That's quite a gamble for Andrea Stairs....

Still trying to understand the rationale behind this decision. Taking the thoughtless execution portion not worthy of a large conglomerate out of then equation (aka "the tool"), surely gambling on the assumption that most Canadian sellers would comply and move all their goods to CDN dollars couldn't possibly have been a reasonable assumption. Surely Ms. Stairs understands Canadian retail dependency on the American market and how uniquely geographically positioned Canada is. Surely she understand that many more experienced buyers and sellers operate in USD or at the very least in both currencies. Surely she must have known that revenue would be lost for her company by at least some sellers moving their sales to where Ebay Canada will not benefit financially (One assumes that unless there is some sort of profit sharing arrangement in place). And surely she must understand that forcing the CDN dollar on Canadian sellers will not translate into those dollars coming back as purchases to the market place. Many Canadian Ebayers will continue to chose to shop in the US and beyond for price and variety. Now of course no one knows what the real rational for this move was, and although it was sold as an "improvement" to Canadian sellers, common knowledge and many experienced sellers will tell you, it is unlikely. So Ebay once again proves itself as a self serving inflexible corp. Frankly it's disappointing to see that this is yet another decision to not benefit it's client base. Although operationally more cumbersome, I, as many others, will continue to use both currency platforms. Largely because we need access to USD currency and the US market place and refuse to get ripped of on exchange rates.  

Message 1 of 5
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That's quite a gamble for Andrea Stairs....

" surely gambling on the assumption that most Canadian sellers would comply and move all their goods to CDN dollars "




That is your assumption. I do not think management at eBay saw it that way.  It is too simplistic and does not reflect what Canadian sellers have been doing for the last fifteen years.


The folks at eBay-Canada knew many Canadian sellers were already listing in Cdn$ and that would not change while many others were already listing in US$ on and that would not change.


Only sellers listings in US$ on would have to decide on the change they were forced to make:


-  list in Cdn$ instead of US$ and stay on


- or continue listing in US$ and move to


eBay-Canada was late - I mean very late - offering a properly tested and working migration tool to those Canadian sellers wishing to make a change: either currency or site..  Somebody somewhere at eBay blew it.   I wish they would have delayed the policy implementation date to take that delay into account.


Personally I am not affected by the change of policy making eBay-Canada a single currency site like all other eBay sites around the world.  We are not "special" anymore.  For years I already listed in Cdn$ on and in US$ on  I still do.


Looking in the hundreds of posts on the subject in the last few months, there is a lot of misinformation and misconception out there.  It will take a while but... eventually, Canadian sellers will adapt to the policy... like all other sellers around the world did. 


We are Canadians and can compete with everyone else if we put our mind to it.



Message 2 of 5
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That's quite a gamble for Andrea Stairs....

Sure it's MY assumption. Neither you or will ever know the real reasons behind the decision. There were MANY Canadian sellers listing in USD on because it was operationally seamless. There are significant differences between having the luxury and tools to list multi currency on .ca instead of .com AND .ca. SMP is one big one. Bulk relist another. Not to mention shipping settings and the risks associated with abiding by rules setup for Americans (return shipping being one of them). It's true that at some point everyone will suck it up. So will I. No different, that when you lose a finger. Eventually you will function with nine. Does it make it right? Absolutely not. Canada has unique ties to the US and is geographically unique. Most of Europe uses EURO so that's not really an apples comparison problem minus UK.  The rest of your post is just idealistic "rah rah" that does not reflect market reality.

Message 3 of 5
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That's quite a gamble for Andrea Stairs....

Market reality is what each of us does  to be a successful seller on eBay 


Whether it be on eBay Canada or on

Message 4 of 5
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That's quite a gamble for Andrea Stairs....

To my mind it comes down to shipping.


If it can ship Flat Rate --- basically Letter/Light Packet-- it moves to dotCOM.


But if it is bulky enough to require parcel rates-- which vary with destination-- then they stay here on dotCA, where we can access Calculated Shipping through Canada Post.


A lot of my titles which could ship Flat Rate (for me that's Free Shipping to Canada and USA, ymmv) are staying on dotCA because I got tired of fighting with the Migration Tool.


So far the only difference that is noticeable is a slight uptick in sales to Australia.


Books, stamps, coins, sewing patterns are all fine for Flat Rate shipping. Any extra shipping cost for high value sales can be buried in the asking price.

Once again;

Which is cheapest?

A $5 item with $10 shipping?

A $10 item with $5 shipping?

A $15 item with Free Shipping?


There is no reason I can see for a coin dealer to list on dotCA, if parcel rates are not needed.

Tracking could be a problem. Registration is $20 overseas I discovered to my shock a few days ago.

But insurance is not.

One off insurers like shipinsurance seem to have a good reputation here, although we retained our commercial 'collectible' insurance when we closed our B&M shop.

I recommend Hugh Wood Insurance. They have offices in Toronto. Ask for Gina.

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