03-20-2013 05:30 PM
I'm just into my 2nd month as TRS after many years of selling, and was looking forward to the stated 20% discount shown on my seller dashboard. Today I checked recent fee activity on my account, and I see fees are still being charged on sales at 11%, no discount indicated.
Sellers who've had TRS status for some time might know -- are the discounts applied as fees are levied, or calculated on the account just prior to billing?
Thanks for any input on this! I haven't been able to find specifics on how TRS discounts are applied.
03-20-2013 05:36 PM
Check tomorrow morning.
eBay does the calculation for millions of sellers during the day on the 20th.
The information may be posted now or later.
Mine has been posted for one account, not for the other one yet.
03-20-2013 05:39 PM
Ah, thank you Pierre, I thought you might have the answer.
I shall check my account in a couple of days.
03-20-2013 05:47 PM
" I see fees are still being charged on sales at 11%, no discount indicated. "
That does not change. The 20% discount will be shown on your Dashboard for the next billing period.
The actual amount of the discount is a one line credit given on the last day of the billing period on the total eligible FVF. It is not applied to each transaction individually.
If your monthly billing ends on the 15th of each month, the credit will show on the 15th. If your monthly billing ends on the last day of the month, the credit will show on the last day of the month.
03-20-2013 05:53 PM
The actual amount of the discount is a one line credit given on the last day of the billing period on the total eligible FVF. It is not applied to each transaction individually.
Thank you. This is precisely the information I couldn't seem to find on eBay's informational pages.