The other side of the story :(

Community Member

Re: The other side of the story :(

always 2 sides to every story but "some" only want to see the one that fits their agenda!

Message 2 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Disrupting ordinary Canadian's lives with bridge blockades and other demonstrations will win their hearts and minds to the Idle cause.  For sure!   Tom, Dick, and Henry are gonna  swoon with delight.  

Message 3 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Someone named 'Dave'. The invisible Dave.

Yet everyone seems to know 'Dave' based on what he said about his family and other people ......but Dave for some reason doesn't want his full name printed. Strange. Doesn't give much of an oppourtunity to verify anything....even if he exists.

Seems to be a thing about that name, they all seem to be rather recreant.

Message 4 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Comprehension 101 class starts off by asking the grasshoppers to read the whole story before jumping to conclusions. 

Like this  part:

*Ed. Note: Because of certain clauses in his employment contract, ‘Dave’ is unable to reveal his real name.


Message 5 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

It's me, Dave. Open the door man. I got the stuff ...

Message 6 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Because of certain clauses in his employment contract, ‘Dave’ is unable to reveal his real name.


Contract with whom? The only contract that would have that in it is a contract with the Idle No More group and he certainly doesn't have that! Is he a cop, or a doctor, or a teacher, etc etc etc? Even if he was....there is no contract out there that says in private life you cannot have a personal opinion and sign your name below it.


I think the Ed Note was a convenient after thought because the writer of the article who couldn't even sign his or her name to it....needed an excuse for the misinformation. 


There are probably Natives who disagree with Idle No More....but if the writer can't find one.....don't invent one.



Message 7 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Disrupting ordinary Canadian's lives with bridge blockades and other demonstrations will win their hearts and minds to the Idle cause.  For sure!   Tom, Dick, and Henry are gonna  swoon with delight.  


How can all those first  nations protesters afford to take time off work to attend the marches  and roadblocks across Canada?  They  must be using up all their vacation time, earned overtime, and sick  days. How can  Canada’s fragile economy withstand such a  devastating blow?  I would imagine all commerce and industry within  a hundred miles of any first nation community would be crippled or shut  down completely by the absence of all these  employees. Who’s running the affairs of  their band office while they are blocking trains and hunger  striking?  Seems like every one of them is a “Chief” except some of  them are “Grand Chief”. How come Chief Spence hasn’t  lost any weight during her “hunger strike”?  I think someone is  smuggling KFC into her teepee after dark. 


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 8 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Until proven otherwise, I'm willing to suspend disbelief.   Some folks have more experience in inventing stories than others.

"We strive to achieve the highest ethical
standards in all that we do. Our newsroom
abides by the RTNDA Code of Ethics and
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Message 9 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

How can all those first nations protesters afford to take time off work to attend the marches and roadblocks across Canada?


Why don't you take your guitar and go and ask them. Can you find a Rez in Alberta or would you like someone to give you directions?


Until proven otherwise, I'm willing to suspend disbelief.



The New York Times recently had to print four pages of apologies for the fabrications of reporter Jason Blair. Blair's newspaper stories appeared over a three year span and were found to be full of fraudulent facts and information. A majority of unchecked fabrications were contained in anonymous source quotations.


[Some people are so easily taken in by those with power....such as newspapers. But we already knew that.]

Message 10 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Here is another one for you. By the way I have been married for 32 years to a beautiful Native Cree lady that I met when I was working up in Fort Mac. She does not have much use for this cr@& eilther. You need to watch your assuptions Bud.


When 82 First Nations chiefs and band councillors make more than the prime minister, all while many of their people live in abject poverty, something is horribly amiss. It's not new, but it is amiss.

In Alberta alone, for example, 47 chiefs and councillors made more last year than the PM's $317,574. We have serious reservations about that. (No Pun intended)

Now, since the money these chiefs and councillors pocket is grant money from taxpayers, auditing their books in search of ne'er-do-wells and misappropriated dollars would normally
receive no political pushback. But the Liberals need ink, don't they? They're a political embarrassment in search of some buzz. So, looking for a headline grabber, along comes Liberal aboriginal affairs critic Carolyn Bennett to label the newly-introduced First Nations Transparency Act -- Bill C-27 -- a "racist" and "paternalistic" piece of legislation. Well done, Ms. Bennett. There's your news hit. Now please go away.

There is absolutely nothing "racist" or "paternalistic" about Bill C-27, a vital and long-overdue piece of legislation that deserves quick passage so that all Canada will finally get to know down which hole the billions in First Nations' grant money goes.

From the outside looking in, and this is what raises many hackles, it would appear that too many chiefs and not enough Indians are living the good life on the taxpayers' dime. Bill C-27
should clear up the mess up. Much like the CBC vs. the Taxpayer, First Nations band members deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials, and they are not getting it when their leaders refuse to come clean with where the government's money goes, or how much goes into their own pockets. What is "racist" about that?

Now, you may have never heard of the Glooscap First Nation reserve in Nova Scotia but you might be interested to know that one Mi'kmaq politician there pulled in almost $1 million in pay in 2010, while band councillors each earned between $210,000 and $260,000. Now, close your eyes and try to envision just how big the Glooscap First Nation must be to warrant such mammoth salaries. Give up? Well, in 2009, the population actually living on the reserve was 87. We didn't drop any zeroes.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 11 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

My assumptions are dead on. My girlfriend is Cree from the Beaver Lake Nation in Alberta. She was previously married to a non-Native for 24 years and he tried to force the Native out of her and get her to abandon her people and traditions. He even tried it through his Christian church. But she was too strong and made a point of teaching her children about their Native heritage....including telling them about their grandmother who was forced into a residential school...forced to change her name...beaten for speaking her language and assaulted by a priest resulting in a lost child.

Some women however aren't that strong.


The Sun.....garbage media. A ton of figures and not an ounce of evidence or 'complete' facts.


The offer still stands. Go to a Rez and tell them what you say in here. Real simple Bud.

Message 12 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

To the Shake yr Thingy guy:


Well we live about 20 klicks South of the Hobbema Reservation. Don't like to go there much - along with the adults - they even shoot there own children. Kind of interesting, the cabs in town used to have "Dial a Bottle" on the side of the cabs. Well they did until a cab driver was shot to death a couple of years ago because he actually wanted to be paid for the bottle.


Another interesting fact - Hobbema has the largest RCMP detachment in Alberta outside of Edmonton and Calgary and their case load is 3.5 times the national average. You would probably love living there - perhaps you should.


You need to lighten up Thingy -


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 13 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

20K south...........well then it would be easy for you.


White people and other races have killed their own children....and on a far more regular Canada and the US and other parts of the world There are far more alcoholic whites than Native. All mass murderers ....all white. Strange you didn't point out facts like that. But of course that wouldn't have worked.

Message 14 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Oil Money

Each regestered Indiginous Child born in Hobbema receives $25,000 (about)

The lure of the big city, as well as the black market, creates a perfect haven for the wolves.

The Child needs to be  reminded of the power of their Inner Spirit.

Not to mention some good investment advice.


Don't let a little thing like fear or common sense stop ya'
Message 15 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(


add. at the age of 21

Don't let a little thing like fear or common sense stop ya'
Message 16 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(


Fort Mac,

and you actually ADMIT you work in 'Moldor'



Don't let a little thing like fear or common sense stop ya'
Message 17 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

Well I was passing through Sauron and I could not get back to the Shire and they offered me a ring that I could not pass up. So I stayed a few years, got married and then left.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 18 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

There are far more alcoholic whites than Native.

Per capita? Where do you see those statistics? It's difficult to know whether you are right or wrong unless you can show where your information comes from.

Message 19 of 82
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Re: The other side of the story :(

He has no stats - he just made it up. It's just not true. In fact the opposit is true - unfortunate, but true.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 20 of 82
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