a similar manual override.

Hope this helps ... let me know if you run into any other issues.

Many thanks,

Message 11 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
I've shut down 2999 listings in my eBay store because I wasn't able to do any changes to them....taking my e-mail address out of my listings, adding a return policy and adding stated shipping. I have one listing in my store! Good thing my store is on holidays!

I have a mountain of work to do to get everything back into my store and I'm sure it will take more than this month to do it.

It would have been nice if eBay permitted changes to be made on store listings with a purchase on them during this time. Many sellers are having to shut down and restart listings at their own expense. Some more than others. Thankfully, mine is only a $90.00 fee.

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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

"mine is only a $90.00 fee. "

I also face 2,800+ listings to be either revised or ended and relisted. The real problem is NOT the $100 or so in fees but the time wasted to make changes required by a change of policy of questionable value.

If eBay insists in making the policy changes, the least they could do is to make the changes effective for all new listings (core and store) and "grandfather" GTC store listings for a year or two. .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member
Hi Pierre,

I had asked eBay if they would grandfather the listings in NOT because of the fees, but because of the TIME. I'm loosing over $3,000 in sales this month plus the fees and my time to fix all of my listings.

Once it is done...it's done, unless more changes come through.

The eBay reps said that my listings would be shut down immediately for having my e-mail address in them. I reminded the rep that eBay was the one who years ago suggested that we put our e-mail addresses in there. So, I did! It's never been a problem for me. My customers are quite respectful. Mind you, I realize that eBay is trying to cut down on *out-of-eBay* e-mailing so that sales are controlled.

Honest sellers will respect eBay rules, dishonest ones will find away around the rules no matter what!

During the earlier part of this year, I shut down and restarted about 400 listings due to the price change rule. However, I still see thousands of scrapbooking listings...in stores...not auctions...that are still 99 cents and below and nothing has happened to them.

So, maybe they are overlooking and grandfathering in those who have store listings. Not sure.

Hmmm...so what would I prefer to do...cut grass, pull weeds or change all of my listings? I guess...listings win out!

This to shall pass!

Message 14 of 15
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Miriam Returns Policies Editing features required for bulk editing

Community Member

I have had to go in and manually change all my listings as I am relisting items.

I am slowly changing them as they roll off of the site.

The editing tool is a real waste of time and ebay does nothing to compensate sellers for the changes they require to be completed.

Kept running into the same problem where they wanted more money to make the changes they now require.

It is the same with some of my other listings as I have a $37.00 usd charge in two of there listings days that I had to go and change auctions.

The site was posting everything as new as default on the fixed priced listing day May 19, 2008.

Then again in a second listing June 22, 2006 listing day the default was showing everything as a xpress post shipping pricing when doing a search by product in my category.

Had to change this as well as buyers saw the xpress post price first of $20.50 and thought I was nuts charging that price and went to other sellers to buy product.

Had to go in again and manually remove the xpress post option from many items with the US shipping price option, again costing me more money for ther edit.

Sent the over charges with the auction numbers into my power seller rep and nothing.

I love eating the costs for ebays changes the platform resulting in reprogramming issues on the site.

Miriam can you help out with this one ???

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