~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I thought about this yesterday when I was looking for Lisa. I was getting impatient wondering if anyone had seen her. I didn't want to post in another thread because it may have been mised, so I had to email her instead. (Which was no problem by the way)

Then I thought...maybe we could have a thread where we could come and ask about someone or just to say something that just doesn't pertain to anything in particular. It's always a bit weird going 'off subject' in someone else's thread.

So, this thread will be for EVERYone and it could be about ANYthing. You don't ever have to use it, but if you need to, great. Doesn't mean you can't make your own thread, it just mimics the ski chalet after a day of skiing. Say what you want - ask what you want - show your pictures - comment on the dot com threads (yuk yuk) A veritable freebie. I hope it will be useful but if it's not - then...$screw you guys - I'm going home! 🙂

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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
BTW - the pot just got stirred anew in 'Christians'

Message 21 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Yes I see that. What did you do to deserve such special attention from Leo aka laughinggravy?
Message 22 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Never mind. I see what's on his mind now.
Message 23 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Can someone explain it to me??
Message 24 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Gee, something must have rubbed his shorts the wrong way. I have never seen him like this. Not that I know him very well or anything.

Pay no attention Jackie. You are wonderful.
Message 25 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I know - I don't know what set him off like that. All the postings of today were light hearted and funny. It was only after he came in, it got weird. Now he's trying to tell me that I haven't been around long enough and so my opinion doesn't count. Boy....I hope it hurries up. I wanna be counted!!!!!!!!!


Message 26 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
You count! You count!

Lissen - talk about hurt. My Pope limerick did't hurt anyone's feelingas AT ALL!

Dang! Talk about a missfire.

Message 27 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Oh shoot - I forgot to mention that. That was a riot, Lisa. I can't believe it didn't get lemon pledged. And how brave are you to do that. I was going to put one on too but I went to fix dinner and forgot all about it.

I adore your sense of humor!

Message 28 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Good Evening Ladies,

Oh yeah guys to. Hope I never have a run in with all of you. I would feel like a caged animal when you were done with me. My wife Valerie and I really admire your guts and the way you all stand up for yourself. You go girls!

Message 29 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
12:47 AM is hardly the evening Don. Whatchu doing up so late? And, we'd never make you feel like a caged animal Don...because you're not an 'animal'. Muahahahahahaha!!!

Message 30 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I figure if you can shmeer the Pope on a Praise the Lord thread and no one GaF, why bother?

I have moved on to saving the eBay world on other threads.

Jeez, I'm even hugs and kisses with Gunny now. What a tree hugger I have become.

Lisa (the Jewish Mother Theresa of eBay)
Message 31 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Lisa - did that actually happen? Musta been on dot com. I guess it must have been Catholic week back then. Bunch of Archie Bunkers.

Speaking of which...the Pope has upped the Beatification of Mother Theresa which I think is wonderful. That was one terrific woman and she sacrificed her entire life to missionary work. Good for her!!

Message 32 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I did not shmeer the Pope really, I just told a limerick where he was included - for those who are lurking. I would NEVER say anything seriously profane. I am too nice for that.

This message brought to you by P.R.A.Y. (Petrified of Real Afterlife Youbetcha)
Message 33 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
You see - that's why one has to be careful with religious statements of any kind - you just never know who's listening and it's such a personal thing. For any person who has a deep-seated belief in their particular faith, whatever that may be - it's painful to have it ridiculed and that can often bring out the worst in people.

I know Paula was so incensed by the implication that Jews weren't invited to participate in the prayers and I don't blame her.

Two subjects to avoid when chatting in large groups and especially if there may be alcohol involved (I'm sure that there is some in the evenings) are Politics and Religion. It's a guarantee to spark a fire somewhere and a guarantee to make people say things that are meant to hurt. There, it stops being a cozy conversation. We all should know better.

Message 34 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Jackie, here is where I think you got into a misunderstanding with Leo (Laughinggravy). Please understand. I am with you and I am not judging one way or another (or at least I am not trying to. Really).

My Pope limerick did't make it on the radar and the thread was not pulled (although jeez I wish it had been!)

Above, I post yet another neutral comment, making sure no one is offended.

But still, you post a short lecture on board/group etiquette and religion. It is not incorrect, but it is not necessary either.

I don't think Leo appreciated someone new coming in appearing to give them some lessons in human behavior. Not that we all can't discuss things and be reminded. You have solid ideas and you'll get no argument from me.

But I think that's where the frustration came from. And maybe some booze too, by the way.


Message 35 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Oh no Lisa - I am SO sorry that you saw my posting as a lecture. I was really and truly speaking in a generalized way. Your limerick was kick ass funny and I told you so. That opinion that I gave in the above was just about bad topics in any area of life, not just ebay.

When I said the thing about statements, it had nothing to do with your limerick...it had to do with people saying 'what God wants' and all sorts of hooey. But mostly, I was thinking about people getting into it at parties and in bars. I feel so badly now that you thought I was preaching. It wasn't meant that way. I will take a step back now and leave the comments to the pros.

Message 36 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
There ya go chickee baby. You'll live longer.

Now I have a surprise coming up in .com after I return from the bank. And no, one does not have to with the other!!

Love Lisa
Message 37 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Sorry Jackie. Chickened out on my .com idea. It was going to be a "broom closet" thread.

Maybe next year.
Message 38 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Could have been fun.
Message 39 of 951
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~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Don - What's the general consensus on the best day to close your auctions? Has anyone, to your knowledge, figured that out, yet? I know K always finishes hers on Friday - and I always finish mine on Saturdays. What about yourself?

K does well on Fridays. I have tried it but I just can't pull it off. I was just curious!

Message 40 of 951
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