It is possible that the other "Authorized Dealers" are purchasing directly from the US Manufacturer or from a US Distributor at substantially less than what your distributor sells the items to you.
Have you thought about approaching the US Manufacturer directly OR approaching one of the US Distributors and by-passing the Cdn guy you are dealing with.
By the way, I am very conversant with franchise law having been a VP/General Mgr of a Cdn franchisor. I wrote our franchise contracts and negotiated them with franshisees' legal counsels.
At the same time, a distributor has a right to protect the value of his product by preventing licensed sellers to sell below a certain amount and I believe that is what may be happening, from time to time in your instance.
As far as the US Sellers discounting to Cdns, I have found that for most US manufacturers, we are nothing more than a dumping ground. A place to pick up some extra sales or pick up the slack when their domestic market is flat. It would be of very little consequence to the US manufacturer that some of his US Sellers are dropping below the set price to Cdns or even selling into Canada in competition. We are just too small a market for most of them to give a damn although you should be raising that issue with your distributor.
Your principal problem is that you are operating void of having a contract and as such, you must rely on general law and whether the distributor or manufacturer are violating any laws.
Had you a contract, he might be forced to give you 6-months written notice of a change or at least 3-months to accomodate any changes you might have to make to your business.
Otherwise, he is pretty well free to refuse to sell you without your entering into a written contract with him, which is what he appears to want to do.
My suggestion: Tell him that you would like to enter into a contract and ask him to forward it to you so that your lawyer can review it before you sign it.
Then delay signing it on the basis of an absent lawyer etc until such time as you either replace the distributor/manufacturer or perhaps negotiate a good deal with this distributor, when you have time.
In the mean time, increase you orders to build up sufficient inventory to carry you through Christmas but do it in such a way that he doesnt really notice what you are doing. Make certain to pay down your account with him to not give him any excuse to hold up any shipments, even if you have to pre-pay for the extra quantities you want to take in.