PAYPAL reversal

Hello Everyone
I would appreciate it if anyone might be able to clarify this one for me.I have some thoughts but ...
Sold 3 golf shirts to a fellow in California on Nov 30th. He paid thro Paypal.Items were shipped Dec 1st by CP expedited.They are almost there according to the tracking number.He has a 52 rating 100%
Rec'd a Paypal notice yesterday "During a recent review of our system we detrermined that you received funds from an account that reportedly has been associated with poossible unauthorized use.They then reversed the transaction.He has purchased items after my transaction.
His address was unconfirmed which is why Im not protected.Maybe it's just me but what could be the unauthorized use if he is getting the shirts anyday now and is still on ebay?
Message 1 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Two possible reasons...

1 - Hijacked account

2 - scamming buyer

For what was probably a total under $75 the second seems unlikely.
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 2 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal
Community Member
Hi golfing_in_style,

I'm really sorry this has happened. The whole idea with the confirmed address is that it is the same address where the CC's billing statements go to which make it an excellent reference. Those wishing to claim fraudulent use have a hard time doing so when the merchant can prove delivery to that address.

I can understand what you are implying though in that the buyer is having the goods sent to another address and claiming unauthorized use. Please be assured that both PayPal and financial institutions work diligently in identifying individuals attempting to exploit their consumer rights. There are reviews that these claims go under to determine their validity.

Message 3 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
why is the seller not protected after something like this happens?? its not like its the seller's fault-shouldn't paypal/ebay absorb the loss since its their system??
Message 4 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

You'd think so, wouldn't you. It would be different if the seller had some means of verifying that the card is good (as with a merchant card service).
Message 5 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal
Community Member
Hi All,

PayPal facilitates the transfer that you the merchant choose to enter into. PayPal puts the Seller Protection Policy in place to show sellers simple steps that make fraud claims very rare. This is offered along with complementary risk modeling and fraud screening of transactions.

Regarding coverage PayPal in turn says, whatever fraudulent transactions you receive while following the SPP will be applied the SPP Policy (essentially absorbing the loss as you put it).

If PayPal were to take the loss on all fraudulent credit card transactions what do you think that would do to the overall environment of the system? Fraud would be more prevalent because users would not exercise as much care in transacting. This is not good for the community or PayPal.

PayPal is constantly striving to make a safer environment for the community. While reversals for fraud or dispute are a very small percentage of transactions in the system, we continue to look for ways to further reduce these scenarios.

I understand how frustrating a reversed transaction can be. However as a merchant you have to weigh your risks and set up a consistent course of action that you feel maximizes profit. For some merchants this means accounting for a certain percentage of reversals and not always following SPP. For others it means strictly adhering to the SPP to ensure against reversals.

I don't mean to sound cold or unsympathetic but in the same token I want to clearly address the question as well. I hope no one takes this the wrong way.


Message 6 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
This happened to me a few months back.
Ended up being a hijacked account. I took it as a loss and tried to move on. But it is very frustrating for the honest hardworking seller to lose a chunk of money like that. 😞 Sorry it happened to you.
Message 7 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal


Does Paypal make any attempt to verify that a card is in good standing before accepting the transaction? When I process a sale through my merchant card account, the card is verified either electronically or by telephone.

This is the very least we should expect for the processing fees we pay.

Zarzuella Books
Message 8 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal
Community Member
Hi zarzuella,

Yes there is fraud and risk modeling applied to funding sources when they are added to an account and before transactions.

Message 9 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
Ended up being a hijacked account. I took it as a loss and tried to move on.
If you use money orders and cheques as a payment it will never happen with you. But all credit cards have problems with fraud. It is why they charge high interest. Now my point: why it is became you problem but not paypal. They charge you 2.5%.
Message 10 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
It's the seller's problem because that's in the PayPal agreement that they agreed to when they opened their account.

You've never heard of forged/fake money orders or cheques? They're around too. Nothing is guaranteed. People can make all kinds of fake things.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 11 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal


Why does PAYPAL even allow an UNCONFIRMED account to be used for buying - PAYPAL should FORCE all accounts to be VERIFIED.

since 80% of the PAYPAL accounts are held in the USA there should be no problem to force the account holders to confirm there address.

This would cut down dramatically the lose currently being absurbed by Sellers who are scammed out of their items and there money.
Message 12 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
You've never heard of forged/fake money orders or cheques? They're around too. Nothing is guaranteed
I don't care because bank check money orders, before they put in you account. I bet you, you didn't know that!!!
Message 13 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
So it is 110% warranty!!! Try!!
Message 14 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
You've never heard of forged/fake money orders or cheques? They're around too. Nothing is guaranteed
I don't understand why people write on the board before they think. Who cares about fake money orders when you put it in the bank. Then if it is fake don't send your item!!! Is it so simple!!! I believe you don't have to finish for that two times university!!!
Message 15 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

I don't care because bank check money orders, before they put in you account. I bet you, you didn't know that!!!

Message 16 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
Then if it is fake don't send your item!!! Is it so simple!!! I believe you don't have to finish for that two times university!!!

bestshowtime-when we wait the standard ten business days to send out our item, we usually don't get notification of the money order/check/ etc...being fraud for quite some time later-banks legally have months before they can notify of a fraudulent then, our item is long gone, and rightfully, we have to send out item after ten days, we have no right to hang on to it in the hopes of catching a fraudulent item.
Message 17 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
I don't care because bank check money orders, before they put in you account. I bet you, you didn't know that!!!

bestshowtime--do you work in a bank? i do...
and banks DO NOT check every single money order/check/draft etc...every single time..that would be you know how long it would take for them to check every single item...there's just no time...unless something is of unusual interest, or a very large amount etc...they just deposit away!!
oh...and ps...have two university degrees!!;-)
Message 18 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member

Stop blowing smoke. Many of the people on this board have been around on eBay long enough to have a pretty good idea as to which payment tools work and which ones present a greater risk. Many of us accept Paypal and accept that their is a certain element of risk. To suggest that the risk does not exists with money orders and bank cheques if either foolish or ignorant.

In recent months there have been more and more threads regarding forged USPS and Canada Post money orders. These money orders and cheques can easily make it past an initial screening and may takes week to come back on you. Are you suggesting that everyone hold off shipping goods for a month? Wouldn't eBay become a great shopping venue if that were the case? If anyone thinks there is a shortage of buyers now just try posting in your listings that you no longer accept Paypal and that all shipments will be held for a month before being posted.

If anyone needs to think before they write it is you. As a novice you should be reading more and spouting off less. Bill


Message 19 of 60
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PAYPAL reversal

Community Member
Well said, treasure-pot.
I glad to see that I'm not the only one that feels the same way about this fellow seller who's constantly shooting down others opinions. bestshowtime in not so many words called me an idiot too in a thread where he didn't agree with an opinion that I gave. Constructive criticism is one thing but to imply that someone is stupid is unacceptable.
bestshowtime, here's a new years resolution that you should look into; Try to be a little more opened to others' experience and advise. Just my opinion, do with it what you want.
Message 20 of 60
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