Simard pleads guilty to attempted murder

Gregory Simard has pleaded guilty to attempted murder in connection with the  beating of a resident at the Child and Parent Research Institute.

The 12-year-old boy, who has autism and is non-verbal, using an iPad to  communicate, was found severely injured after the attack on Sept. 9, 2012.

The brain damage he suffered means he can no longer feed himself, walk or go  to the bathroom alone.

At the time of the attack, 24-year-old Simard was an employee at CPRI, and  friends and co-workers say he was good with special needs children.

But something went terribly wrong. According to the Crown's statement of  evidence, after his arrest Simard told police “I killed a retard. No big  deal.”

He claimed there were voices speaking to him and that the government was  controlling him.

Simard also reportedly told police "I took him into the bush and I beat the  f--- out of him. He’s a drain on society…I hope he’s dead. I killed him for our  country, I tried to kill him for our country."

The court heard disturbing evidence about the attack itself at Friday’s  hearing, which left the victim’s mother sobbing uncontrollably.

A police report stated the boy was found naked from the waist down and  beaten so badly his eyes were swollen shut.

Psychiatrist William Comer, who did the initial assessment of Simard, said  on Friday “He knows right from wrong. He knows that hurting someone, killing  someone, running naked is wrong.”

But he added that changes in behaviour, references to working for the  government and publicly exposing himself are signs of some kind of  psychosis. 

Comer says Simard believed “This is something the government wanted him to  do, something that he was going to get therapy for and get paid for.”

The initial psychological assessment concluded Simard suffered from  schizophrenia and should not be held criminally responsible for his actions.

However a second assessment requested by the Crown and done by a different  psychiatrist found Simard suffered from adjustment disorder and should stand  trial.

So despite his guilty plea, it’s still not clear whether a mental disorder  will prevent Simard from being held criminally responsible.

The judge in the case has decided to reserve a decision on Simard’s mental  fitness until after reviewing all of the evidence.


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Message 1 of 6
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Simard pleads guilty to attempted murder

He's got SERIOUS problems. If he doesn't get REAL help, long term, he will be back and it will be worse!

Message 2 of 6
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Simard pleads guilty to attempted murder

Oh......and when he goes to prison......he'll end up in a dust pan when everyone finds out why he's there.

Message 3 of 6
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Simard pleads guilty to attempted murder

He's got SERIOUS problems. If he doesn't get REAL help, long term


That is the problem.  He may get off with this crime and get treatment.

Then some bleeding heart shrink will decide he is no longer a danger to society and let him out. 

Our legal system should provide treatment options to be decided by the judge based on the evidence presented.  Maybe the judge should be able to say - "yes, he is not criminally responsible.  Based on the need for public safety, he is sentenced to secure treatment for a minimum of ten years."


Look at what happened to the guy who killed the Toronto cop with the snowplow:



The man found not criminally responsible in the death of Toronto Police Sgt. Ryan Russell, will be sent to a psychiatric facility in Whitby.

On Monday morning, the Ontario Review Board ruled that 46 year old Richard Kachkar be detained at the Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences.

In their ruling, the board says Kachkar will be allowed to walk around the grounds of the hospital if escorted by staff, and, if escorted, enter the community.

Annual hearings will now occur to assess the situation, and determine if additional privileges will be allowed.

Message 4 of 6
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Simard pleads guilty to attempted murder

This Simard fellow.....based on the things he has said.......he obviously is very ill. Should he be locked up forever....highly probable. But...........some people can be helped. What he did was despicable without a doubt and it angers me, but I also have to realize he is mentally ill. I use to have coffee in the early morning hours after the bars closed with a guy who to many would seem like not a bad guy. He turned out to be the serial killer of London....Russell Johnson and he may never get out of the mental health facility at Penetanguishene. They feel he is a predator with no hope of changing. On the other side of the coin I have a cousin. Big man, been in many fights, hurt a lot of people, but he's schizophrenic. On his medication he is fine and has been for many years. So he could be helped. If someone did something because their mind was fried and they didn't understand or voices were telling them to do something ...but.....with help or medication they can be helped, should we treat them differently?


The guy with the snow plow. I read a lot about him and I felt he had problems. I'll go by what the professionals say. It was tragic what happened but anyone can suddenly have mental problems for many, many reasons. Remember Buxbaum? I always felt that after he had his stroke or heart attack he was a different man. Look at soldiers who come back from war.....changed men.....sometimes dangerous men....through no fault of their own. No one is immune.

Message 5 of 6
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Simard pleads guilty to attempted murder

Imo he is a good candidate for a Governor General's warrant and classify him as a dangerous offender and locked up forever. Either in a regular prison or one for the mentally insane.


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