Paying seller fees

The link you have used to enter the PayPal system contains an incorrectly formatted item amount.

The above is what shows when trying to pay seller fees (using "one time payment")

But, as they tell me, they are working on fixing the problem:^O

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Paying seller fees

Community Member
I had the same problem with the .com site, but when I went to the .ca page the link worked. I always pay one time payments with the cc, I get airmiles ebay can deal with paying fee's to mastercard. Its my personal little boycott with paypal. Not going to save them any money.

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Paying seller fees

The problem exists on .ca and .com but I was advised to keep trying and, eventually, it will work - it's an intermittent problem

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Paying seller fees

I always pay one time payments with the cc, I get airmiles ebay can deal with paying fee's to mastercard. Its my personal little boycott with paypal. Not going to save them any money.

Ha ha. Me too. Screw 'em. If they want to charge me such high fees to use their site to sell my product, I'm not going to go out of my way to save them money. ]:)

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