01-21-2015 10:34 AM
01-21-2015 07:47 PM
There is no vehicle.
EBay does not handle financing for other websites.
The widow/oceanographer/soldier/ whatever is sitting in an internet cafe in Lagos, Nigeria nursing a coffee and delighted to have hooked a sucker.
Do not send any information.
Do contact the 'other site' and inform them of the scam. (It's often autotrader.ca and it drives them nuts. The site works hard to get rid of these crooks.)
Put a Block on your email address for this crook. And change your password.
And congratulations on being smart enough to think twice about the offer. It's well enough known to have a name , the Kuboto Tractor Scam.
You didn't fall for it.
01-21-2015 09:18 PM
01-21-2015 09:19 PM