Power seller and the Goverment ??

Community Member
Look what I got in my inbox today?

Suite à la récente décision de la Cour d'appel fédérale, il appert que Ebay va devoir remettre à Revenu Canada le nom de tous les powerseller. Nous nous permettons de vous contacter, afin de vous aviser que notre cabinet d'avocats, situé à Québec, prépare un regroupement de powerseller pour se défendre dontre l'impôt.

above is a copy and paste that was sent as a quetion to me on one of my listing's

it basically says ebay has to give the name of all power sellers to the goverment

What's going on here, I know 2004 & 2005 but now?

The email came from this ebayer from eBay Member: louis1258

did anyone else get this?
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Power seller and the Goverment ??

Community Member
Oh Miriam how wonderful!! I'm so happy for you. 😄
Message 21 of 24
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Power seller and the Goverment ??

Miriam, congrats on staying on. It's great to see you still popping by here. But I think we all completely understand that now that your role has been redefined that you may not be in the same situation to provide us help and client service in the future.

So is eBay T.O. being held together with Duct tape and bailing wire now? Do we even have a Country Manager anymore at eBay.ca? I think some of us might be interested to hear from the Canadian head-honcho to give s us a "state-of-the-venue". I know a certain someone on the CTS board that would bring cookies....

But from a personal and professional stand-point I'm sure that you are happy to still see those eBay pay-checks every 2 weeks (unlike myself and my eBay bill every month which I like to close my eyes, snap my fingers twice and hope goes to $0 one of these days)
Message 22 of 24
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Power seller and the Goverment ??

Community Member
Hey rockyeb220 ... I make a lousy spy with this big ole pink stripe. 😉

I've actually been lucky enough to join the Cross Border Trade team, working on content and marketing. So I will continue to be able to support Canadian sellers by finding ways to make it easier and safer for eBay users around the world to buy and sell from country to country.

One of my first areas of focus is improving the quality of information about duties and Customs on all eBay sites. I've been learning a LOT about that in the last few weeks. So while I probably can't change Canada's $20 personal import limit, I am working to educate more people about it.

Yes, canadaspatchking, having a regular pay check is a good thing. The job market is a scary thing right now, and those weeks when I thought I was going to be out of a job were anxiety provoking, to say the least! My heart goes out to anyone looking for work right now - it's a very difficult time both here and abroad.

OK ... back to my new job. I'll continue to check in - it's good to chat with all of you. 😄

Message 23 of 24
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Power seller and the Goverment ??

That's great to hear Miriam!

rockyeb220 - I actually import the paypal data to track my sales and for money orders, I opened a USD banking account well over a year ago so use the deposits to track my income on those.

I honestly have not used the EBay data. While it may show you what you've sold, it doesn't show what you've collected and to me you should be paying tax based on the actual amount of money you've received since we've all made sales that wound up never being paid by the bidder.
Message 24 of 24
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