SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Ok so anyone else read the BS spread out by this VP from eBay. Looks like another one living on URANUS when it comes to telling the truth.

1% of the bad sellers are causing 35% of the problems -- ya right -- sure, that is why you focus on the Bronze, Silver and a few GOLD level sellers and rack them over the coals but you totally ignore the large PLATINUM AND TITANIUM Sellers that rip-off thousands of buyers a day and rack up more negative that all the POWERSELLERS in Canada combined (ok, just slightly exaggerating here but close) and totally ignore them.

Have some BOWLS and go shutdown one of your titanium rip=off sellers.


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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

I have to agree with Tim.

The worst experience I have had as a buyer was with a big seller who's at least a Platinum. First off I was charged $19US to ship an item from Toronto to Montreal, actual shipping charge was like $7 Canadian (this was back when the US dollar was much higher). But that's fine, the price was listed in the auction so I accepted it anyway because I felt it was a good deal overall. When I received the item it didn't work. After emailing for well over a month and a half (and missing the paypal deadline) I went to the better business bureau who got on their case and they finally replaced the item. The second one didn't work either so I just gave up.

I couldn't believe how awful the service, shipping charges and product was. To date, and I buy and have bought a ton of stuff on ebay as well, it's the only bad experience I've had. The little guys I've dealt with have kicked butt in terms of a positive experience while these giants would make good poster boys for seller non performance.
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
good points from both posters...i was just happy to learn that this new 'test' browse search thing ebay is doing won't be changing that much after all...thank god...i was HATING their new search page!
Message 3 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Here is another example - last week I listed two MONSTER AV cables and took my own photos (as we always do) and wrote my own text (as we always do). Within two(2) days both ads were VERO'd and not so much as an explanation as to why -- after some digging it appears the the WORD -> MONSTER < is what got the ads pulled.

Meanwhile there are hundreds of USA Sellers selling the samething over and over and over again. So I tagged a whole bunch of them and reported them to eBay using the REPORT THIS ITEM link just to see what would happen.

Guess what - after a week - NOT ONE OF THE ADS have been pulled infact the sellers have listed even more.

So how is it that the almighty VERO search engine finds little FUTURETECH's ads and totally misses all the big guys that are 1000x our size --hmmmm-- could it be that they are in the USA and we are in CANADA.

I went even further and took down about 30 or so listings and emailed them to the email address in the VERO notice and told them -- hey guys, you found us (a small fish) here is a list of BIG FISHES that are really doing damage to your retail sales.

As of today -- once again, not one of them has had their ads pulls.

So my comment to the eBay is - why not actually enforce you own freaken rules and apply them to everyone the same - -and oh ya -- STOP PICKING ON CANADIAN SELLERS and focus on the real problem -- the USA RIP OFF ARTISTS and policy abusers.

Ok, time for some coffee now 🙂

Wanna laugh even more, I found a USA SELLER that is actually selling ORIGINAL LAPTOP RESTORE CD's and the pictures he has in the ADS are real nice and all and have the following written on them in BOLD LETTERING --"FOR DISTRIBUTION ONLY WITH A NEW LAPTOP" some even have NOT FOR RESALE written on them and guess what -- all his ads are up and running.

I called both TOSHIBA, HP, DELL and SONY customer service line and spoke with an agent who confirmed that those CD's are copyright protected and should not be sold online.

So once again I tagged all the listings and reported them to eBay three days ago - all are still up and running - here an item number go and see for yourself:

Item# 330154607074
Item# 330118418403

This seller has no fears whatsoever - look at the size fo the pictures he puts up -- you could read the FOR DISTRIBUTION ONLY WITH A NEW LAPTOP from 5ft away.
Better yet the seller evan has a STORE CATERGORY called RESTORE CD's wow how nice.

Enough said!

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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
Your listings are not being VEROed by ebay. They don't troll listings for VERO. The Verified Rights Owner (the owner of the copyright or trademark) is contacting ebay and having your listings pulled.

The big guy you refer to is not having his listings pulled as he probably has a contract for exclusive sale of the items on ebay.


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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

the almighty VERO search engine

No, you are being directly reported.
Message 6 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
how DOES ebay cancel listings/accounts they have programs to catch these things, or is everything pretty much dependant on being reported? i had some of my items pulled a while back, and yes, other listers had theirs up and running in the same category which is infuriating, it makes you wonder if someone out there is reporting you and constantly watching you?
Message 7 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
I read about Monster being PITA's when it comes to that. Read about it on Tabberone. They're an eBay user and have a website of the same name. Quite the interesting read.

It's Monster, the cable makers, for iPods and stuff, that are pulling it, not eBay. eBay is just the facilitators of the nonsense. They went nuts to even challenge/sue Monster truck ralleys etc if I remember correctly. Go read her site.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Monique -- you cannot get a license to reseller HP, COMPAQ, DELL or IBM restore CD's and that is a fact.

So that seller is totally in violation of eBaY rules governing copyright infringements.

As for being reported - the last time I check the word MONSTER was in the public domain - only when you use the WORD in conjunction with AV CABLE, etc do they have a case for VERO and our ads were in noway a violation of their copyright since we took our own pictures and wrote our own text.

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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Plus -- they are trolling the eBay site using their own proprietary software that is KEYOWRD driven -- do you think they do this manaully -- YA RIGHT get real.

The companies involved do this on behalf of the companies they represent and all of them claim to have the best search engines to catch all the infrigments and soforth.

For everyone they catch, they get to cash in so it pays for them to get your ad pulled.


Message 10 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
jakeeangel is right. It is Monster that is having your listings pulled. Ebay is only the facilitator, they do not troll the site for keywords. I'm sure Monster does though.

If the other seller isn't getting nailed and you are sure he doesn't have a contract, then I have to assume he has challenged the VERO ruling and Monster has backed down. If you want to find out how then check out tabberone.


Message 11 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Well you know my opinion on the Vero program, its huge flaws and how it affected my business. Tabberone's website was quite informative and dead on. There is some serious abuse taking place and overall there's something just not right about the whole mess.

However I think the original question is do huge sellers get preferential treatment. The guy with the recovery cd's is not a huge seller. I'm guessing he just hasn't been busted yet and it's only a matter of time. I'm thinking, while we all can offer our opinions on the matter, we'll never truly know if the huge guys get special treatment or not unless we become one or one of them gets shut down and it gets publicized.
Message 12 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
i liked tabberone's website-some good info indeed! Kat

Message 13 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
i see my lovely little pic doesn't do you put a pic in your signature? grrrrrrrrrr Kat

Message 14 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Test??? C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\LOGOS\Spider-Man_VenomSwing.gif
Message 15 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

I don't know either!

Message 16 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Community Member
>img src="http://picture_url_here"<

reverse the > and < and insert the pictures web location in the place of picture_url_here. The picture would have to be uploaded onto the internet somewhere.


Message 17 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Message 18 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Got it. Thanks Monique!
Its a bird, its a plane.... Its......
Message 19 of 21
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SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

It's Bucky Beaver......]:)
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