12-01-2014 03:16 PM
A question concerning the cancellation of some fixed price transactions. I listed a number of items on both auction and fixed price when we had the 500 items promotion early last week. I now qualify for the 5000 items fixed price that is now available.
Many of my items that have already been listed will still have a day or two left when this new promotion expires.
Plans were to cancel any current fixed price items and then list again for the 30 day promotion. My question is are there any repercussions to my account if I do this
This would give me 30 days rather than another 1 or 2.
All response greatly appreciated
12-01-2014 05:06 PM
I assume that when you refer to "cancelling fixed price transactions", you mean "ending/cancelling fixed priced listings"? Is that correct?
If so, there may be repercussions if you end too many of these, although it isn't clear to me whether this policy applies equally to fixed price -- it certainly does to auction listings. Someone else might know how this policy affects fixed price/GTC listings. EBay's reasoning is (from the "Help" pages) that:
"When you choose to end a listing early, buyers may be disappointed. If you regularly end listings early, your account may be subject to account restrictions and other consequences. However, we understand that sometimes you may have a good reason to end a listing early."
Here's the link to the policy page. I'll see if I can find something specifically regarding FP/GTC listings.
12-01-2014 05:19 PM
One other thought -- you could use the "Send to Online Auction" feature on your FP listings before they expire, if you're dealing with a promo that offers auctions. Then there is certainly no problem as far as your seller status goes.
I've looked but couldn't find any specific policy about cancelling/ending GTC or FP listings. When I occasionally need to do this for just one or a few items for reasons other than a promo, a box always appears asking what the reason for the cancellation/ending is. Usually I choose "there is an error in the listing". From this I'm assuming there are some risks in cancelling too many too often, even if FP/GTC.
I have a feeling this is one of those "background" rules that you don't find out about until you bump up against an allowable ceiling.
Perhaps someone else may have come across a specific policy on how many FP/GTC listings a seller is allowed to cancel or end.
12-01-2014 06:08 PM
Although the general information doesn't specifically refer to fixed price or auction listings, I think that the information on that page relates to auction listings, not fixed price. It mentions auctions and bids a few times but there is no specific mention of fixed price listings.
There's no detrimental effect on buyers if a fixed price listing is ended early but there can be for auctions so I'm guessing that's why they have those rules.
12-01-2014 06:18 PM
are there any repercussions to my account if I do this
None at all if you are ending FP listing early. I do this frequently for the exact same reason. Once I ended a bunch to put up again under a new promo. I was going away for a couple of weeks so I immediately put myself on vacation. When I got back there was yet another promo so I ended the ones that were listed (but on vacation) and relisted them for a third go round.
12-01-2014 06:31 PM
12-02-2014 02:15 PM - edited 12-02-2014 02:16 PM
As others have mentioned, there are no issues with ending Fixed Price and relisting under the new promo. I have done it a few times in the past.
One thing I do look at is listings that are ending soon with 1-2-3 days left. I have found that sales sometimes come in the last days because of pressure of the time ending. So I will look at the views and watchers on listing ending with 1-2-3 days left and if an item has watchers or high views, I will not end and relist that one under the promo and let it end under the old listing. Most times this does not result in a sale but sometimes it does.
12-02-2014 03:35 PM
Thanks for all the information. Still have a couple of days to think things out
12-03-2014 12:41 PM
@recped wrote:are there any repercussions to my account if I do this
None at all if you are ending FP listing early.
That's good to know, but do you have any idea why eBay asks the seller to state the reason for ending the listing?
As I said, I usually choose "there was an error in the listing", but why would eBay even bother with capturing this information if there is no limit on ending FP listings? Just wondering... maybe a good question for today's Wed. discussion.
12-03-2014 01:13 PM
The reason they ask?
I suspect it's either a leftover from the days when all listings were Auctions or they simply use the same flow for Fixed price and Auctions. It makes some sense that you need to give a reason for ending an Auction, not so much for FP.
Actually I think the reason they ask is the same as the reason you can block buyers with -1 feedback!
12-03-2014 04:56 PM
That's good to know, but do you have any idea why eBay asks the seller to state the reason for ending the listing?
It doesn't ask you for a reason when you end a fixed price listing from your selling manager page. I can't remember being asked for a reason for quite a while now.