I have encountered a situation that seems a little strange...
I won 3 auctions from one seller on Dec 26, and paid for all 3 together on Dec 27. After paying, my eBay purchase history summary clearly showed the PayPal transaction dated the 27th.
I won 3 more autions from this same seller on the 28th, and paid for all 3 together on the 28th. Again, my eBay purchase history clearly showed the PayPal transaction dated the 28th.
Today (the 30th) I see the seller shipped all 6 items.....and all of a sudden, my eBay purchase history says all 6 auctions were paid on the 30th. Also strange...under the "More actions" drop down list, I can no longer select View PayPal transaction for these items.
Of course I can still log into my PayPal account, which I did, and verified the "paid" dates are indeed listed as Dec 27 and 28.
I just have a couple of questions:
1. Is this a little shady, or is this normal eBay practice to make it look like the seller shipped immediately upon payment?
2. Will this now appear (to other sellers) that I took 2-4 days to pay for my items?
Any info or comments are appreciated, thanks:)