Stop blowing smoke. Many of the people on this board have been around on eBay long enough to have a pretty good idea as to which payment tools work and which ones present a greater risk. Many of us accept Paypal and accept that their is a certain element of risk. To suggest that the risk does not exists with money orders and bank cheques if either foolish or ignorant.
In recent months there have been more and more threads regarding forged USPS and Canada Post money orders. These money orders and cheques can easily make it past an initial screening and may takes week to come back on you. Are you suggesting that everyone hold off shipping goods for a month? Wouldn't eBay become a great shopping venue if that were the case? If anyone thinks there is a shortage of buyers now just try posting in your listings that you no longer accept Paypal and that all shipments will be held for a month before being posted.
If anyone needs to think before they write it is you. As a novice you should be reading more and spouting off less.