Thanks Kathleen!

Community Member

I’m Breathing Easier Now


So, here is how this works. The huge scrubber worth about a billion dollars towers over the idled Lambton Generating Station. Nothing is coming out of it because the generating station took its last coal in September and premier Kathleen Wynne would like me to believe that I can now breathe easier.
It’s a Sunday and I’m northbound between Wallaceburg and Sarnia. In the distance the billion - dollar scrubber can barely be seen. The **bleep** coming out of Detroit Edison’s Belle River power plants at Marysville, Michigan is obliterating it. They don’t have scrubbers and by the emissions on this Sunday I question whether they are even using low sulphur coal. I can assure the premier I’m not breathing easier.
A few kilomtres away in Wyoming my printing presses are running but I’m paying a king’s ransom to power them. The total is $20,000.00 per month more than my competitors in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. I’m doing business in nanny state Ontario, home of tree huggers and green energy and a premier so far removed from reality that it is impossible to comprehend. At home my wife is bracing for the power bill. Neither of us is breathing easier.
Remember this is a province that no longer uses coal and is relying on aging nuclear plants, gas – fired generators, solar farms and wind turbines to provide outrageously priced electricity to power businesses and homes. Manufacturers are leaving in droves. And as residential customers conserve and use less power they are actually paying more.
Businesses are fleeing our nanny state leaving too much power for too few customers. Unable to control expensive power dumped into the Ontario grid by wind turbines the province is selling, and in some cases giving away what has become a commodity to neighbouring Quebec, New York and Michigan States. That “gift”, centred on producing power for eight cents a kilowatt and selling it for three, cost Ontarians a billion dollars last year. A bargain for our neighbours but an outrage for us.
Which brings me to this piece of stupidity. For those living along Lakeshore Road in Plympton Wyoming near Douglas Line Suncor’s Cedar Point Wind Power Project is moving closer to reality. It appears to be unstoppable as the Ministry of Environment gears for a technical assessment. Nothing good comes from that. Those living in million dollar homes along the lake will soon be looking at wind turbines.
Just how financially important are wind turbines to Suncor you may ask? It too is a “gift”. So much so that Suncor is suing Plympton Wyoming despite municipal and public opposition to the 46 – turbine project.
Think about this. We have a giant energy company suing its customers so it can build turbines next to their houses. Obviously the financial rewards outweigh the opposition. If you think we are paying too much for power now consider how lucrative the Green Energy Act must be for Suncor. It is suing its customers. The Lambton Generating Station is closed but Suncor is suing its customers to build expensive wind turbine power. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know.
By the way, how’s global warming working for you so far?
"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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Re: Thanks Kathleen!

Community Member

There was a climate poster here who used to always post on such threads as this one. Alas, I guess the cold winter has got to him. 

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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