*SOLUTION* Ebay.ca international shipping calculator not working/problems.

Helloooo fellow Canadian sellers experiencing this problem. As many of you have probably already discovered, either through forum post by others or your own experiences calling in, Ebay is some what help less in this matter (though they really are trying to be helpful). I too phoned in months ago to be told "we'll escalate the problem to our technical team" "you'll receive an email back within 48 hours" and never heard squat. I called in at least 7 times after that too about this issue, worked on it with a few costumer service reps and still failed. For awhile now my solution had been offering a flat shipping rate and just selling to North America, it worked fine but that voice in the back of my head was always saying but what about the rest of the world... that's a big audience. So last night I buckled down and started skrewing around with the International shipping calculator, I had noticed before that sometimes it would work. I.E it would calculate the shipping to anywhere in the world BUT the US, which was really annoying. Or It would calculate to the US and Canada but not the rest of the world, which again was REALLY annoying. So the messing around began. I noticed right away that 4 or 5 options had the word USA in them. I.E, Small packets USA - Ground & Air, Expedited USA, Xpresspost USA etc etc. That got me thinking, hmm maybe I need to have a USA option to be able to ship to the US (as you can click "offer an additional service") I tried all of them and managed to get 1 ad to work, a bigger item. By setting the international shipping options to 


Worldwide - Canada Post international Parcel - Surface

Worldwide - Canada Post international Parcel - Air

Worldwide - Canada Post Expedited Parcel - USA


The item was now live, worldwide to be bought by anyone anywhere without having to request an invoice and enter the shipping manually. I then went and changed ALL of my ads to the EXACT same thing (BAD idea) as what's shown above only to discover that it only worked for the one ad because it was a bigger, heavier item. That was the moment when it literally hit me, the shipping calculators not actually broken.. in reality, it works SO well that you need to select the right option in regards to your weight and dimensions for it to even appear,  and if you choose the wrong option it doesn't tell you that it just doesn't calculate. So after figuring that out I went in to change all of my Ad's for the second time, this time though changing them all to (Except the big heavy items)


Worldwide - Small Packets International - Ground

Worldwide - Small Packets International - Air

Worldwide - Canada Post Small Packets - USA - Ground


I taught myself a lot taking the time to just think and run through trial and error, DON'T give up on Ebay because something doesn't work the first time. I've seen and read through many angry posts, threats even to leave Ebay. Like.. what are you hoping to accomplish and expecting to change? That some service rep will see it, call you and apologize for your bad experiences then beg you to come back? Chances are if your here its because you want to do more with your free time, you LIKE buying and selling. Don't be a fool, don't let the moment and how you feel then get the best of you. Tackle the problem and figure it out. You are the technical support team.

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*SOLUTION* Ebay.ca international shipping calculator not working/problems.

To streamline and keep things simple, you should have one method to the US, one International and one to Canada. KISS rule applies.


So, one to the US, one to Canada and one only to those other International destinations that you choose to ship to (I try to stay away from countries that typically have poor shipping service and stay only with countries such as Germany, UK, France, China, Japan etc...). 


If you take your time in the sell you item form you will see that you can set up shipping to US separate from the rest of your International destinations and the shipping calculator will work even better.


You are right...GIGO applies.



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