Problem with Selling Manager

For some reason my Selling Manager has gone from regular size to teensy weensy almost unreadable size crowded onto the left half of the page. When I switch into the Basic Selling view it is fine and so is everything else in my store. This is happening on all of my id's. I cleared my cache and cookies and it is still small. It began last night and I attributed it to the Thursday night maintenance (which I learned about last week). But it is still there today.

Has anyone else had this problem or can you tell me how to correct it?


Message 1 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

I don't know if this will work.....Hover your mouse over the edge of the outline and if the cursor becomes an arrow, you can "pull the page out to make it bigger.
Message 2 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

Thanks pj. I tried it but it doesn't work in this case. I just finished a Live Chat with an eBay rep and she is sending me some instructions on updating Java and Firefox. Hopefully that will work. Reading that small print is hard on the

Another problem I have is seeing a big white space above listing descriptions when I click on a listings. It happens sometimes but not always. The rep couldn't see that or the small print so maybe both will be rectified with the upgrades.
Message 3 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

Are you using Firefox or MS-Explorer?

If Firefox, try MS-Explorer.
Message 4 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

Thanks Pierre. I use Firefox and have used it for a long time. I tried MS-Explorer which, at first, would not load for me, but I did get logged in and my SM is fine.

So I guess the problem is with Firefox. I know it has issues with some things. I don't begin to understand it all but I know it has to do with some sites not being compatible. My son-in-law told me that a site the size of eBay should be set up to have no issues with it. My SM was working just fine until last night when it suddenly changed to small print.

And I still do not have that promised email from eBay. Why am I not surprised?
Message 5 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

I finally received the email from customer support. I followed her instructions exactly and nothing has changed. I still get the small print when I open with Firefox which, as I said, I have used for a long time. It was working just fine until last night when I clicked on My eBay and the print became small.

I went back to the email to see if I could reply and, of course, there is no option to reply. She said she could not see it when she opened with Firefox. Even though I phoned, I was passed along to Live Chat. I have to wonder if she was actually looking at the right pages because she said she couldn't see the small print when she opened with Firefox to the listing number which I gave to her (as she requested I do). The problem isn't with the listings, but with SM.

I love computers when everything works properly. When it doesn't....well, I won't repeat what I was
Message 6 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

And people don't believe me when I tell them about the talk I have with my computer about a sledgehammer.

I have a similar problem - I removed some add-ons from Firefox and, in the process, removed the link to the printer.

Now I can print from IE, but not firefox.

I did something else to firefox and really messed it up, so I just re-installed the newest form of firefox right over top of the old one.

Fixed all of the problems except the printing one - you might try that.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 7 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

Can I borrow your sledgehammer surplus?...:^O

I checked Firefox for updates and there were none was already up to date. I might give my son-in-law a call. He knows more about computers than anyone in town but I don't like to bother him too often for free advice...even though he doesn't mind. But he does wear a t-shirt that says "I don't work here" and another that says "No, I can't fix your computer". You know how it is when you have a business and everyone wants free advice.
Message 8 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

No, you don't check for updates - reinstall the whole thing.

Right over top of your existing Firefox - don't delete the old version.

If there's a code somewhere that got messed up, the reinstallation will fix it.

And you keep all your bookmarks and such the same.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 9 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

I'm nervous about doing something like that surplus, so I will check with my son-in-law before re-installing it. I am always afraid that I will mess something up.

My son-in-law had a good chuckle at my expense when he built my computer and Windows "broke" shortly after it was installed. I thought it was caused from something I had done. Apparently it is almost impossible to do. He said that Windows is affected by the slightest bit of dust and is therefore built by robots in a sealed environment. It is rare for it to break but it did.

And here I thought I had that much power!
Message 10 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

Hi Surplusdealdude,

I just wanted to let you know that I have had the issue resolved, although it may be temporary.

I replied to the eBay rep's message through my email address and they did get back to me today. They told me to send them a screen shot of the pages and then to go to Control and do some other things. My husband happened to be on the phone with my son-in-law tonight so I asked him what to do. He told me to ignore their instructions and simply hit Ctrl and the + sign. I did that and repeated it 2 more times and the font was returned to normal size.

He did say that the problem is probably with eBay since it happened suddenly without my doing anything different at my end. Also it happened on Thursday night when they do their maintenance. He said they probably made a change which is not compatible with Firefox and that I shouldn't HAVE to fix it myself. The problem may happen again as it is probably a temporary fix or workaround of the problem.

It's great having a computer expert in the family. He is a wealth of information and a great guy to boot.

Message 11 of 12
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Problem with Selling Manager

Well, as long as it worked.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 12 of 12
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