Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hi Raphael,


I sell on .ca and always use especially when editing multiple numbers of listings.


First point/question;  There appears to be no way currently to bulk edit listing currency to CAN from USD - meaning we are left having to edit currencies on several hundreds of listings one by one.  I am willing to give this a try but am frustrated that ebay's bulk editing department wasn't set up for this change from the start so sellers could transition quickly within an hour as opposed to days or weeks. Will there be a bulk editing tool for currency switching anytime soon?


Second point/question;  Unlike eBay, other marketplaces that I currently sell on show no plans to cancel USD pricing for Canadian sellers.  What if ebay's future statistics or studies recommend reverting back to USD for Canadian sellers? Will we have choice of currency again or be solely locked into USD all of a sudden?


Whatever may happen in the future, I would definitely recommend eBay has proper tools be in place first so sellers can spend less time to adjusting to the ever changing marketplace.


Thank you for your time!


Message 741 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows wrote:

Our data clearly shows that US buyers don't care about this, especially when the price is lower. I highly recommend trying some listings in CAD and see for yourself.

I did, the last time there was a promotion. And NONE of these items sold. I also tried it again with a few items for the current promotion, and so far, hardly any views and NONE of them sold either.

Message 742 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@mjwl2006 wrote:


This is not a bad-news announcement. I have been selling in CAD exclusively for a few years and it helped my business grow. I achieved greater success in CAD on 


I am curious about something... how do you source your inventory? Do you buy it in US$ or in C$?


And if your response is US $, how do you decide which price you will ask in C$?


Thank you for your time.

Message 743 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

How controlling is this..... there should be a way to continue selling in US dollars. They wont allow the money to be transferred to a bank account in Canada in US dollars it auto converts to Canadian and charges a fee.

I  was about to open an account in the US when I read this. wrote:

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.


Message 744 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

what if we are originally registered with
Message 745 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I would like to go back to please. Show me the link so I can get that ball rolling.

Message 746 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@Anonymous wrote:

Another way to look at it is that when you list in CAD you are in control, whereas when you list in USD you are living with foreign exchange risk to your margin and/or competitiveness.


Suppose you list long tail inventory in CAD for $75, and you have an $18 profit margin on the item. Now, on any day when the US dollar rises against the loonie, my price goes down for US buyers on that day. I didn't have to edit anything.


That is what you don't seem to understand. Many - if not most - sellers here buy their inventory in US$. So the profit margin in NOT calculated in C$ but in US$. Therefore, we are NOT in control. The exchange rate is!


In that regard, your explanation is the complete opposite for us.

Message 747 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

lady.stark wrote:...
Many - .... - sellers here buy their inventory in US$. So the profit margin in NOT calculated in C$ but in US$. Therefore, we are NOT in control. The exchange rate is!

Just because you buy in US$ does not mean your profit margin must be calculated in US$


The inventory I buy in US$ is converted at time of purchase to the equivalent CA$ for my financial records. My profit margin is calculated in Canadian $ -- because I work in Canadian $.


If the exchange rate rises or falls the value of my inventory does not change, it still has the same CA$ value as when I bought it. 



Message 748 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@ypdc_dennis wrote:

lady.stark wrote:...
Many - .... - sellers here buy their inventory in US$. So the profit margin in NOT calculated in C$ but in US$. Therefore, we are NOT in control. The exchange rate is!

Just because you buy in US$ does not mean your profit margin must be calculated in US$


The inventory I buy in US$ is converted at time of purchase to the equivalent CA$ for my financial records. My profit margin is calculated in Canadian $ -- because I work in Canadian $.


If the exchange rate rises or falls the value of my inventory does not change, it still has the same CA$ value as when I bought it. 



I don't have financial records, because I mostly sell items that I don't want in my collection or items I already have. Most of the items I don't want were bought 2, 3, 4 or 5 years ago - sometimes more than 10 years ago. I don't know how much I paid for them in C$ back then. I only know the price I paid in US$. And sometimes, I don't even know that price either, just the price they are worth now in the current market (collectibles - which can vary from year to year). So no, it does not have the same C$ value it had.

Message 749 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I, too, am a first time poster and like the majority on here, I am vehemently against this change but at the same time I realize that eBay has made their decision and that is the end of the story.


So instead of griping about the change, I would like to suggest a possible option for eBay to consider that might alleviate some of the angst that other sellers have.


Like many others, I buy my stock in USD. The fluctuations in the CAD make it impossible to ensure that our calculated profit can be obtained when listing in this denomination. This is what we need protection against! Now, we know that there is a background application that calculates the current exchange in order to display the equivalent dollar amount in the buyer's home currency. So my suggestion is to add another feature to the listing page that would display that conversion amount in USD beside where we input our CAD price. That way we can list the item in CAD, but at the amount that we need in order to meet our target USD price. Then add a checkbox so that when it is checked, the platform will maintain the USD value and have the CAD price fluctuate instead of the other way around. Those that want to continue to sell in CAD and not worry about the exchange rate can leave the box unchecked and continue on as before. It is the best of both worlds.


I'm sure the comeback to this suggestion will be along the lines of, "You might as well just continue listing in USD because that's what this is" but I would have to disagree. Our listings would be in CAD as we have been commanded to do, but they have been "linked" to a USD value so that our list price is what buyers see change, not the USD equivalent. It may be semantics, but I see a clear difference and doing this means our profits are protected and everyone wins. 


Message 750 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

After finally having read through 38 pages (I began a few days ago when there were 25), I have one question that could be the single determining factor in choosing the site on which I will sell.


If I list in USD on .com will the shopping cart work for my customers?


I believe that the shopping cart issue is a huge factor in the drop in sales that I have experienced resulting in very few multiple sales.  Most of the multiple sales I do get are all paid for separately resulting in more work and higher costs of running my business.


I would migrate my listings to .com for that reason alone.



Message 751 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I asked this question already but nobody helped me: I listed a few items on for the first time & there's a problem: The eBay app doesn't let me revise items that I list on! It only gives me the option to "end" the item. Am I doing something wrong or are we unable to revise .com items on the app? If that's the case, that is a thousand times a bigger nightmare for me than anything else talked about here...I am constantly revising items on the go on my iPhone (price, quantity, pictures etc). If I can't do that, I have a very very SERIOUS problem.
Message 752 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Are you trying to revise items when logged onto .ca?  If so, you cannot revise them unless you are logged onto .com, where the listings were created.

Message 753 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Bring up your issue in the weekly chat forum ( Tuesday or Thursday I believe )

You're more likely to be heard there

Message 754 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

No, I know that I can't revise .com items on .ca - my problem is strictly with the App (the one used on the iPhone/iPad). It seems the App doesn't differentiate between .ca and .com (there's just 1 app as far as I could find). And for some reason, items listed on .com can't be revised on my app. This is a problem for me because my selling limits restrict me from listing large quantities of each item (even though I have the inventory) so I list a quantity of 1. When 1 of something sells, I revise the quantity right away on my iPhone. It would be a nightmare if I had to go to my computer to revise quantities every time something sells. Plus, I also revise my photos with photo editing software on my iPhone. But it seems I can't do any of that if I list on .com 😞
Message 755 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

When this announcement was first made, I decided I will list everything in US currency on .com in both my stores. But clearly I also can't ignore these free Can listing promos. So I'll end up with an even mix of listings (Can$ on .ca and US$ on .com). The problem will be (and this happened to me the last time I took advantage of a Can currency promotion): Buyers will go to my store and buy multiple items, some items in Can currency, other items in US currency. And when they do that, the automatic shipping discounts don't work, you have to combine their order manually - and you can only combine items if they are all in the same currency. This is such a hassle for giving shipping fee discounts. So add this problem to the broken cart. You should at least figure out a way to let us combine orders regardless the currency...What I foresee in the next few months is the headache of having to repeatedly refund for overpayment of ship fees...
Message 756 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@funfunlego1 wrote:

Bring up your issue in the weekly chat forum ( Tuesday or Thursday I believe )

You're more likely to be heard there

Weekly chat on Canada starts on Wednesday morning, Eastern Time, and is left open overnight for those who can't ask questions during the day and closed Thursday morning. Answers are posted through out the two days when Canada staff have time to read and respond to the questions.

Message 757 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not a big surprise that eBay think sellers will do better by listing in CAD on .ca, I mean eBay thinks that Canadian buyers are happy when US sellers are using that Global **bleep**ting Program. Well eBay please take note that I would rather be ran over by a truck than buy something from a seller using GSP. The only possible way this will happen is if seller is having a one of a kind item and still, my total price I am ready to pay for the item still the same, so the loser will be the US seller. Just like in this case, losers will be Canadian sellers. By the way I am curious how much of the "import charges" you are collecting are making their way to the government. lol.

Message 758 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Sorry, I can't help you with that as I don't own one of those devices and have never used them.


Good luck!

Message 759 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Here is how you might be able to rectify your problem with the App.....


When you go into the App, touch the Menu icon at the top left of the screen. Then at the very bottom of the Menu screen, touch Settings. Once in Settings, touch Country and then you will be able to select which eBay site you want to connect to. If you set the Country to the United States, then in theory, you should be able to edit any listings that you have created on the .com site.


Good luck and let me know if it works!

Message 760 of 1,448
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