06-12-2015 10:17 PM
06-14-2015 04:55 PM
American sellers who had been advised by eBay when the program started that GSP was essentially for items with a value of over $50.00
Minor correction, it was about a year after the start of the US GSP that any mention was made of suggested values, and at first there was not even a way to opt out of the GSP once you were in it. A few minor changes have been made over the three years it has been going.
06-14-2015 05:43 PM
@afantiques wrote:American sellers who had been advised by eBay when the program started that GSP was essentially for items with a value of over $50.00
Minor correction, it was about a year after the start of the US GSP that any mention was made of suggested values, and at first there was not even a way to opt out of the GSP once you were in it. A few minor changes have been made over the three years it has been going.
Cosmetic, half-hearted attempts to make it look like the buyers actually matter in the grand GSP scheme of things. But we know they don't. The only purpose of the GSP is and always has been to grow international sales. Which it has but when you start from basically zero, there's really no way to go but up. It will be interesting to see if they continue to grow.
Buyers who despise the GSP should be voting with their back button. If enough buyers did this, maybe eBay/PB would be more willing to make a few real buyer-friendly changes to the program.
06-15-2015 03:43 PM
06-15-2015 10:22 PM
@joshua_1988 wrote:
Ok marnotom. Clearing you dont know what your talking about.
I'd say that statement with its typos and all, pretty well explains how and why you got into this mess in the first place.
06-16-2015 01:40 PM
@reid4311 wrote:In the June 10th board hour the first question asked was about why American sellers who had been advised by eBay when the program started that GSP was essentially for items with a value of over $50.00 were continuing to list articles under that amount with GSP attached.
06-16-2015 05:23 PM
Well then if you read the question and answer in the board hour June 10th then one or the other is a contradiction. Either way, I don't shop with users, period! If they won't drop it, I don't buy it! Plain and simple.
06-20-2015 05:31 PM
Under no circumstances would I buy anything from a seller participating in the GSP. I just saw an item that was auctioned and went for 19.99 and the GSP was over $123.00. Explain to who makes money on this. Lots of sellers lost my business.
06-20-2015 06:52 PM
@reid4311 wrote:Well then if you read the question and answer in the board hour June 10th then one or the other is a contradiction. Either way, I don't shop with users, period! If they won't drop it, I don't buy it! Plain and simple.
Yes, the sellers are shown a much different perspective than that shown to buyers.
06-21-2015 12:41 AM
06-21-2015 02:17 PM
Slightly off topic, but duty if applicable is a percentage of the value of the item.
If one were buying solar collectors made in China, where there is no free trade agreement in place, the duty would be 286% of the purchase price.
My BIL recently bought a dozen collectors which will cover about a third of his annual hydro bill. Each cost him $245. Duty on this would be $700.70 each if they had been Chinese made instead of US made. For a total of $945.70 each.
So the price of the item is important, but the buyer should know the rate at which duty should be applied before bidding.