Slight digression, but with the surfeit of single issue boards around here, I didn't want to create another one simply to address this specific feedback problem.
Recently, I got neg'd over an item sent stateside that took a little longer than expected. Canada Post quotes 10 to 14 days for International small package and it was just over that...likely because it was in transit smack in the middle of the recent round of terrorist alerts and got waylaid by over-zealous border security.
Anyhoo...I think this guy was just p-ohhh'd at all the negs he'd been receiving from his own buyers last month (up to 10% of his feedback--yowzah!) so he reacted to this unavoidable delay by spreading his bad news around, nailing me with a neg too. Not really warranted, and I told him so--but by then (right around the 3 week mark), the item had finally arrived, so he at least had the decency to follow-up my response by saying so.
However, since posting the original neg, Mr. Impatience managed to get himself NARU'd for some other reason, so I immediately thought "Here's my proof to eBay that this guy is a loose cannon and just making NARUing him they've already conceded as much, and will remove his unwarranted neg left for me without hesitation."
Uh-uh. They said that this situation didn't fall under the feedback removal guidelines (but little else, like maybe "why?"). But I thought if someone is NARU'd then that was good enough to reason alone to remove their feedback. If they are no longer welcome on eBay, then why is their feedback?
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I still don't understand why eBay would let such a neg stand.