Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Community Member

Do anybody feel that the negative feeback feature should put back in place for non paying bidders?

Message 1 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

If you have opened an unpaid item case and followed through, they should not be able to leave feedback.

Message 21 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

well how about this one i sold a camera and the buyer did not pay so i waited the time and put in a unpaid claim and the next day i get a negative from him,but get this he put in the feedback how great the camera was and how fast the shipping was ,go figure ,also here is another one i sold a item to someone in the u.s after 2 to 3 weeks he emails me says he never got item ,i said you should have gotten by now and i will check with canadapost as to were it is ,but in the mean time i would refund you was not alot 36.00 so i refund him in full,so what do i get for this ,you guessed right a negative,so now i out the money ,the item ,but wait i have a negative for trying to be nice ,ebay should get rid of the whole feedback forum and come up with something a little better for both buyer and seller,cause this is stupid as far as i am concerned.

Message 22 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

",so now i out the money ,the item..."


Did you file a claim with Canada Post to recover the value of the item?

Message 23 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

i am about to but this can take up to 90 days to get.

Message 24 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

It can, or it can be sooner. Phone for the refund. The clerks sometimes can expedite your claim. (There is a date before which they cannot consider the claim, but once opened it can be resolved quickly.)

Better money in 90 days than no money in 90 days.

Message 25 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Community Member

I am having a huge issue with non paying bidder lately. I am about 1 in 4 are not paying... this is becoming a huge issue. What shoud I do??

Message 26 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

All you can do is "Resolve a problem" an unpaid item dispute.


At least you will get your FVF's back and the buyer will get a strike.


I just checked my "Buyers requirement activity log" ...five pages long...half are now blocked for too many strikes.


So at least the "bad buyers" are being blocked and perhaps feeling  a little remorse when they can not keep purchasing items.



Message 27 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Buy now auction style with immediate payment... Like pierre said block buyers with unpaid strikes...other then that file unpaid relist and move on.. It is not a big deal only takes about 2min to file case. Send buyer message and relist....
Message 28 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Try the bright side. You can be rid of a non-paying bidder in 8 days (4 to lay dispute, 4 to close). You get your selling fees back (but not your listing fees.)

The non-payer gets a Strike and you can set your Seller Preferences to Block buyers like this.

You still have your item in the same condition you offered it.

You DON'T have to eat the cost of shipping for a bad payer who complains and wins. You DON'T get negative feedback from an unhappy payer, as you might from other Disputes. You DON'T have trashed Ratings from a vindictive buyer (who may also be a seller like one of your neutrals). You don't have an item that is not saleable because an unhinged buyer damaged it , or packed it poorly or switched it for another.

Given your chosen category, many buyers may not be reading carefully. All the more so since many will be buying from mobile devices where they can't see your whole listing. Have you considered raising your prices so that they are higher than your domestic shipping cost? Low asking prices with high shipping (even valid  shipping) are known to make buyers unhappy.  Just a suggestion.

Message 29 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Well I think a seller should have the right to neg a non payer.

It is completly nuts how a payer can take weeks to pay and only pays after a case has been opened, then can for any reason leave a neg for the seller.


Ebay needs to improve this whole process, like after 3 invoices sent, finally a case opened and I need to wait 4 days to see if the buyer pays, and then if they do pay I need to cross my fingers and toes and hope they don't leave me a neg. Once I open a case I am no longer interested in selling my item to this person.

We should automatically be given the choice to end the transaction with the buyer being given no choice to pay.


I opened my first case today, I find it totally in favor of the buyer and they are the ones that are not living up to thier agreement. It is total nonsense in my eyes, if they don't want us leaving negs then allow us to make the choice of no further contact once a non paying bidder case has been opened, cancel the transaction and let us move on without fear of repercussions afterwards.


What exactly is wrong with a seller leaving a non paying bidder a neg if that is what the case is? It allows others to see this member has had cases upheld against them for non payment.


The only thing ebay would need to do is allow negs only to be left for non payers. Simple to do, once case is opened, the ability to leave a neg appears.




Message 30 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

They should be sent to collections 🙂

Message 31 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Well I think a seller should have the right to neg a non payer.

It is completly nuts how a payer can take weeks to pay and only pays after a case has been opened, then can for any reason leave a neg for the seller.


Ebay needs to improve this whole process, like after 3 invoices sent, finally a case opened and I need to wait 4 days to see if the buyer pays, and then if they do pay I need to cross my fingers and toes and hope they don't leave me a neg. Once I open a case I am no longer interested in selling my item to this person.

We should automatically be given the choice to end the transaction with the buyer being given no choice to pay.


I opened my first case today, I find it totally in favor of the buyer and they are the ones that are not living up to thier agreement. It is total nonsense in my eyes, if they don't want us leaving negs then allow us to make the choice of no further contact once a non paying bidder case has been opened, cancel the transaction and let us move on without fear of repercussions afterwards.


What exactly is wrong with a seller leaving a non paying bidder a neg if that is what the case is? It allows others to see this member has had cases upheld against them for non payment.


The only thing ebay would need to do is allow negs only to be left for non payers. Simple to do, once case is opened, the ability to leave a neg appears.

Given the fact that most listing on eBay are now buy it now listings,negative feedback on the buyers feedback wouldn't do much good.The buyer has already clicked on buy it now before you ever know who he is.
Also,eBay will never allow an unpaid item dispute process which would allow you to close the dispute as soon as it is opened,without giving the buyer a chance to respond.




Message 32 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders


EBay usually invoices your buyer, if you have given the shipping and handling.

If you have waited "long enough" (for me that is Day 3) send one more invoice.

No reponse? UID on Day 4.

Advantage, less work for you. The bidder is not being nagged.

In my experience, half of my UIDs end with an apology, payment and positive feedback (on both sides) . The others disappear with their Strikes.

If you need more protection, put in Blocks against bidders with Strikes and those without active Paypal accounts. If that is not enough, drop auctions entirely and go to Fixed Price listings with Immediate Payment Required.

I believe the answer is to keep it professional. Nothing has been stolen from you (maybe a quarter or so for your listing fee). It's not a fight.

Message 33 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

The guy who invented EBay had it right...


The CEO's of the company have created this mess now....


Message 34 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Community Member

Us sellers cannot leave negative feedback for non paying bidders.  I just looked at the status of a non paying buyer and her status is still 100% perfect even after she never once replied to a non paying action and eBay returned my final value fee.  How come this non payment does not reflect in their percentage.

Message 35 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

An unpaid item strike doesn't show on the buyers feedback..only ebay knows how many strikes they have.

Message 36 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

If Strikes showed, they might encourage buyers to act more responsibly. I doubt this would have much use for Sellers, except emotionally.

The Block on bidders with UID Strikes, is automatic and requires no oversight by the seller, especially important, as noted above, for sellers who use Fixed Price listings. It also Blocks last second snipers.

I notice that eBay now blocks buyer feedback for 7 days after payment. This is a blessing for sellers whose customer demographic is impatient as well as for sellers with "stalkers". Too bad the deadline is not longer when the sale is international. US customers are used to receiving their parcels within minutes of paying apparently.

Message 37 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

An unpaid item strike doesn't show on the buyers feedback..only ebay knows how many strikes they have.



The number of unpaid item strikes against buyers should be visible.



The number of times a seller has  not shipped to a winning bidder should also be visible.


This would even the playing field for both buyers and sellers.


Message 38 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

An unpaid item strike doesn't show on the buyers feedback..only ebay knows how many strikes they have.

Too many unpaid item strikes will get a non paying buyer suspended.This suspension can be temporary or permanent.Ebay does not reveal how many strikes are too many.
Message 39 of 85
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Negative feedback for non paying bidders

Abosutely, I had someone buy over 90 itmes from me 2 weeks ago and paid for none. You get your payment back for the selling fees but not for the listing fees. That's a lot of money lost, as well as time to relist them all, and the buyer gets off scott free. and I thing EVERY seller would agree,

Message 40 of 85
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