Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

on council.

Is this not a violation of the conflict of interest rules?



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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

London council is about as corrupt as they can get.

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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

It never used to be that way. At least not in appearance.

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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

I wonder if someone beat him within an inch of his life with a stupid stick every time I see him in the news.

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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

What about Henderson who spent 7-8 thousand of taxpayer dollars on video equipment so that he could make YouTube videos that no one watches.........and what's worse........he said if he gets booted out next election.........he's keeping the equipment for himself.

Then there is the other councillor (I forget her name) who wanted an advertisement off the London buses and to express her distaste for the ad she used the 'n' word.

Yeah you have quite a crew in city hall.

Thankfully I do not live in London but the next election should be a total clearing of all councillors and a mayor.

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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

We have our share of bird brains, but I get the impression that every community has their share of wingnuts, so it can't be something in our water that causes this.

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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

I think you have more than your share in London! Being as I do a fair amount of business in London and many suppliers are in London, I've talked to a fair number of people on the phone and I have yet to speak to one person (including two people who work at city hall) who say an election can't come soon enough.


How was the figure skating event for you? Meet lots of interesting people, or was it dead as some retailers have complained about? Johathon seems to have done well from what I read.

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Re: Orser wants to fire the ombudsman that is investigating him and his cronies

I had a few sales from it and helped out one of the coaches looking for a model railroad shop.

I was happy to see them clean up the downtown during the event and would to see them do that year round.

Imo the businesses that didn't benefit directly should see an indirect benefit from people who did by seeing them in their stores to shop with extra cash that they made.


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