03-21-2013 12:04 PM
I thought I would start this tread for sellers who do not have stores and sell more expensive items. Those on the other two boards does seem to have any interest in those of us negatively affected be the 10% flat feet increase. We are the sellers who are targeted for a major hit in the pocket bookk in this latest release
Anything over ~$80 will see an increase in fees. The more expensive the item is the more the increase. This escalates dramatically to the point where it is no longer reasonable to sell any four figure item on ebay... the fees at that point are outrageous! In a way sellers of large items are subsidizing the "fee decrease" of sellers of small items, since their fee increase more than offsets the other sellers' fee decrease. IT IS NOT FAIR.
The email I got from ebay said my fees would be reduced by 17% under the new fee schedule.
I was about to list another Addison catalin radio for sale on BIN for $2,250.00 + $45 Expedited Shipping.
Under the current fee schedule, the ebay fees would be $88.90
Under the new fee schedule, the ebay fees are $229.50
THAT'S A 158% INCREASE OF $140.60
I cannot in good faith mark up a radio an extra $229.00 to cover the fees nor can I absorb that amount of money . Buyers for high end antiques and collectibles will go to the markets where the sellers are, if the sellers of those items move, the buyers will move as well.
03-21-2013 12:21 PM
Yes, high value items do seem to get hit the hardest.
If you get a store, your FVF rate would drop from 10% to 9% saving 1%. This savings might cover the eBay basic store fee of $19.95 (15.95 subscription) and a little more.
The other thing I notices is that you list in Collectibles. Now your radios are electronics so they could be listed in Consumer Electronics at 6% to get the lower flat FVF rate. But will they be found? With a store, any buyer finding your listing might browse the store catagories and look at your other items.
One possible strategy would be to list all radios under $100 (you pick the number) in collectibles and pay the 9% but list items over that value in Electronics at 6%. Buyers might find the lower priced listings in collectible and then look in your store for the more expensive.
03-21-2013 01:02 PM
Many sellers moved a long time ago.
Ebay is nice for some items.
I am not knowledgable re your category, but in general........
........ for really nice high end good quality antiques and collectibles there are sites with no FVFs.
However, since all sellers on ebay will be in the same boat, it's also possible that (for your category) everyone will raise their prices so if you do too you'll be in step with everyone else.
03-21-2013 02:10 PM
Hi Ross.
I am in the same boat for many listings.
Last night at the eBay Town Hall:
"Caller named Jason: Who does the new fee change benefit? He sees a 55% increase in FVF fees. He doesn't care if he has to spend $2 to list items if he can sell it, he cares about the commission fees going up. What's the point of having a Store, he asks.
eBay's Brian Hsu: Not everyone will see a fee decrease. Especially higher ASP (Average Selling Price) items. Advice: be in the right Store tier, duration discount."
"Advice: be in the right Store tier, duration discount" ??? Does that answer the question? Of course not.
To be honest, the worst part was receiving an email from eBay titled:
"Up to 150 FREE listings* every month and 21% lower fees for you!"
Then, eBay has the audacity to state:
"Great news for you! Based on your recent selling activity, your fees will be 21% lower than they are today!"
Are they nuts? Why lie to me? Don't they know by now that I can understand numbers? I am not stupid. eBay will not sell me that bull.
On the other side, I am old and retired. Most of my inventory is gone and I have closed my eBay store last year. In addition to using public philatelic auctions and selling directly to other dealers and regular old-time customers, I currently use eBay to liquidate inventory.
The increase in fees and, most importantly the change of policy making all fixed price listings de facto "immediate payment required" may require reconsideration and change in my plans. Let's face it: I no longer need eBay to build my business.
That was then... this is now.
03-21-2013 03:05 PM
But Pierre, is that just not kind of sad? You have been on eBay since before I started in 2002 and over the years must have generated a lot of profit for eBay and what do they do to repay you and others - they pretty much shove us all aside and move on to where they think their next buck it coming from.
Ebay has just no loyalty to their customers. I have always maintained that eBay does not know who their customers are. Ebay thinks their customers are the Buyers. That is wrong - Customers are the ones that eBay profits from - the Sellers. Seller who they perpetually treat like serfs.
I too am old and retired - but I really do enjoy repairing and selling vintage radios on eBay. I don't make any real money doing it - there is a point when pushing up the price of a radio, or bundle of stamps for that matter and passing that increase on to buyers is not right - it becomes dishonest.
On April 15, I am going to do one of two things - either I'm going to pull all my listings and quit, or add the appropriate amount of dollars onto each one to fully cover my costs. I just don't know which one.
03-21-2013 03:07 PM
I feel you pain or more accurately I felt your pain.
Low value items got badly screwed with "lowest fees ever" and "fvf on shipping" in past fee realignments now it's the turn for sellers of higher priced items to apply some lube.
03-21-2013 03:19 PM
"over the years must have generated a lot of profit for eBay"
True and eBay has generated a lot of profit for me! 🙂
More importantly, and I have always admited it openly, I have used eBay to build my list of 9,000 worldwide customers. Many customers acquired on eBay became regular direct customers from my website where prices were slightly lower although I have always been very careful not to break the "fee avoidance" rules.
The best example I can give goes way back to 1999 when I sold a $5,000 face lot at auction on eBay (we had no fixed price listings in those days) to a BC customer. In the course of the next two years, that customer purchased twelve similar lots (one every two months) directly. 🙂
" what do they do to repay you"
Frankly I do not see it that way. It is all business, only business. They have no loyalty to their customers (sellers) and, as such, should expect no loyalty from their customers. Sometimes I wish it were different but, it is what it is.
" or add the appropriate amount of dollars onto each one to fully cover my costs"
As you know, that is easier said than done. At the end of the day, the buyers decide what an item is worth. Buyers do not care about eBay and PayPal fees payable by sellers. Their main concern is - as it should be - what value do they get for their money.
"Is that radio really worth $220 ? Or would I only buy it for $200 ?" Different buyers may have different answers to those questions.
Life is full of challenges.
I feel sorry for new sellers on eBay. They will never know or understand how good we had it in the "good old days". 🙂
And life does go on.
03-21-2013 06:09 PM
And there are ways to make it work.................
Use ebay for low end items and sell the good stuff elsewhere.
This site has been shaping itself that way for a long time anyway.
One huge benefit selling high end stuff here used to be that it's the only site that gets any real International exposure.
BUT........ recently Ebay has become a little (or even very) hostile towards "OutSiders"............which is everyone who is not based in the U.S. of A..
I have a feeling that international sales might be at the tail end anyway........
03-21-2013 06:46 PM
Why are so many making this personal? Business is business. My former employeer is a top 100 Cdn company. Treats employees like dirt. I used to think they owed me for my loyalty and devotion to the cause. Their view was "we paid you every two weeks".
The following may come as a shock. eBay is a business devoted exclusively to it's shareholders. The shareholders, not stakeholders, don't care how they paid as long as they do.
Adapt, re-invent, re-deploy, alter, change, be prepared.
Yep, I'll bet that's just the attitude Lehman Brothers had - right up to the minute they went downt the tubes.
03-22-2013 05:56 PM
This is totally unacceptable for the new charges. I sell a 1000.00 bank note that is worth 1500.00, if i do, i loose 145.00 right off to ebay. Then it go's to Paypal who want's another 40.00. So that note that is worth 1500.00, to sell it and see any kind of profit, i have to list that item for 1800.00, and then i get all these messages about what kind of moron am i to expect any collector to payout that kind of money for something that is only worth 1500.00. And i haven't even added in the shipping costs. Now, i can no longer afford to sell on Ebay. I can't unless i want to see my profit become a debit and loose all kinds of money. I end up with paying alot more for a note than what i bought it for. This now has happened three times and i will not post anything more onto Ebay, unless i want to turn my business into a cost loosing volunter center, and see all of my savings gone. Unless Ebay starts to see what they are doing to our businesses, it's over with. Then to really cap things with Ebay, they send me a survey asking me me just how " good they are doing ". I deleted it ,i was so angry.
03-22-2013 06:04 PM
From the very first post:
""""" Buyers for high end antiques and collectibles will go to the markets where the sellers are, if the sellers of those items move, the buyers will move as well. """"
It's been happening for a long time.
Why not follow?
Nothing against ebay.......... I LOVE it here............ but when they make adjustments that suit them, then you have to make adjustments that suit you in turn.
You're not helpless.
03-22-2013 07:16 PM
It will be interesting to watch and see how this affects ebay.
The buyers seem to be changing as a result of the relentless push to increase International shipping costs.
Now, the high FVFs may result in sellers of high end items moving on.
Those things combined could result in ebay becoming a real junk store.
I'm Ok with that.......... it's fun to shop in a junk store too.
BUT things here could look a lot different a year from now.
03-22-2013 07:35 PM
BUT things here could look a lot different a year from now.
I was thinking about the same thing last night.
This is going to be an interesting year.
03-23-2013 02:39 PM
BUT things here could look a lot different a year from now.
Perhaps they will.
But the same thing has been said after any major policy or fee change.
03-23-2013 02:54 PM
"But the same thing has been said after any major policy or fee change."
Quite true.
However, this is the first fee change in fifteen years where higher priced items are really hit with a major fee increase. Previous fee increases had little effect on high priced items ($500+). This time it is really different, more so for "stuff" selling at prices exceeding $1,000.
As always, time will tell (but I can tell you right now that my high priced items will not be listed on eBay once the new fee structure takes affect).
03-23-2013 03:06 PM
Yippee - I just sold another of my higher priced items. I am seriously thinking about putting all the higher priced stuff on now and then pulling what does not sell on April 15.
03-23-2013 03:43 PM
To be honest, the worst part was receiving an email from eBay titled:
"Up to 150 FREE listings* every month and 21% lower fees for you!"
Then, eBay has the audacity to state:
"Great news for you! Based on your recent selling activity, your fees will be 21% lower than they are today!"
Are they nuts? Why lie to me?
Although I've had a store for some years, so my comments aren't relevant to this string, I absolutely agree that it was the insulting attempt to pull the wool over sellers' eyes that I too found most offensive about this Spring rollout of changes.
From reading the current discussion boards, it seems to me sellers are focused on the trees and not noticing the forest.
I continue to maintain that the true purpose of the current changes is to push and shove non-store sellers (i.e. those who decide to remain on eBay) into the store corner, and those with stores into the "perma-store" subscription corner. There is nothing better for eBay than a dependable, continuous income stream - shareholders' dream. I've said before that I believe we'll see increases in yearly store subscription fees very quickly once sufficient store owners have been coaxed into that mode because of high monthly prices.
I think this spring's changes were a major step in that direction, yet another departure from the option-rich environment on eBay, and I too believe eBay will look radically different in 2 or 3 years because of it.
On a personal note, if anyone wonders why I suddenly disappear from these boards after this weekend, I've been told I have a detached retina, which is going to require urgent surgery in the City (here in N.S. I learned that only means Halifax) next week, so my store (and I) will be "on vacation" for a while, hopefully back with both eyes in a week or so.
I've enjoyed participating here, notwithstanding the occasional poster with a crappy attitude (present company excepted).
03-23-2013 04:12 PM
However, this is the first fee change in fifteen years where higher priced items are really hit with a major fee increase. Previous fee increases had little effect on high priced items ($500+). This time it is really different, more so for "stuff" selling at prices exceeding $1,000.
You're right, it will be interesting to see what happens.
I will miss the tiered auctions. Usually if I have a higher priced item I will first try to sell it by auction rather than a FP. So a $250 purse now has fvf fees of $11.75 if sold by auction. After the increase fvf will be $22.50...almost double.
I am in a better position than some though as my items are usually under $100. For those of you who have items $500 and up those fvf will be painful.
03-23-2013 04:13 PM
Rose-dee not only are you comments relevant - they are right on the money and good luck with the eye surgery.
You'll be back.
03-23-2013 04:14 PM
Rose, I hope that everything goes well for you and that you have a speedy recovery!