Seller advertising free shipping, asks for shipping money after sale...

This turned-out to be a rather strange experience. 


In a recent BUY NOW transaction, a seller listed an item as free shipping. 

The payment and shipping section contained free shipping exceptions by postal-code regions such as A2H through ... and so- on, and so-forth. 

However, as it turns out, my particular postal copde was not included in the restrictions. 


That said, once the purchase was completed(payed for), the seller sent me a message stating that my province was not part of the free shipping promotion. I then responded by stating that my postal code was not part of the free shipping restriction range and that my purchase was according to the terms. However the seller responded by citing new terms which were not included on the original listing. The item listing has now been updated. 


However, in response to this, the issue I see in this particular case is that this results in a bait and switch scenario as a buyer will innevitably find the initial savings of free shipping attractive. Only to find out that they must send additional money to receive the item afterward. To which I'd add, doesn't promote positive business relationships along the way. Not to mention the issue of having to undergo a refund and waiting for the funds to be returned(to CC) so as to purchase another product alternatively. 


All in all, I'd say these types of problems would not exist if eBay enforced free shipping restrictions in the shipping cost calculator rather than allowing sellers to opt-in there own shipping terms. Which may or may not be clear or well defined. 


Beyond this, I also wanted to know what options are available in terms of leaving appropriate feedback for this particular transaction? ie. if the seller cancels the transaction, do I still get the option to leave appropriate feedback? Or is the transaction disolved along with the option for buyer feedback in the process?


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Seller advertising free shipping, asks for shipping money after sale...

All in all, I'd say these types of problems would not exist if eBay enforced free shipping restrictions in the shipping cost calculator rather than allowing sellers to opt-in there own shipping terms. Which may or may not be clear or well defined. 


Did eBay tell you that these restrictions, which I gather were in the seller's description rather than in the Shipping and Handling tab, were valid?

Because over and over eBay has refused to allow such restrictions to stand. Probably on the basis that Buyers Don't Read and more recently that the buyer using a mobile device is unable to see some of the more detailed parts of the listing. (shortened titles, small pictures, etc,)


When you go to the actual invoice, does it show Free Shipping? Or is there an amount? Because whatever it says there, is what eBay will go with.


The seller is being way too cute for my liking. The Shipping Calculator should take care of problems with the high cost of shipping to Isolated Communities. (And A2H is Corner Brook for heaven's sake).


If you decide to pay, you will be able to leave appropriate feedback. The most effective feedback is calm and factual. 'Used bait &switch on postal rates." for example.

At the same time you will be asked to leave Detailed Seller Ratings. A normal comfortable transaction gets Five Stars. The lowest Rating is ONE Star.  A Seller whose stars drop below 4.3 finds his fees may rise, his ability to list and sell may be restricted by number and value of goods, or his selling account may be closed.


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Seller advertising free shipping, asks for shipping money after sale...

Oh. Sorry. You paid the amount you were billed.

Don't pay a penny more.

If the seller does not ship, or if the item 'is lost in the mail', open an Item Not Received Dispute promptly and get a refund.

Unfortunately, with a Dispute, no feedback can be left by either party.


I would also, separately, Report the seller to eBay. This messing about is stupid and annoying.

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Seller advertising free shipping, asks for shipping money after sale...

As "femmefan" said, you paid (presumably with free shipping) - you have completed your part, do not pay anything more.


Sellers are not allowed to change shipping charges after the purchase.  It appears this seller does not understand how to set up a listing properly to reflect his/her shipping costs.  That is not your problem.


There is a "report" button at the bottom of the listing - use it to report the seller to eBay.  You can also phone eBay - you'll find the links under "Help & Contact" at the bottom of this page.  Have all your info ready - listing ID#, messages between you and seller, explanation about the update on the listing.  eBay will still be able to see the listing as it was when you made your purchase.


Re:  feedback - depends on what happens with this case.  If the seller manages to cancel the transaction, you can still leave feedback - make it as calm and factual as your post on this board.  If it goes to the Resolution Centre for Item Not Received, and you get a refund, neither buyer not seller can leave Feedback.



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