Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Community Member
Just when you thought it was bad enough. I've heard through some sources & will give more details later, but this will probably be our last few months on eBay. After 7yrs theres no more point.

They estimate it to be removed somewhere in the middle of the year


My mommy says i'm cool

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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Community Member
Seriously? I can't for the life of me understand any of these new changes -- sellers continue to get the short end of the stick, with no end in sight. Maybe next they'll delete our "blocked bidders" lists :_|

I've been a proud eBay member since '02. Never can I recall it ever getting as bad as it is today. As sellers continue to take stands and leave, fee's will likely continue to rise to make up for the loss, and with the Canadian dollar being as strong as it is (and Canada Post rates absurdly high when compared to USPS), how are we supposed to survive on here as sellers? With an uncertain future for us ahead, the only thing certain seems to be that somebody has taken for granted that we'll always be around....
Message 2 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

It is this AMERICAN BUSINESS mentalilty that all large corporations in the US have - they think they are GODS and they control the world - correction, USA is the WORLD and nobody else matters.

The whole shipping fiasco is something that eBaY cannot really do anything about and therefore they are passing the buck onto the SELLERS to make changes and become better eBaY citizens so that buyers will keep coming back to spend money. One problem, eBaY is a global company but their policies are all based on one market - the USA...and what they fail to realize is that a certain percentage of their revenue is generated outside of the USA and if they ever want to see this revenue stream increase they will have to make regionalized decision based on what is right for each market.

The core of the problem lies with how eBaY is setup. The brain is located in California and their global offices are merely support centers (if you want to call them that) that have no real power nor say into anything that has to do with their own marketplace. The BRAIN in California doles out decisions based on one factor alone - $$$$ - and does not give a crap about its EFFECTS outside of the USA.

You want PROOF - well it would be easy to show you proof as all that is required is for the PESA GROUP MEMBERS to BOYCOTT EBAY for a week - given that they generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales for eBaY each and everyday - they alone would be able to make a DENT in their revenue stream to get the ATTENTION of the BRAIN in California.

Why do you think that TITANIUM SELLERS have never been punished by eBAY??? HOW many of them have ever even been sanctioned - limited/restricted -- answer = ZERO!!!!

So, if any of my fellow Canadian Sellers think they have a chance to effect changes at eBAY and get them to realize that we CANNOT COMPETE with USPS shipping rates and delivery times and therefore our DSR's will never get to where eBaY wants them to be - well then, please contact me because I have some very nice lakeside swamp land in Florida that I would like to sell you at a great price.

The employees at eBaY Canada are merely smoke and mirrors - puppets on a string -- powerless bureaucrats, glorified secretaries -- whatever you want to call them. I am sure some of them have their hearts in the right places but I am sure most of not all realize that they cannot really help us make any significant changes.

Oh, to end on a pleasant note, today we just got another buyer refuse to pay for the item because they felt our shipping cost was excessive...funny since the ad listing uses eBaY's own SHIPPING CALCULATOR for CanadaPOST and we DO NOT add any extra costs to USA shipment so the rate they got was from CanadaPOST directly with no handling charges whatsoever added on.

But this buyer not knowing this thinks that it is our rates and not ACTUAL RATES FROM CANADAPOST.

Hey ebaY how about that -- what do you think we should do with buyers like this? How do you suggest we handle this situation? Any suggestions would be great and truly welcomed but not really expecting any response from you at all.

Message 3 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Why do you think that TITANIUM SELLERS have never been punished by eBAY??? HOW many of them have ever even been sanctioned - limited/restricted -- answer = ZERO!!!!

Where do you get this info?

Oh, to end on a pleasant note, today we just got another buyer refuse to pay for the item because they felt our shipping cost was excessive...funny since the ad listing uses eBaY's own SHIPPING CALCULATOR for CanadaPOST and we DO NOT add any extra costs to USA shipment so the rate they got was from CanadaPOST directly with no handling charges whatsoever added on.

Why do you insist on using the MOST expensive service available from Canada Post, no buyer is going to be happy when you force them to pay for Xpresspost for a $35 widget .

Your listings are confusing, you indicate shipping to the USA is via CP Expedited-USA yet the only shipping rate you quote is for Xpresspost?

By the way, a number or your links are broken.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 4 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed


I went to one of this seller's auctions -- it came up as "Canada Post Expedited Parcel - USA" for $17.42 for when selected USA and entered a zip code.

It was for a circuit board (first one in his feedback list).

I didn't see 'xpresspost'.

Message 5 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Community Member
E-bay ruled by maniacs. What a freak show.
Message 6 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

RECPED we are experimenting with a few listings that have XPRESSPOST rather than Expedited Parcel because our clients have been complaining about DELIVERY TIME - most our sales are to the WEST COAST region.

Xpresspost costs more but delivery is what Expedited should be at and what we sellers need from CanadaPOST to compete with USPS which I know will never happen.

90% of our listings still have Expedited as the main shipping service level being offered.

Also, why would I go through the costs of updating my template for a few ads that have XPRESSPOST rather than EXPEDITED.

Oh ya What broken links are you referring to? no problem on our end.

Message 7 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Oh ya What broken links are you referring to? no problem on our end.

Example #180215529606, your buttons to the left of the main image are not working for me (Firefox). By the way the image for this listing, very nice quality but it's really huge (3mb), the page loads very slowly even on dsl.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 8 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Recped - I look at the the ad listing and yes the image is quite large - most likely the poster forgot to resize the image down to 800x600.

As for the buttons to the left not showing up for you. That has to do with FIREFOX browser that you are using we get that alot of times - seems like FIREFOX not always is able to display jpg's for some reason.
Message 9 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Community Member
Firefox can always display jpgs. It's your coding that is the problem. It looks like your designer used a wysiwyg program that caters to IE and ignored the fact that a huge percentage of your customers are now on other browsers.


Message 10 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Community Member
The buttons to the left didn't work for me either. I use IE. Susan - momoftwingles2
Message 11 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Well no one else is complaining and no the programmer did not exclude Firefox as I know it is a popular program used by IE haters.
Message 12 of 13
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Mutual Feedback Withdrawal option to be removed

Anyhow, I will have our programmer review the code to see if he missed something - thanks for the feedback even from you Monique.
Message 13 of 13
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