Sketchy sale

I sold an item to a buyer with a feedback of 1 - I thought I had blocked buyers with that low of a feedback score but it turns out it isn't even possible. Anyways, a day after the sale went through I noticed on another forum off of Ebay that this buyer was upset about buying the item. This made me nervous as the first thing I think of is this is going to be negative feedback before the buyer even gets the item. I asked the buyer to cancel but he/she refused, and then informed me they had no interest in leaving feedback of any kind. 

Do I simply send the package and hope the buyer lives up to their word? If they leave negative feedback, do I have any recourse, as I did try and cancel? I made sure the item was the best I have ever made and is stellar in every way to avoid any bs.

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Sketchy sale

There is ablock buyers with low feedback and or unpaid case etc.


I would say be polite and hope all goes well ..


People make a big deal out of low feedback but everyone including you started out with 0 feedback are you a bad person who is gonna rip someone off . I know I wasn't and when i had 0 feedback i was happy that people didn't treat me like I was an scam artist...


You asking buyer to cancel because of there low feedback may be the only reason you get bad feedback..


with low feedback buyers just take an extra step or 2 .. Send message when shipped and time estimate with a if you have any worries please ask..


I have had bad experiences with low and high feedback buyers and as hard as i work i have unfortunatly also giving a few buyers bad experiences..


Blocking low feedback buyers is a bad idea either way .. I have had 100's of 0-10 feedback buyers with only very minor issues like it's been 8 days wheres my item it should never take this long ..


Anyways your choice but just some friendly advise I am sure many will agree and disagree.. Take care and good luck


Message 2 of 13
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Sketchy sale

It sounds like you're a member of some kind of close knit collector's group and peeked in on a discussion regarding the purchase of one of your items???


........ then emailed the buyer and told him you were concerned about NFB.


Is that what happened?




In any case, if the buyer paid you, then you pretty much have to follow through and the best you can do is let the buyer know you take returns.

There's nothing in the information you've provided that would be a case for FB removal but it's way too early to worry about that.


That said:  You're making and selling Nazi hats?


Curious to know who buys them?


I've known collectors of German WWll  Memorabilia............ not my thing at all but I was at a lot of those shows by association.

A lot of collectors are American military and some of note, but they collect the real thing.

Who buys repros and what for?

Kinda gets the imagination going for a ride.

Message 3 of 13
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Sketchy sale

You're making and selling Nazi hats ?


No they are Star Wars character helmets i*m.


I don't think Nazi merchandise is allowed on eBay.

Message 4 of 13
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Sketchy sale



He bought a Nazi hat.


I didn't think so either but there they are ............... Without the Swastika but I'm pretty sure that's what they are.


Message 5 of 13
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Sketchy sale

You can block a bidder with feedback in the negative zone (minus one) but not in the positive zone (zero or plus one).

You can also block bidders with two or more Strikes for non-payment.

If you are concerned about low feedback newbies, you can also set up your Fixed Price listings to block bids from members without active Paypal accounts or to demand Immediate Payment.


As the Con season heats up, cosplayers are going to be looking at your listings for their next outfits. Some will be newbies. You might try adding your fannish credentials in a jpeg side bar. Perhaps your own cosplay or your membership in IKVC or similar. This may remind some overly entitled twerps that no fan is an island and poor behaviour is not rewarded.

Message 6 of 13
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Sketchy sale

Those are neat items! If we weren't already sold out of dealer tables, I'd be trying to get you to come to Ottawa for CAN-CON2013, since ConCept seems to have died permanently.
Message 7 of 13
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Sketchy sale

@femmefan1946 wrote:

As the Con season heats up, cosplayers are going to be looking at your listings for their next outfits. 

OK, femmefan, I really need to know what cosplay means.  I see this word all over the place, but am probably too out of touch to know, and probably won't be able to locate it in any dictionary... Ta!

Message 8 of 13
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Sketchy sale

Google is a wonderful thing Smiley Happy

Message 9 of 13
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Sketchy sale

The buyer turned out to be a good experience and even left great feedback.
Message 10 of 13
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Sketchy sale

Well, it's Japanese /Engrish for 'Costume Play" .

As far back as I can remember (which might include the Sixties...... occasionally, ooh ... sparkly!) science fiction conventions had Masquerades.

This idea went to Japan sometime in the 80s and became Costume Play. Then the manga/anime fen (fans for you mundanes (non-fans)) picked up the idea, changed it to 'cosplay' and ran with it as only the Japanese can.


These are some cosplayers. It is considered most cool if you make your own costume. My own are Nanny Ogg from Discworld and Hands of Blue from Serenity/Firefly.

The latter is almost cheating since it consists of my normal work outfit of black pantsuit and white blouse plus a pair of blue gloves. People still scream.


The last picture is of Liana K who is the brains behind "IHate Hollywood" which turns up on CHCH TV on Monday nights with her husband Steve "Ed The Sock" Kerchner.


Message 11 of 13
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Sketchy sale

Sketchy sale

@femmefan1946 wrote:

Too much bandwidth apparently

Here's LianaK 


All I can say is Wow!  Lots of eye-candy.  But which one is Liana K?  Is she the owner of the prominent b--bs that pop up every few photos? 
femmefan  - You are so much more fun than Google - thanks for the mini-seminar!  Woman Very Happy

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