03-07-2013 10:07 AM
I am a U.S. seller, and I have set up many of my listings to have a shipping charge to Canada on the first item and free shipping on each additional item. You can view any of my DVD listings for an example.
My fixed price listings are also set up to require immediate payment for BIN, and I put in the description to use the 'Add to cart' button to received the combined shipping discount. Well, I just viewed my listings on ebay.ca for the first time and noticed there is no 'Add to cart' button! I'm not sure it's just my browser (I use Firefox) or if this is how the Canadian site is set up. Anyone know?
03-07-2013 10:09 AM
The eBay shopping cart is not available on eBay.ca
03-07-2013 10:12 AM
The eBay shopping cart is not available on eBay.ca
So, Does that mean that I can't require immediate payment if I want to offer combined shipping?
03-07-2013 10:30 AM
For fixed price listings you can ask for immediate payment if you wish (I never ever did and never recommended that option).
The item remains available to others until the buyer has paid.
By the way, how is the eBay shopping cart working out for you? Does it add to your sales or take away as many sellers suspect (buyers buying but not completing checkout)?
03-07-2013 10:48 AM
By the way, how is the eBay shopping cart working out for you? Does it add to your sales or take away as many sellers suspect (buyers buying but not completing checkout)?
I'm not sure if there is a way to figure out if buyers are hitting "Buy It Now" and not completing checkout. If there is, let me know. I do know that I have sold plenty of items with immediate payment though.
I started requiring immediate payment after having a couple of buyers "Buy It Now" and then not pay. I find it kind of ridiculous that a buyer can hit the button (therefore ending my listing) and not pay. I then have to wait 8 days for a payment that never comes before I can relist. Meanwhile, who knows how many other buyers would have bought the item during those 8 days if the item had been available?
03-07-2013 10:54 AM
"Why not?"
I generally offer hundreds of postage stamp listings available at the same time. Stamp collectors generally buy more than one item at the time (that is why they are colled "collectors"!).
Asking for immediate payment discourage buyers to look for more from the same seller.
As far as the "shopping cart" is concerned, take a look at Google and you will find that the biggest problem with them is "abandonment": folks clicking to buy but changing their mind in the meantime and never checking out.