Repeated Fake Buyers!!

Hi. I'm trying to sell my first item, a MacBook Pro laptop. The first time I posted it for sale, it sold mere minutes after it was posted. The buyer's account had a US address but he wanted me to ship to South Africa. Red flags all over, I cancelled the buyout, and called eBay to reset my monthly limit and help me protecting my account.


I re-listed the item, with my account set to ship only to Canada and the US. It sold within minutes of being posted. The buyer sent me messages via eBay




Red flags, this is very suspicious. He was in a rush to pay but after I sent the invoice via eBay, 2 days later no response. Then I get a notice from eBay that the user is no longer registered and the bid has been cancelled and that I can relist my item. I can't, because the monthly limit doesn't get reset automatically or right away. Called eBay, sorted it out and helped me set the buyer preference to prevent accounts without PayPal accounts to buy my item.


I re-posted my laptop by creating a new listing instead of using the re-list option yesterday. It sold at midnight, and the guy sent me 7 messages via eBay alternating between these 2;






Again, major red flags. What in the world is going on? Are all these eBay accounts being hacked and used by fraudulent people? Even the last one which should have a PayPal account linked to his eBay account. How is anyone selling anything successfully on eBay? This is getting absurd and taking a lot of my time.


My MAJOR concern here is that in each of these 3 attempts, the "buyer" has sent a "User Information Request", obtaining my full name, mailing address and phone number. Is there any way I can prevent a buyer from using this "user information request"?

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Repeated Fake Buyers!!

Good for you, to know when you're being scammed.  You might want to list some smaller items, and pray that the buyers leave feedback.  Maybe 10 - 20 listings.  Once you get some feedback numbers, you're less likely to be targeted.  As a new seller, you're a target for all those dishonest people.  Especially, with the type of item you're selling.  You should also add those you mentioned, to your "blocked buyer" list.  You will find that at the bottom of all ebay pages in "site map".  I personally don't think it's a good idea to send pictures directly to another member.  You can add up to 12 pictures on the listing.  That should be more than enough.  A buyer does not need your personal information.  When you send an invoice, they get a link to pay through "Paypal".  They send nothing to your address.  So, if ebay gave these creeps your information, you need to get in touch with CS (customer service) and question why they would allow a BUYER access to your details.  Bottom line, is the criminals seem to be one step ahead of the rest of us, so we must be vigilant.  Cheers.


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Repeated Fake Buyers!!


EBay will give contact information to a member, and also gives that member's contact information to the person she wants to contact. I think this is only if there is a transaction on the books.

Before purchase, customers can use the Ask Seller A Question.

And of course, we can contact each other the same way, by stating it is (or is not) about a listing and passing a 'captcha' test.


The details of your bad sales have been deleted by the mods (Hi, leslie!) because we are not allowed to 'name and shame' other members, even when they deserve it.


In passing, you do know that as a Buyer Protection policy, Paypal will HOLD your customers' cleared payment for 21 days against your good performance, right?


Message 3 of 5
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Repeated Fake Buyers!!

Hmm... didn't know that Paypal would hold the payment for that long, or for any time. Why would they do that, it's not an escrow company. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to read Paypal's terms more carefully.
Message 4 of 5
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Repeated Fake Buyers!!

Hmm... didn't know that Paypal would hold the payment for that long, or for any time. Why would they do that, it's not an escrow company. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to read Paypal's terms more carefully.


Comments are invisible so I'm reposting yours.


It is a Buyer Protection against sellers who 'take the money and run'. Very annoying to honest sellers but helpful to buyers who were being ripped off by scammers who list something at an amazing price (a new iPod for $20 and free shipping! Wow!) then empty the PP account and disappear into the wilds of Shanghai or Brooklyn.

The money, we have been assured, is kept in an escrow-type account and no interest is earned on it by PP. They benefit by not having to refund cheated customers from their own pockets. Which they do do from time to time.

US sellers only have to wait until the buyer confirms with positive feedback that they have received the purchase and are satisfied with it. Sellers elsewhere are stuck with the 21 days.

BTW, a similar situation exists with Amazon and some other sites, who transfer customer payments once a month or so, no matter how long the seller has been using the site.

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