Seller who cancels my item after shipping. Not able to reply to his feedback regarding me as a freud

I bought an item off a seller. Paid with my credit card. After almost three weeks of him not shipping the item out I put a claim out to the resolution centre for him to ship it as emails to him were going nowhere. I finally got sick of the headaches and put negative feedback against him. He got angry and canceled my item and got it returned after shipping it out because the claim reminded him of his duties as a seller and I had paid within a reasonable amount of time. Auction was done on xmas eve this past year (2015). I got in touch with ebay and paypal and put out claims and they were investigating the case. I finally see that this week he sent the item back out and I received the item finally yesterday and closed the paypal claim dispute against him but now he has left "positive" feedback about me but has said to other people that I am a "freud" and not to deal with me. I go into the forum to reply to him feedback and it keeps telling me that my username is invalid and it won't accept my comment ...please help as I want people to know I had to make a claim against the seller to finally get my item shipped!!

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Seller who cancels my item after shipping. Not able to reply to his feedback regarding me as a freud

Paragraphs are your friend.


You ordered an item on Christmas Eve.

The seller did not ship it for over two weeks*.

  • Note that there are four national holidays in those two weeks and at least two weekends. So seven to ten business days?
  • Not all sellers mark items as shipped. This is sloppy but not 'illegal'

You emailed the seller (several times?) about 'not shipping' but were ignored.


You opened an Item Not Received dispute with eBay.

  • I would allow 20 days for a purchase in North America and 30 for a purchase made in China, but okay.

The seller cancelled the sale.

  • How? The only type of cancellation at this point would be by Mutual Cancellation, which requires your acceptance.

The seller (who had actually shipped) has the parcel returned to him

  • I'd love to know how this is done.

The seller then reshipped the purchase and you received it January 25. About 30 days after purchase.

  • Sounds like the parcel was shipped, never recalled, and arrived late, having been shipped during the Christmas rush.

You closed the dispute.

He left a 'false positive' which you can have removed.


The seller does not have terrific feedback, there are a couple he left as a buyer which would make me wary of dealing with him, but in my opinion his errors were not marking your purchase shipped when he sent it *and ignoring your multiple emails.


Your errors were expecting an item to arrive quickly during a holiday period, which most people understand is one of the busiest for the postal system, sending multiple emails when one would do, and prematurely opening a Dispute.




*The earliest he could ship is December 29 because of Christmas, Saturday, Sunday, and Boxing Day when the PO is not accepting mail.


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Seller who cancels my item after shipping. Not able to reply to his feedback regarding me as a freud


Hello 'mcint', 

<<After almost three weeks of him not shipping the item out I put a claim out to the resolution centre for him to ship it >>


What makes you so sure he did not send the item?  You say you received it yesterday, - January 25.

You bought it Christmas eve.  Were you not provided with any type of tracking number which would at least indicate 

when it was mailed?


It was a GSP item.  The way the Global Shipping Program works is that items are sent from the American seller to a 

warehouse in Kentucky.  Tracking shows "delivered" to Kentucky but at least you know it is on its way.

From there the item is repackaged and sent on to you.


If we factor in the Christmas mail backlog, the possibility that he did not mail it on the 25th (how could he? from where?)

it seems to me that the parcel delivery time was about right for a GSP item bought during the holidays.


None of this is your fault, -- there is no way you could know all that because ebay certainly makes no effort to inform 

buyers of this.  



<< he has left "positive" feedback about me but has said to other people that I am a "freud" >>


Hmmm, would that be Anna or Sigmund? Smiley Very Happy   Not to worry, you can easily get that removed.  Users (buyers

and sellers) are not allowed to issue false positives.  Here is what you do:


Go to the Help & Contact link at the top of the page and click it.

Then scroll down to the bottom where it says Contact us and click that.

On the next page choose Buying,  then  under that  After your purchase, then  Leaving and receiving feedback.

Then, scroll waaaaay down to the bottom and click the telephone Call us  to get a phone # and pass code.

The code expires so use it right away.

Gently explain to the attendant that you wish to have that false positive removed.  



<< please help as I want people to know I had to make a claim against the seller to finally get my item shipped!!>>


Perhaps, but I'm not convinced that this is what happened.  I suspect the seller did not mail it out right away, what with it 

being Christmas and all.  But 3-4 weeks for a GSP item, especially at that time, is not extraordinary.  


It is my opinion that once you get that horrible false positive removed, you would do yourself a favour by asking the seller 

if he would like to get rid of the negative you left him.  You see, you also left that negative for yourself as it is now a 

permanent part of your outgoing feedback.  A the time of writing that you say he was the worst you have encountered yet 

you had only dealt with 8 sellers at most.  


Well, you do what you must.   But think about it anyway . . .




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Seller who cancels my item after shipping. Not able to reply to his feedback regarding me as a freud

I go into the forum to reply to him feedback and it keeps telling me that my username is invalid and it won't accept my comment


This is a routine ebay glitch and nothing to do with this specific case.

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