New eBay Stores Experience, Jan 13/2009

Community Member
I was just on the site and saw this announcement.

***New eBay Stores Experience***

Does anyone know if will get this?
And if we do, when?

I was able to do the preview, but when I did try it, it doesn't allow me. Also I don't see that update or couldn't find anything in help about this.

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New eBay Stores Experience, Jan 13/2009

Hmm I too have odd stuff happening with DSRs. I have not changed my practices at all, despite significant sometimes confusing changes in my ratings. My communication is also for some reason now low, lowest ever (still 4.8). Traditionally it was one of my best. I contact all buyers and advise when the item is being shipped, I've done this for a long time, no changes, and my traditional 4.9s or 5.0s in this category are in the 4.8s now. I've been on eBay for a "long" time and at least in my category, I know that there seem to be "grumpy cycles" during the year where complaints for stuff I've sold for years jump for no apparent reason. It appears that the "grumpy cycles" may also apply to DSRs. We're also in the weeks during which people are getting their Xmas credit card bills! I've been at a loss as to why one month, I'm just barely getting 5% and the next I'm at 20% with no changes in any of my practices! Just when I start to think that I should maybe change my practices or adopt some of the very good suggestions I've seen here, all of the sudden my DSR in the problem category improves! I suppose if I was clairvoyant enough to figure this out, I'd be better off using those skills for picking 6-49 numbers!

Hopefully the sales and mood will improve in the next week or two!
Have a great weekend!
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New eBay Stores Experience, Jan 13/2009

Community Member
Hiya Lore

My DSR's dropped drastically last week. A week ago my DSR's were so high I would have received the 20% discount for the 3rd month. The next day or 2 they dropped drastically and went to 4.82, 4.82, 4.53 & 4.82. I was kinda stunned by them. Today they are 4.88, 4.94, 4.61 & 4.89. Unfortunately my review for the discount is between Jan 23-27.

At least I am not alone in this mystery and I can only assume because it was the holidays people weren't paying attention to what they were rating. Nothing I can do about it. So far my shipping time DSR has risen to 4.6 and I will get the 5%. I am a bit disappointed as I had several sales with the fixed price and free shipping that I would get double FVF.

But I can do nothing about it and won't stress about it. I am happy to say I will get my Silver PS back this month so that is good.

I've had a lot of sales this month, much more than I ever imagined. Sold another $200.00 yesterday and have auctions ending tonight that look good.

Lore you really do give amazing service and I can't see that you need to do more. Try not to focus on the DSR's, they are what they are and you're obviously doing the best you can.

Is any one having problems with shipping fee DSR's? Mine went down some in December until I realized because of the exchange I might be charging too much. Most Canadian sellers are still charging the same shipping in US funds on their listings as they were before the dive to the Canadian dollar. But because of the exchange we're collecting at least 20% more than before.

As an example, I was charging for expedited flat rate to $10.00US for regional Canada and $13.00US for National and $18.00US for the US. Which means I was collecting around $12.00CND for regional and $15.60CND for National & $21.60CND for US.

I now charge $8.00US for regional and $10.00US for National and $15.00US for US. They prices are much more in line with what US buyers pay for Flat Rate and in many cases cheaper than what they pay in the US for flat rate. My shipping DSR jumped to 4.92.

Just something to think about. I didn't realize this until I made a purchase with a Canadian seller that I felt the shipping was being a bit unreasonable when I asked for a quote. I emailed back and asked because they were quoting shipping in US funds could she make an adjustment to a closer Canadian shipping fee. She emailed me back and did lower it and said she didn't even think about the exchange rate and was going to alter her fees.

It then dawned on me I need to alter mine as well. For the items I sell my buyers are loathe for the most part to pay a penny more than the actually shipping and more and more expect less or the free shipping. Also because I use PayPal for most of my shipping the buyers can see on their PayPal transaction how much I actually paid for shipping.

I hope your DSR's go up for you but bottom line is, it's not worth jumping through hoops and adding stress to your life so you can earn more of a discount. Break it down, if you think it might be $50.00 you're not going to earn, at $1.50 a day is it worth the stress. Relax and enjoy yourself and remember it's a bonus not something to count on.

Have a Great Week Everyone
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New eBay Stores Experience, Jan 13/2009

I never thought of the shipping charge as regional and national, I would calculate the shipping per sale depending on where it was going because it varies so much from Manitoba West, but maybe that would be a better idea.

I think I will try that, thanks Loré

PS: I have always charged $11.50 for National
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