01-25-2016 11:51 AM
I sold an item but transaction number doesn't appear on Ebay's records, so therefore I cannot open an unpaid item, nor will ebay's automatic system open one (the buyer is refusing the pay and has gone unregistered).
Why is this happening?
01-25-2016 04:11 PM
What is the actual problem?
If the item does not show as sold on eBay, you will not be charged fees.
If the buyer has gone NARU (Not A Registered User-- probably kicked off the site for bad behaviour) you cannot give him a Strike.
So an annoying deadbeat did not pay, did not get the item and you don't get charged for the sale.
Is the item still showing as available? If not, relist it and with luck the next buyer will actually pay.
The probable reason for the non-sale is that NARU. No further action can or needs to be taken.
It's like running a B&M retail store. Sometimes security gives the bum's rush to a shoplifter and puts the goods he tried to steal back on the shelf.
It's business, nothing personal.
01-26-2016 04:21 AM
Is it possible that more than 32 (or maybe it's 37) days has passed since the item was sold?
01-26-2016 08:09 AM
Hello 'bfung12',
<<... number doesn't appear on Ebay's records, so... I cannot open an unpaid item, ... buyer is refusing the pay and has gone unregistered>>
Normally an Unpaid Item case is opened as a means to jolt a slow-paying buyer into coughing up the cash or accepting a strike on his ebay record. It simultaneously reimburses the seller any Final Value Fees.
Your buyer has absconded into the mist and that Not a Registered User status is a pretty good indication he has no intention of paying. The listing has also vanished so you will not be charged fees for that which does not exist. If there were a glitch somehow and charges appeared on your account you simply call ebay to straighten it out.
Were you thinking you could somehow wring the money out of the buyer anyway? You can't.
Time to move on. Best wishes for a future positive outcome.