Hi everyone,
This is Lilybean from eBay Canada's shipping team. My goal is to fundamentally improve the shipping experience for Canadians on eBay, ultimately making it cheaper, easier and more transparent.
I have been a frequent Pink on the boards, but I confess to little interaction over the past few months. In an effort to commit to more consistency, I will be on the Canada Town Square board (http://forums.ebay.ca/forum.jspa?forumID=7) every Tuesday, starting tomorrow, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET.
I am involved in further developing our eBay/PayPal integrated shipping (label printing) tool, working with our product team to develop new features and content for the site, and managing our relationships with Canada Post and UPS Canada.
I welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions on how we can continue to improve the shipping experience for you.
Look for my separate post at the top of the
Canada Town Square Board tomorrow at 11 a.m.