Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Since Canada Post is ending their Electronic Shipping Tool discount program for Canadian powersellers, im assuming we switch to Paypal electronic shipping but my question is:
Are we still able to order the labelopes and stickers such as the fragile stickers via Canada Post?
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Don't use the PayPal shipping. Use the OBC from Canada Post's website. Apparently if you make an error or have to cancel the shipment it takes 30+ days to get a refund. IF you ever get one. Many on CTS have reported not getting their refunds long past 30 days and in fact had forgotten all about it.

There are also problems with the PP shipping sending numbers in a general tracking number box that is NOT a tracking number. Think Small Packet. There is no tracking number for that but the buyer gets an email saying tracking number and it leads to nothing. They're not happy and think you're full of stuffing!

Some have also reported that the PP shipping shows buyers actual cost of shipping in the email they send out. Some buyers don't get that it costs money to package things and aren't happy about that either. Now they've got what they think is a bogus tracking number and they're being "ripped off" in shipping costs.

Totally your call though. As far as the stickers and supplies go, you can order them online if you have a Venture One card or a commercial account.

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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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thanks Jakeeangel! With what you are saying i wont go the Paypal route - that's terrible how they mislead the buyer with a phoney tracking number and i too, prefer the shipping amount not to show. What is the OBC from CP website? Do i need to sign up for an account for this? I started using the Electronic Shipping tools via the contract with CP and ebay Powerseller program and quite like it (except the costs) but i know their ending the program come September so i am looking for alternate solutions on what shipping tools i can use. Can you explain to me the OBC? thanks:8}
Message 3 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Hi again business center -yes this is what i am currently using with electronic shipping tools, i thought this was going to be discountinued with the powerseller program? so i thought i would no longer be able to go in and use this feature? so now im confused? i signed on with the ebay powerseller contract and have read that this is ending so i assumed i would loose my business number they gave me with the ebay agreement? is this all correct? before i used venture 1...?:|
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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It's not really a phoney number, it's just not a tracking/delivery confirmation number. It's one of those things that CP uses if you have to make an insurance claim. The problem is that they put that number in the box on the form with the heading Tracking Number. Buyer sees it, gets nothing and gets pissed.

I never used the PS eBay agreement so I don't know about that. OBC is from Canada Post and that is not being discontinued, only the PS discount is going to be from my understanding. I don't know if your business number is going to be gone but I too would presume so. Call CP and ask them to be certain. If so, then just get a Venture One card or use the one you had earlier if it's still valid and sign on to the OBC with it and you're off and running. :)

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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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thanks for such great info and getting back to me so quickly!have a great day my friend.;-)
Message 6 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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You're very welcome. You too! :)

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Message 7 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question


I just signed up with CP for a Level 1 shipping discount; I believe that is the same discount as the PS contract. It is better that just using your Venture1 account on OBC. I have a one-year contract and need to ship 750 packages per annum. They will monitor use and if my volume qualifies, will bump me to level 2.

If you are shipping more than 750 expedited parcels per year, you should call CP and ask to speak to a rep. Ann

Message 8 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Hi Ann, i wish i was selling that many but im not at that level...i do recall when i spoke to a CP rep, they were telling me that the first level discount was tier 1 and that 750 packages needed to be shipped otherwise i was stuck with Venture 1 until CP and the Powerseller program was offered so i qualified there.
Thanks for the input!:-)
Message 9 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question
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Thank you for your shipping questions. I manage shipping at eBay Canada and am happy to discuss your shipping options in more detail if you are interested. Feel free to email me at Please note I will be away from the office until Tuesday Sep. 5 (as I like most people need a family vacation) so I will respond when I return.

In the interim, let me clarify a few things. To ship online, you can do it directly through Canada Post and their Electronic Shipping tool (EST), or you can use the PayPal shipping tool to print a Canada Post or UPS shipping label.

Canada Post recently informed the eBay community it is discontinuing the PowerSeller shipping discount (as of Sept. 30, 2006) that it was exclusively offering to Canadian PowerSellers. To have qualified for this discount, you had to have been using the Canada Post EST.

Some eBay sellers prefer to use the EST, and others prefer the PayPal shipping tool. Benefits of using PayPal's shipping tool include:
- the ability to purchase and print shipping labels directly from My eBay or your PayPal account;
- Up to 8% savings on shipments within Canada;
- Up to 9% savings on shipments to the US and international destinations (on all services except Small Packets); This is an additional 1% savings over that offered through Canada Post's EST.

I am happy to put any seller in touch with Canada Post so they can learn more about getting a volume-based contract. I did this for zarzuella and it looks like she did use the number I sent her to call Canada Post.

jakeeangel refers to the PayPal tool "sending numbers in a general tracking number box that is NOT a tracking number." When you print a Canada Post Small Packet shipping label using PayPal's tool, each shipment is assigned a reference number which is to be used for claims purposes only (because the Small Packets services do not offer tracking). Some sellers and buyers may mistake that for a tracking number, but Canada Post has clearly indicated this is only to be used for claims purposes, should you need to file one.

I will admit this tracking/reference number scenario is very confusing, and I have brought this up with PayPal and Canada Post as an issue that needs fixing. They recognize this problem and are looking at how to amend the PayPal tool on this front.

I hope this information helps. And please take me up on my offer to help guide you through the features and benefits of the various shipping tools, as well as any other questions you may have.

Have a great weekend.


Message 10 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question


Why only 8% or 9% discount when we powersellers together as a group clearly ship beyond CP's TIER 1 Discount levels require (ie: 750 units per year) a group we easily should be receiving 20% discount.

Something does not smell right can it be that eBAY Canada was only able to negotiate a 8% discount which is merely 3% beyond what CP was offering all their EST users.

A one-armed, speech impaired, russian speaking monkey could have negotiated a much better deal for us Powersellers.

Something does not sound right and I get the feeling both CP and eBay are hiding the real facts about the actual discount eBay is receiving -- I refuse to believe that eBay is gracisouly passing on all the discounts they are getting from CP for orders processed via the internal shipping tool.

I would like to suggest to all Canadian powerseller that we form our own group/union outside of eBay and negotiate our own rates with CP or some other shipper -- we have the monthly VOLUME to get a much greater discount and way better service too.

Vive La Revolution!!!
Message 11 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Even negotiators get paid for their work. Nobody said they were passing on the entire amount of the savings. Why should they either? They're in business just like you!

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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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8% discount which is merely 3% beyond what CP was offering all their EST users.:

The extra 3% beyond V1 has always been applied to Canada post EST as the "automation disocuont". The extra on paypal is 1% over that for international epxedited/express only. 1%!!! They save more then that on credit card processing when people pay with paypal balance funds (having shut out the debit card from being used)
Message 13 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

Jakeangel -- Yup they sure are in business but they make it sound like it is all CanadaPOST's doing and they have nothing to do with it.
Message 14 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

futuretech_liquidations: We *DID* have a PS discount that gave us Level 1 for Bronze/Silver, Level 2 for Gold, and Level 3 for the rest (I think).

But you see, the geniuses at eBay and Canada Post thought continuing this was a bad idea, and it was a better idea to make us pay MORE for shipping like all the other eBay sellers, removing our only real PS perk.

Good job guys! 🙂
Message 15 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Canada Post will provide free of charge - Labels, Air Mail, Fragile stickers both large and small, CN22's for foriegn Customs both small package & light weight. In fact a variety of supplies. There is also a shipping discount for small business (eBay sellers). Just visit your local Canada Post office and apply for it. With the cost of shipping you might as well get every benefit you can.
I have found no reference to the small business discount when using on-line processing for shipping. From either Canada Post or through PayPal(eBay). The charges appear to be exactly the same as stated in the T455161 Canada Post postal prices issued January 2006. I get a cheaper and faster deal by not using the PayPal shipping label process. It is suprising how much a seller can save.
Message 16 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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I have no problem shipping through paypal tool....It's much easier and cheaper than going to a CP outlet as they charge a desk help charge on top of the postage. Just ask they will tell you this as I did ask and that is what they told me.

I think it is discusting that we are going to lose the discount as power sellers.

Ebay has a lot of power and is not using same to the benefit of the ebay users.

If your an elephant you should push your weight around.

As power sellers we should see some perks for our hard work...yes other than making money because we make money for ebay and its subsiduary paypal.

Lets see more action from ebay.
Message 17 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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Anyone know how to get the OS (Over Size) stickers ?

The Post Office tells me I have to get them when the Item ships, from the local Post Office.

No putting an OS sticker with a CN-22 form & stamps on an 'Light Packet' Item & dropping it in the Post Box. They cannot even supply OS stickers to me from the Mail Order, or PO Branch.

I MUST go to the PO Branch when open, wait in line, & have them print out the OS sticker.

Anyone know different ?
Message 18 of 19
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Paypal Shipping Tool Question

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They added in at least 5 spots to the website/online postal guide that like packet must be processed and deposited at outlets. I'm pretending I've never heard of light packet as dealing with local outlets isn't an option.

GAil Ryan from CP said on their workshop here that light packet could be deposited in mail box (contradicitng the guide) if one had the sticker, and they would work on getting the stickers to outlets. Lilybean was going to get a response from CP on that, made mention of having one on that and some other things by the next day...and that was the end of that as has been the case other times too. Whatever "benfit" there is to the CP/ebay relationship its obivous the itention is for none of it to accrue to the sellers/shippers, not even the ability to get accurate information.
Message 19 of 19
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