Stipulating US and International Shipping Costs in Listings

Can you please clarify how I should stipulate the US and International shipping costs in my listings? In the International Shipping section, do I:


1) Fill out only one Custom Location section, and in it choose the US and all the other countries that I ship to, and choose the shipping method that I use for the US and for these other countries (e.g., choose Small Packets USA Air and Small Packets International Air).


2) Fill out two Custom Location sections, one for the US only, with the shipping method for it indicated, and another one for all the other countries that I ship to, with the shipping method for them selected.



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Stipulating US and International Shipping Costs in Listings

Door number two is the winner.

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Stipulating US and International Shipping Costs in Listings

You can choose several different Custom Locations.


For example, you might want to use one service for Europe, Japan and Australasia and another more secure one for China, Russia and Brazil.



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Stipulating US and International Shipping Costs in Listings

Thanks. Ditto for the other person who responded. I've been doing it that way and it worked until recently, then both lookers and buyers stopped being able to see the shipping charges. Today, I discovered that all my Sold and Unsold listings have a new section in them below the two that I set up (one for US, another for other countries). It reads "Additional ship to locations - buyers contact for costs" and has the same check box list of countries below it. I called eBay and was told it can't be removed. It's causing the calculator to be blocked so no shipping charges are showing in either my listings or invoices. This is the fix: In that section, choose "Will ship to Canada and the following" and then check off all the countries that I've checked off in the two sections above this section. I have 150 items to re-list, so this means many hundreds of additional clicks to revise them all. Argh!!! If anyone knows of an easier fix, please post it.

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Stipulating US and International Shipping Costs in Listings

Sorry, but there is no other way to do it except to manually go through each listing and change it. To make it easier, you could try to do like 15 listings a day. 🙂

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