Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
The stats are in and most of the Ebay community is NOT maintaining DSR's of 4.8 and up. The DSR system is a flop. Check it out right here:
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Flop? how do you figure that?

If all sellers had dsr's of 4.8 then dsr's would be as pointless as the overall feedback percentage was.

In my mind buyers are overly generous with their ratings.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
tea_past_times- "The DSR system is a flop"

For who?
For eBay not having to offer BOGUS discounts?
For sellers believing that if they perform well- they will be rewarded with HIGH DSR?

As the criteria for what a STAR rating actually was to mean was never defined- for anyone. AND- eBay never was up front about the impact these DSR's would have on sellers= TAKE A DEAP BREATH- AND IGNORE THEM ALL!

DSR never had any real meaningful, well thought our place- other than some attempt for BUYERS to leave a type of FEEDBACK- without it being disclosed to the seller. Which makes me wonder why eBay maintained the idea of PUBLIC FEEDBACK for one side- the comment- and PRIVATE for the rating. What if you just wanted to rate the seller without commenting at all?

DSR's are nothing more than a flavour of the day distraction.
The real problem is eBay is failing. Regardless of fault, and finger pointing- we are all on a ship that is taking on water- and really quickly!
Message 3 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
For those that had a cafeteria in their school when growing up- this will make some sense.

Remember PUDDING!
Day ONE- nice glossy FRESH pudding in a bowl.
DAY TWO- WHIPPED cream piped on top- to cover the cracks as the pudding dries out.
DAY THREE- coloured 'sprinkle' SOMETHING (like M&M bits) sprinkled on top of the whipped cream, as it too dries out!

So eBay- Now that the PUDDING is dry, and the whipped cream is showing its age- I can't wait to see WHAT YOU GOING TO BE THROWING ON TOP OF THE M&M's ?????

We are not back in school, and we are not idiots.

SKIP the PUDDING- go for the JELLO!
Message 4 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

I always said that RECPED works for EBAY. OH ! yes buyers are VERY GENERIOUS LEAVING POSITIVE FEEDBACKS ON EBAY.I have been selling on EBAY since 2001 AND NEVER NEVER NEVER RECEIVED A REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK EXTORTION FOR MONEY or DISCOUNTS(which happened for the first time a few weeks ago).

Yes buyers leave POSITIVE FEEDBACKS BUT LEAVE LOW DRS POINTS FOR SHIPPING & HANDLING COST (which we sell high end items and the shipping cost is not hidden in our listings).


Message 5 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
Flop? how do you figure that?....

Ebay's top 100,000 sellers, their 100,000 best customers by fees paid, DO NOT QUALIFY FOR ANY DISCOUNT. That's a flop. A Huge one. The bar has been set unrealistically high. It's a scam and has been since day 1.
Message 6 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
And recped, try entering your ID into the search at the top of the website I posted a link to. Your monthly DSR's are below what's required for the 15% discount. Your Dsr's are worse than mine. And you still defend the company??
Message 7 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
Detailed User Information For eBay UserID: recped

eBay UserID:
Status: Active
Registered: Jan-21-99
Country: Canada
Feedback: 11,994
Rank: # 17,932
Rating: 99.8 %
Withdrawn: 0
PowerSeller: Yes
Store: No
ID Changed: No

1 M 6 M 12 M All
Positives 98 899 1,671 1,191
Neutrals - 1 2 -
Negatives - - - -
Total Feedback Received: 14,552

View eBay Feedback Profile
View Items For Sale
View eBay My World
Detailed Seller Ratings
Rating Votes
Item as described 4.9 768
Communication 4.8 768
Shipping time 4.6 770
Shipping and handling charges 4.6 764

Feedback Updated:
Jul-06-08 User Detail Updated:

Average Monthly Sales Data
Date Updated: Jul-07-08 Listings: 471 Bids: 244
Monthly Sales: $1,784 Successful Listings: 139 Bids / Listing: .52
Average Sale Price: $12.80 Items Sold: 139 Bids / Successful Listing: 1.75
Sell-Through: 29.58 % Items Offered: 471 Update Available On: Jul-14-08
Message 8 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
Look at how they destroyed Monique's business:

Search Results For eBay UserID: whoscloset

eBay UserID:
Status: Active
Registered: Aug-07-03
Country: Canada
Feedback: 3,771
Rank: # 109,699
Rating: 99.1 %
Withdrawn: 0
PowerSeller: Yes
Store: Yes
ID Changed: No

1 M 6 M 12 M All
Positives 38 358 806 664
Neutrals 1 3 3 -
Negatives - 3 3 3
Total Feedback Received: 4,532

View eBay Feedback Profile
View Items For Sale
View eBay My World
Detailed Seller Ratings
Rating Votes
Item as described 4.9 506
Communication 4.8 505
Shipping time 4.7 503
Shipping and handling charges 4.6 507

Feedback Updated:
Jul-03-08 User Detail Updated:

Average Monthly Sales Data
Date Updated: Jul-06-08 Listings: 193 Bids: 11
Monthly Sales:$634 Successful Listings: 11 Bids / Listing: .06
Average Sale Price: $57.67 Items Sold: 11 Bids / Successful Listing: 1.03
Sell-Through: 5.52 % Items Offered: 395 Update Available On: Jul-13-08
Message 9 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
Ebay's better seller's are getting a 5.52% to 29.5% sell through rate and you think the DSR crap is not a Flop!!

Wake up buddy, we are only a couple months into this.
Message 10 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

The new DSR systemn is a great success! I love it. It benefits most (not all) good sellers

Looking at your 4.8+ DSRs, I suspect you should also be getting FVF rebate. That should make you happy.

Your superior DSRs will also provide you with better placement in seach on .com.

How could that be a flop since you benefit from the system (so do I). .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 11 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

By the way, the information supplied by sellerdome is far from being accurate!

While they accurately show my DSR aa 4.9, 5.0, 4.9 and 4.9 and my feedback rating at 100%, most of the rest is a joke.

Poweseller: No ??? I have been a PowerSeller continously since Spring 1999. Been a Gold for years.

The sales level they show is way off. I suspect they do not include multiple purchases and/or store purchases.

The number of listings is also way off.

As far as their information on "sell through" rate, I am speechless! .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 12 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
To paraphrase a character on the Simpson's
HA! HA! Sellerdome is funny!

They don't even mention us as a Power Seller.
And- I believe that any compilation of sales does not take into account multiple purchases that take place within the same auction. To Note- Feedback doesn't take into account these multiple purchases either.
Message 13 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
What kind of search do you do to get that info?
Message 14 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!! .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 15 of 16
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Stats are In: DSR's FLOP Ebay Wide!! Nobody is Qualifying!!

Community Member
Go to sellerdome- and enter EBAY NAME at TOP RIGHT.
At the bottom centre:
You'll find:
Average Monthly Sales Data

Click here to retrieve data

Apparently it adds the DOLLAR values listed in your feedback, or in the history. HOWEVER- it appears to not take into account multiple purchases by the same buyer, within the same auction.

If a customer BUYS FIVE ITEMS- in an auction- ONE AT A TIME- then they can leave FIVE DSR ratings that count- but only ONE FEEDBACK that counts? Can anyone be certain about this?
Message 16 of 16
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