Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

When I bought my Blackberry, I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, my 13 grand kids and 2 great grand kids could communicate with me in the modern way. I figured I could handle something as simple as Twitter with only 140 characters of space. 

My phone was beeping every three minutes with the details of everything except the bowel movements of the entire next generation. I am not ready to live like this. I keep my cell phone in the garage in my golf bag.  

The kids bought me a GPS for my last birthday because they say I get lost every now and then going over to the grocery store or library. I keep that in a box under my tool bench with the Blue tooth [it's red] phone I am supposed to use when I drive. I wore it once and was standing in line at Barnes and Noble talking to my wife and everyone in the nearest 50 yards was glaring at me. I had to take my hearing aid out to use it, and I got a little loud. 

I mean the GPS looked pretty smart on my dash board, but the lady inside that gadget was the most annoying, rudest person I had run into in a long time. Every 10 minutes, she would sarcastically say, "Re-calc-u-lating." You would think that she could be nicer. It was like she could barely tolerate me. She would let go with a deep sigh and then tell me to make a U-turn at the next light. Then if I made a right turn instead. Well, it was not a good relationship... 

When I get really lost now, I call my wife and tell her the name of the cross streets and while she is starting to develop the same tone as Gypsy, the GPS lady, at least she loves me. 

To be perfectly frank, I am still trying to learn how to use the cordless phones in our house. We have had them for 4 years, but I still haven't figured out how I lose three phones all at once and have to run around digging under chair cushions, checking bathrooms, and the dirty laundry baskets when the phone rings. 

The world is just getting too complex for me. They even mess me up every time I go to the grocery store. You would think they could settle on something themselves but this sudden "Paper or Plastic?" every time I check out just knocks me for a loop. I bought some of those cloth reusable bags to avoid looking confused, but I never remember to take them with me. 

Now I toss it back to them. When they ask me, "Paper or plastic?" I just say, "Doesn't matter to me. I am bi-sacksual." Then it's their turn to stare at me with a blank look. I was recently asked if I tweet. I answered, No, but I do fart a lot." 

P.S. I know some of you are not over 60. I figured your sense of humor could handle it.... 

We senior citizens don't need anymore gadgets. The TV remote and the garage door remote are about all we can handle.

Message 1 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Well put Pierre


And electronics and gizmos is the reason the younger generation has no time for yard work, fixing anything, learning new things (except electronics) and time or interest in hobbies.

Message 2 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

I just turned 67 and I have a computer and a lap top but nothing else.  My husband insisted I carry a cell phone for a couple years.  I never memorized the number and missed 99% of my incoming calls, so I don't have it anymore.

The way I look at it is:  at my age, the fact that I can use a computer is a PLUS.  That is enough.

Message 3 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

I'm  close to a year away from being 60 years old


Got notice last October that  I can retire next June if I wish to with a Pension



I'm still in shock where did the years go? They passed very quickley


Was in a class last week and a young lad I have worked with in other schools has joined this school community


He came in said Where is Mr So and So? (the classrooms regular Teacher)   The kids said he's away today Young lad looked and said so we have an old man today with lots of white hair:-p


The kids in the class did not know how to react  to that Looked at me for a reaction


I broke up  and they realized I was okay with that comparison. I am getting Older even though I don't feel it


I have never had any interest in joining Facebook or Twitter so stay away from them.


Don't have a problem with either overall see the need and interest in them for others but they are something  I have no need to go on


Heck I'm still trying to figure out Puters


I don't mind admitting I am useless with most modern technology


I'm very happy when I turn mine on in the morning and it works  and  thrilled at night when it turns off properly and hasn't blown up


It really puts me in my place when the 5 year olds I work with at schools know more about them than I do


Cell Phones are  completely beyond me I don't think I have used one more than 8 or 9 times  They confuse the heck out of me


Borrowed one yesterday at a market I was selling at and the dang thing malfunctioned as soon as I  touched it   Entered the number pressed send and it stopped working  Took the owner about 10 minutes to get it functioning properly again


Note to self stay away from modern technology not worth the fustration


Give me items 75 to 100 years old or more those I do understand   



Message 4 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Thanks pierrelebel I needed that I just about died reading your post especially the part if you Tweet..I too was left behind in the electronic age, I thought when computers came out it would only be a temporary Fad like Furby. Thanks Guys for a good laugh.

Message 5 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Many things change between 60 and 65, with the biggest things happening at about 62-63....  the body adjusts dramatically.... and the older age becomes a unique reality


65 is just an age like any other....


My mother asked me when will I retire...  She is 93.....  She retired at age 64... wondered what she would do... a year later she could not find enough time to do everything she wanted to do.


My eBay business is a going concern... and my other activities  have changed dramatically lots more to do  at a local country auction....  Involved with the sale of firearms at auction   (sold over 1000 firearms,  long rifles and handguns last year)  and with local Storage Wars around Winnipeg....


No cell phone.. no Facebook... No Twitter....


Just my trusted computers to use... My first computer was an IBM-XT  in the mid 1980's ... then came a Windows 98... thought I might never learn... yet today I can spend 10 hours straight on a computer,  and not flinch.


OAS and CPP came 7 months ago ....  sold lots of old inventory at a local auction....and the bank account has never been better...


Do I need eBay... not quite... but it does keep me from going "stupid"


How many more years.... two definitely... 5 perhaps....and the rest will be day-by-day...


The best way to deal with new technology... understand it... but you do not have to use it.


that is except for the computers  I use every day...

Message 6 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Do not laugh  because you too will someday join the Senior's Club..


whether you like it or not.


but do remember... any age is just that  ...any age.... 


There is nothing unique to 60, 65 or 70, 75 or older


because like any 20 year old..  you also get older at the same each minute passes

Message 7 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

But do understand I too got a chuckle   and enjoyed everything that was said... because  I could see myself in that description.


Many times it is difficult to see myself as a senior... Everyone still sees me as 10 years younger..  Only a few touches of grey hair.


My answer... "Talk to my knees"

Message 8 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Great post Pierre!

I'm not over 60 but when I'm in some type of waiting room I'm usually the only one who is not doing something on a cell phone. I would much rather people watch.

Message 9 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Should people over 60 join Facebook?  Heck No! No one should.


But I'm wondering about what you did when you owned/ran a business with 1,800 employees?


That's the size of a small city.


How did you go from having 1,800 employees to selling stamps on ebay?


Big Change?  No?

Message 10 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Oh Pierre, what a GREAT post - I laughed and laughed.  I too am of that "certain age" - like fine wine I say.  I don't want or have a cell phone and am the only person that I know that doesn't have one.  I don't WANT people to be able to get hold of me whenever.  I'm sick of people bumping into me on the street (happens constantly - I live downtown) with their head down looking at their phone.  I keep thinking that "poor man or woman" talking to themselves on the street until I realize they have a bluetooth stuck in their ear.  A good friend of mine was visiting me from Summerland who I don't see much anymore, I made a nice dinner and when sitting on the couch after "catching up" she was looking down at her phone CONSTANTLY.  I got SO ticked off!  Years ago I went out for dinner with a guy for the first time and after he answered his phone for the 3rd time - I said I have to go (in the middle of dinner) - just got up and left him there. 


Twitter is for Twits - do I care what someone had for lunch?  In 2009 a friend visiting from Toronto "made" me open a Facebook account.  Before I knew it, my computer was so full of pictures, etc. from England that my damn computer crashed, so closed the account.  On the odd occasion I take a bus - people talk like they might be communicating with someone in Australia, or to someone who can't speak English....SO loud, and all discussing what type of pizza they should order!


I hope your beloved wife has gotten over her "Gypsy" talk!

Message 11 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Yes, Funny Post.


Cell Phone contract expired last fall & I never renewed. Don't miss It at all.


Digital Watches was my Pet Peeve. Set, Reset & Set Again. Just sell me one that looks like a watch.


Kids signed me up for Facebook a few years back, interesting at first but quickly grew bored with it. Didn't really add anything to my eBay sales.


I'm fifty five but can remember when a pair of boobs were a couple of dumb guys & rubbers were what we wore on our feet.

Message 12 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

cumos55, the auction you speak of would that be in Stonewall? My dad is a "regular" there, never know what treasures he's going to come back to the shop with ; )

Message 13 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Well I am 30 and i am one of those keep it old school guys so much so that I bet most 60 year old have 1 up on me ...


I have facebook i go on about once a year ..

I refuse to acknowledge twitter or anything of the sort .


I refuse to get my wife PVR it's only T.v. we do not need to record we need to go for a walk with our kid and dogs..


i refuse to buy or own a cell phone and have not sent a text for well over 5 years when i used my brothers phone  text one time..


I like doing things the long enjoyable way it keeps me appreciating the finer things in life and not falling into this lazy whining new generation thing.. 


 wife has an ipad she broke my arm to make me buy for her:) I cam home one day and instead of my 2 year old coloring at her color centre which cost me 100's she was coloring on an app ... ipad almost found a new home that day "Garbage Can"


I came home after nights 2 days ago and with renos the job the business i was falling behind on the yard work so my wife a.k.a the new lazy generation had found someone local to do our lawn ....


She say offered them $75 and to fill there gas ..I have 1 Acre of my 2 cut big lawn...


So at 8 am after 14hr shift i called the kid and said sorry but i am 30 and my wife is 24 and no kid is coming to mow my lawn yet maybe in another 30 years...So that work day turned into 18hrs atfter the lawn but I kept it old school and got my butt off the couch..


Facebook,Twitter,,, New generation can't walk a block will be the demise of me LOL...


Here's a good one...


Spring clean up dump trip today on my 2nd day off  body still on nights shift so slept from midnight till 4 am with no sleep for the 2 previous days .


I asked my wife to have the free passes on the table for the dump and to have my kids Car seat cleaned as  my daughter was sick in the car so you know ....


so with 4 days notice to have 2 5 minute jobs done neither of them were done or ready ..


Why something so easy was not done ...... DRUM ROLEEEEEEEEEEEEE


my wife had to re watch 5 seasons of sons of anarchy on her days off to get ready for the new season ....


I do the cooking I do most the cleaning, I am the bread winner Work and business and i spend half of every month caring for our child... why in the world right ... ANSWER my wife is 24 everything is just too hard ...  i get 1 cooked meal about every 3 weeks and see the house clean about every time i clean it LOL ...


shoot me now ......


Good post pierre gave me a good laugh... And let me complain about lazy people and how techonology is partially to blame LOL ..


FYI anyone who is 60 or older consider yourselves lucky enough to not have to see how pathetically lazy this world will be in 50 years ..





Message 14 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

I haven’t reached the point yet but I don’t like this new world of time saving devices that seem to take more time away.


Facebook (or what I call Faceplant)….My niece got me on to it about 4 years ago. Because I was on her ‘friends’ list I was soooooo lucky to attract new ‘friends’!!! I didn’t want to know these people and they certainly weren’t ‘’friends’’ and based on what they talked about I didn’t want them as ‘friends’. My niece (28) said they thought it was ‘cool’ an uncle with long hair, beard, tattoos and Harleys. These ‘friends’ to me were at best ‘acquaintances’ on the rim of the universe along the edge of the black hole of infinity. I wasn’t interested in if their kid lost is first tooth, or just got out of diapers, or how many ‘stamping’ hobbies they had, or that they bought a new garden hose at Wallymart, or the endless long lists of what they were doing in life by the minute or where they were going and I definitely didn’t want any of them dropping over to say “hi”.


‘Friends’ is a word used to loosely in my view. Friends are people you have known for a longgggg time, people who have proven their trust and reliability, people who you can call at 2am and their there at 2:01, people who will help you bury the body, people who you have shared sorrow with and laugher with and even anger and come out on the other side….still friends. Neither can you really, really achieve that on a computer…..real life is the only true test. I think the younger generation are getting too wrapped up in a word they do not have a real definition for and they’re going to be very disappointed.


So now I’m on Faceplant and I start getting up-dated emails and they come in like a tsunami and my email beeper on my computer makes it sound like my computer is going into cardiac arrest. After about a week of that I cancelled my account and I’m was out of Faceplant with a sigh of peace and tranquility.


Like Pierre and others I’m not a big fan of technology. Oh I’ve tried but it just isn’t me anymore than trying to grasp the multitude of cooking ideas that take up so much time and money. I’m a basic kind of guy.

I have a TV, DVD, Blue Ray, stereo, equipment with more black control boxes than I think any human being should be forced to have. Then one of the dogs jumps up on the couch and sits on one of the boxes and I lose everything! This is followed by an SOS call to the wife who for some unknown reason has a mind that is plugged into modern technology and ………she fixes it.


Cell phones, well I have one that all I want is to make a call and get a call…if absolutely necessary. I don’t want to play games on it, or have the internet, or talk to Saturn. When I hit the wrong button and suddenly I’m in never-never land……I just toss it to someone else and say “fix this ^#!!*# thing!! Some people have started to call me Gibbs who I guess is a character on a TV show called NCIS and we seem to be a lot alike. Give me a piece of steel or a piece of wood and some old tools and I’m a happy camper. Give me a piece of technology with a 100 or more buttons and a million circuits and you need a dictionary to understand the language and I’m a bear who is not having a good day!


Twitter… far as I am concerned it’s for people with little life and what they have…they want everyone to know about. I can only hope it’s a passing fad.


GPS….finally broke down and got one last year only because of customers who live either on new streets that aren’t on maps or out in the middle of nowhere. But, I use it as little as possible. That woman in the little black box……believe me, we have had ‘words’! I don’t need to be told every 10ft how close I am coming to a turn!! I do at times make a wrong turn just to tick her off and then she has to ‘recalculate”. There is something gratifying in messing with her circuits.


Life was simple and then someone came up with all these new gizmos and gadgets that they say we ‘must have’ and guess what………life isn’t simple anymore.       

Message 15 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

The auction in Stonewall is where I go.


It was two years ago that I worked the Antique and Collectables sales for about 10 months..


My knees were dying  and there was a lot of time conflict with my eBay selling.


I now attend regularly,  and do find some good inventory to sell.  Usually sit in the background.


But I still work the firearms sales at Stonewall  and I work the Storage Wars sales in Winnipeg.



I have been going to auctions since 1980... filled a house with furniture, artwork and collectables...


Then came my selling at country auctions in Killarney and Souris...



and over the years through these auctions and my selling locally in Winnipeg, and on eBay  I developed a vast amount of understanding and knowledge of antiques and collectables... as well as auctions...  an how they are run


The auctions at Stonewall   have changed me dramatically ... partly because of what I know,  what I can do,  and how I relate to people..


I am like a free walking spirit during a regular sale....  not working each sale creates a break from what I do on eBay..


My reasoning is that I may be getting OAS and CPP... but I do not have to stop living..


I have to keep    "Making it Happen" 


You move from one job to another... Open a door .....step into the next room of your life  ...and continue....






Message 16 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Today's technology has its place in society.


Today  too many are too focused on communicating by not talking.


Classically it is two people walking down the street ... both are texting...


and where are those messages going...


Well... to each other.


One can joke about this... but this is a definite reality  as people have admitted to doing this.



Then those crazy telephones on the ear.... 


The next thing could be implants... and humans will forget how to talk.... electonic communication only...


I can remember the day we had no television in the house....and then one channel in black-and-white.. and now hundreds of channels...


What would today's generation do if the electronics all stopped working



Message 17 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

I just find facebook is full of people who feel the need to talk about what they had for breakfast and there plans for the day .... I mean who in the right mind wants to 1000's of people to read about there daily life..


I say nobody should join facebook it is a waste of time and most people are already in contact with the people they want to be in contact with and once you john facebook everybody in the last 2o years who said hi once wants to be your FRIEND ..


but again i an extremely Anti technology so I might not be the best to comment ..

Message 18 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

but again i an extremely Anti technology so I might not be the best to comment ..



I always find it interesting when out here in the country.........the hydro goes off. It's especially poignant when it's at night. Suddenly, the silence is there. Real silence. Deafening silence. No sounds that we are so use to having around us. I like the silence of the forest and cemeteries. Technology not required.



 What would today's generation do if the electronics all stopped working


Laugh a frightened laugh and then in a while......PANIC!!

Message 19 of 35
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Should people over 60 Join Facebook?

Each of us as sellers on eBay use the new technology.. to advantage..


However, there is a lot of new technology that most of us can and do live without


I am sure that many  are enamoured with the thought of many "friends" on Facebook... until they get an overabundance of new"friends"


and in some situations many of the younger generation are beginning to realize that there is a limit to how much of the new technology they should use...



Facebook also has problems with privacy  and has gotten into trouble with the Canadian Government... in relation to the Privacy Act.


As a seller on eBay I choose to minimize my exposure on the internet to selling on eBay  ... and to emails as they relate to auction sales and to my financial advisor...  as well as  research in relation to what I sell on eBay.


There is another "me" on the internet... that relates to previous work and publications... That is 100 % separate from eBay....  To find  that information you need to know my name, and how use my name to find that information. That is the "old" me


I may be 65, but I am not "stupid"


Many times I have gotten the impression that there are many in their 50's, 60's and older selling on eBay.





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