Something to think about

A little story to tell.


On April 11 a buyer purchased a baseball card from me, paying promptly. He then messaged me, asking if I had any more related baseball cards, and I did. I provided an item number and he bought that as well.

Two cards solid within about a half hour of each other to the same buyer.

The cards were shipped April 14 in one envelope, going letter-mail with a $1.80 US stamp.


All good so far.


Yesterday, (April 30) I got two messages in my eBay message system in-box telling me that item-not-received cases had been opened.

The cards were one day outside the delivery estimates and the buyer was getting antsy. Fair enough. I understand. I responded in a non-confrontational and polite manner, and he responded to me in a non-confrontational polite manner...


"I have been an eBay seller for many years. Unfortunately, eBay now makes it virtually impossible to let a seller know that an item has not been received without a case being opened. I will have plenty of patience with you. I simply wanted to open a dialogue with you. I recognize that the postal systems of both our countries leave much to be desired."


Fair enough. I asked him to give it till May 5, at which time, if the cards haven't shown up, full refund and sincere apologies for postal service incompetence.

Regardless of what happens, this customer will be taken care of to the best of my ability.

But the minute all this started happening, I thought of this new defect system that eBay's trotting out.

Though this was one transaction in every way imaginable, I suspected the eBay system would view it as two. And sure enough, today my 'beta dashboard' screen shows two defects for item not received cases.


If they want to give me one, OK. This doesn't happen often, and I'll swallow that. But here's the thing that really complicates matters.

Many of my buyers have been informing me lately that they are forced to buy each card, one by one, because of some stupidity with eBay's cart program.

It's a fairly well known glitch/oversight/whatever that's been going on for months now, and eBay's likely in no rush to fix it because they get more final-value fees on shipping when buyers buy that way.

What seller has time to phone eBay's customer service people for refunds on final value shipping fees every time it happens?

Certainly I do not.


So... in many cases I'll get a buyer that buys 10 cards or so, one by one. I refund the shipping costs, put them in one envelope and mail 'em off.

For me, one transaction.

But my concern now is that for eBay, these will count as 10 transactions.

I always assumed the new defect system wouldn't bother me much because I don't make many mistakes, have happy customers and do high enough volume to absorb most issues.

But I could see defects adding up in a hurry if a handful of these orders go south.

I'll be phoning eBay tonight to chat about it, but past history tells me it will probably be a frustrating conversation that leads nowhere.



Message 1 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

Community Member

Woud it be a problem if a buyer asked about several cards to do up a listing as a lot so you not deal with the cart issue?

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

No. I have dealt with the issue that way when contacted. But the majority of buyers seem to just go ahead with the purchase on the assumption that their shipping costs will be refunded.


Message 3 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

Yes the new system is an issue for this . I have atleast 1 US buyer a week if not 2 or 3 open cases just to ask for tracking....


My option are to Contact via message right after sale to remind buyer to contact me though the message I send if they have any questions or cut out US all together and I do not really want to do that one ....



All in All eby needs to do 2 things.. Put an end to the US buyers searching for a way to contact and add a section simply Called MESSAGE SELLER or something like that or they need to put a cap on the min time people can open cases which I think 30 days is fair ...


Long enough for a seller to conclude the item is MIA or Returning to them ..


Ebay system with this new defect rate is crazy ... I am not a top rated seller with new system because of all the US buyers asking me for tracking but on the old system I am well over the Toprated standards ....


There is some major flaws here and ebay is failing to realize this and I am almost certain nothing will be done to help this be avoided ..


It was brought up in one of the Weekly board session with no real answer and was never followed up in the weeks after so I am assume it is dust under the rug and like most things we will just have to deal with it ..

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

Of course in the time I started writing message above I left only to find another ITem not received case open to ask me where the tracking is ... oooooooooo dear lord save me now ..


I think it's time to re open an account on amazon and get ready for my ebay store to take a beating over someone wanted to ask me a question... Welcome to ebay Canada where the minority is invisible .. Ok maybe not invisible but very transparent LOL

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

Defect rate - from bad to worse
From my post # 58 in that thread:
My point is, that you can go rapidly from no defects to losing TRS and possibly the ability to sell on eBay when hit with a streak of bad luck....beyond your control.
@minorleaguemarvels wrote:

A little story to tell.


On April 11 a buyer purchased a baseball card from me, paying promptly. He then messaged me, asking if I had any more related baseball cards, and I did. I provided an item number and he bought that as well.

Two cards solid within about a half hour of each other to the same buyer.

The cards were shipped April 14 in one envelope, going letter-mail with a $1.80 US stamp.


All good so far.


Yesterday, (April 30) I got two messages in my eBay message system in-box telling me that item-not-received cases had been opened.

The cards were one day outside the delivery estimates and the buyer was getting antsy. Fair enough. I understand. I responded in a non-confrontational and polite manner, and he responded to me in a non-confrontational polite manner...


"I have been an eBay seller for many years. Unfortunately, eBay now makes it virtually impossible to let a seller know that an item has not been received without a case being opened. I will have plenty of patience with you. I simply wanted to open a dialogue with you. I recognize that the postal systems of both our countries leave much to be desired."


Fair enough. I asked him to give it till May 5, at which time, if the cards haven't shown up, full refund and sincere apologies for postal service incompetence.

Regardless of what happens, this customer will be taken care of to the best of my ability.

But the minute all this started happening, I thought of this new defect system that eBay's trotting out.

Though this was one transaction in every way imaginable, I suspected the eBay system would view it as two. And sure enough, today my 'beta dashboard' screen shows two defects for item not received cases.


If they want to give me one, OK. This doesn't happen often, and I'll swallow that. But here's the thing that really complicates matters.

Many of my buyers have been informing me lately that they are forced to buy each card, one by one, because of some stupidity with eBay's cart program.

It's a fairly well known glitch/oversight/whatever that's been going on for months now, and eBay's likely in no rush to fix it because they get more final-value fees on shipping when buyers buy that way.

What seller has time to phone eBay's customer service people for refunds on final value shipping fees every time it happens?

Certainly I do not.


So... in many cases I'll get a buyer that buys 10 cards or so, one by one. I refund the shipping costs, put them in one envelope and mail 'em off.

For me, one transaction.

But my concern now is that for eBay, these will count as 10 transactions.

I always assumed the new defect system wouldn't bother me much because I don't make many mistakes, have happy customers and do high enough volume to absorb most issues.

But I could see defects adding up in a hurry if a handful of these orders go south.

I'll be phoning eBay tonight to chat about it, but past history tells me it will probably be a frustrating conversation that leads nowhere.



Defect rate - from bad to worse

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

I purchased a few items from a US seller and he had a huge section in his listings (where he had obviously bulk-edited several times trying to clarify the issue) explaining how to buy multiple items and get them on one bill.  What it boiled down to was - don't press the 'pay' button when ebay prompts you to, use the back-button on the browser to go back to his store and continue shopping.  When finished, request a total and he would manually calculate the correct shipping for all items together and send an invoice.  Unfortunately I don't think most buyers want to wait for someone to send an invoice, even if they could find how to request a total.  They want to pay immediately, and I don't blame them.  (But the system worked fine for my 7 items, re-invoiced at half the shipping cost.)


About opening a case by accident ...  if we can get buyers to always use the "other" option as the reason for contact instead of "not as described" or "I haven't received my item" I think a case wouldn't be opened.  But how do you get that across without sounding sneaky? or bossy?  ie. asking for feedback often backfires because buyers feel you're telling them what to do, the same thing might happen with this.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

We get slaughtered by all of these new rules meanwhile the Chinese sellers run rampant over the rules and nothing is done about them.


Pretty sad state of affairs and shows exactly how low Ebay has fallen!

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Something to think about

@minorleaguemarvels wrote:

So... in many cases I'll get a buyer that buys 10 cards or so, one by one. I refund the shipping costs, put them in one envelope and mail 'em off.

For me, one transaction.

But my concern now is that for eBay, these will count as 10 transactions.


Keep in mind that although all 10 of those defects may show up on your dashboard, they won't affect your performance rating (if we can believe what eBay tells us Woman Frustrated) until you have a transaction with a defect from 8 different buyers (or from 5 different buyers to affect you if you have TRS) during your evaluation period.


Still, I have to say that I'm getting close to being livid over the cart fiasco.  I've had US buyers message me asking me what they should do because they can't seem to place in their cart (and pay for) more than one item at a time.  Otherwise I wouldn't have known there was a problem.  EBay certainly didn't tell us.  Like you, it's the buyers who don't contact me -- especially the ones who may just give up and go away -- that I'm concerned about. 


This cart mess is -- supposedly -- being worked on, and staff say that this site will ultimately be completely compatible with the US site.  It can't happen soon enough! 


In the meantime, we'll be racking up defects for cancellations and refunds because eBay's purchase processing system doesn't work properly. 

Message 9 of 9
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