Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

Federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is praising Alberta Premier Alison Redford for her efforts to get the United States to approve the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.

Appearing at a light-rail transit stop in Edmonton, Trudeau said Stephen Harper’s government, in contrast, hasn’t done enough to push the project.

Trudeau said the proposed line, which would carry bitumen from the Alberta oilsands to Texas, is critical to Canada.

Redford has made several trips to Washington to speak to decision-makers about Keystone’s benefits.

U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to make a final decision soon.

Trudeau is on his first western swing since becoming Liberal leader last month.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

Seems like Justin has the same environmental priorities as Harper.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

Well as I said.....I want to hear more from him and then I'll decide. I'm not happy about this one.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

"Seems like Justin has the same environmental priorities as Harper."


Not really.  However, Trudeal like a majority of Canadians, believes the Keystone pipeline will be - overall - beneficial to Canada and Canadians - more well paying jobs, more economic benefits, more tax revenues.


The environmental concerns raised around the pipeline are certainly no worse than moving the oil by rail.


And do not think for a minute that we will prevent Americans from consuming oil.  If they do not get it from us they will get it from somewhere else.


This is the biggest problem with the environmental movement trying to save the planet - they think that preventing the pipeline will somehow reduce American energy consumption!


Sometimes compromise is the right answer.  If it means building a safe pipeline instead of using the railroads to move Canadian oil, so be it.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

This is the biggest problem with the environmental movement trying to save the planet - they think that preventing the pipeline will somehow reduce American energy consumption!


I have never heard that given as a reason for stopping the pipeline.  I have mainly heard about oil spills.  American citizens are concerned about oil spills and terrorist attacks on pipelines.  As well, the company has a pretty poor record for oil spills and pipeline maintenance..


The other concern is that the "experts" are predicting that the U.S. will be energy self-sufficient by 2020.  They are counting on significant amounts of natural gas from fracking (another potential disaster waiting to happen).  This will reduce the amount of oil they need for things like home heating - allowing them to direct more of their own oil for cars and trucks.  The Keystone Pipeline may end up being a colossal waste of money.   


We Canadians seem to be concerned about a pipeline to the West Coast as it could have a major environmental impact.  We seem less concerned about Keystone as it will not impact us as much.



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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

Every time I think Justin Trudeau might be okay, he opens his mouth and says something stupid...


I live in Alberta. I've seen the environmental devastation that's occurred already. If Justin is going to praise Alison Redford, he'd damn well better have a plan and funding in place to reclaim the wrecked environment, clean up the Athabasca River (the fish there have cancer), revive the forests, restore lost wildlife habitat, find a way to solve the tailing ponds problem (lots of dead birds), and the list goes on. I don't even want to think about what would happen if a spill happened in an environmentally sensitive area.


It's for sure the Conservatives and Reformers who pretend to be Conservatives don't care about the environment. We're just a bunch of "radicals", you know...

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying


Now ask yourself. Do we want these to happen in Canada? But before you ask yourself that......add......and I live near where an ''accident'' will happen.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

"Do we want these to happen in Canada?"


NOBODY wants that in Canada.


PS - The Keystone pipeline is to built in the USA, own and operated mostly by Canadians (Trans Canada Pipelines) and moving Canadian oil to the American market..

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

I find it rather unusual to agree with the position of Harper and his Cabinet on this subject. 


This is one instance where, after balancing and considering both sides of this thorny issue, I find the government's position to be in the best interests of Canada and Canadians


It is not something I say often when dealing with Harper and his government.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

With all is it good for Canada and Canadians to have this pipeline? I mean yes it's Money and maybe jobs, but if something happens is it worth it? I would be a little more for it except based on the many, many other tragedies that have happened not only in the US but many other countries with pipelines it stands to reason that if we do the same, our time will come. If you have a tanker that leaks or breaks totally open it will spill the oil but it will be far far less than an open pipeline.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

This is one instance where, after balancing and considering both sides of this thorny issue, I find the government's position to be in the best interests of Canada and Canadians. 


Damn!  I am such a cynic.  I don't believe that Harper is really opposed to the Keystone project.  He just wants us to think so.   The Conservative record on the environment is abysmal - and this coming from me, a definite non-tree-hugger, is saying something.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

If you have a tanker that leaks or breaks totally open it will spill the oil but it will be far far less than an open pipeline.


Maybe, but the spill from a pipeline, if detected early can be contained a lot easier than a broken open tanker at sea.  Most pipelines have flow detection systems that are like an alarm if the flow increases due to a spill.  I still have visions of the devastation caused by the Exxon Valdez. 

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

can be contained a lot easier than a broken open tanker at sea.


Not sea tanker.....I should have used an elongated word......truck-tanker.

Message 13 of 29
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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

If it was Harper some people here would have a hizzy fit, but not when it's the golden boy on the left.


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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

If it was Harper some people here would have a hizzy fit, but not when it's the golden boy on the left.


What's that mean??

a) Trudeau just got elected as the Lib leader. At the moment he's a nothing and has a long way to go to sell himself to included. People get in a hissy fit over Harper because he does have power and has misused it time and time again. That makes him a whole different kettle of fish.

b) I've personally never considered him a 'golden boy'. He's a better person than Harper any day of the week, but "golden".....not. I've also said that he has a not more to say before I make a decision and so far with his support of China buying that oil company and now his support for the pipeline.....he's not making me happy. I'm thinking he is agreeing with these things to bring some Harper support over to him and if he wants to sell himself that way then it's something else I don't agree with.

c) It's a long way before an election.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

If he is anything like his father he will say things to get votes from right without alienating his followers.

He has to becarefull or he will split the left and make it easier for Harper to get another majority.

Mulcare is already talking about moving to the right to get more liberal votes.

You've already decided against Harper and there is nothing that he can do or say that would get your vote.


The next election should be interesting.




Message 16 of 29
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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

He has to becarefull or he will split the left and make it easier for Harper to get another majority.


Yes he has to be careful but the China purchase and the pipeline are things that will not bother a majority of Canadians but will ease some Harper supporters towards Trudeau. Meanwhile the Harper crew is making themselves look like idiots with their attack ads.


The next election should be interesting.


My prediction is the next election will be only interesting from the point of view of watching Harper squirm as he tries to deal with a reality he never had to deal with and wasn't expecting. For the media and all the seclusion that Harper has dealt them over the's payback time. He will probably go into full attack ad mode and make life even worse for himself. If Trudeau is smart he will avoid attack ads and stick with the program. Presuming there are no blunders on either side, which is totally unpredictable, I think Harper will definitely lose his majority and may even have to pack his bags if Trudeau pulls a rabbit out of the hat with something that will benefit jobs for students or help for the babyboomers etc. He has a lot to pick from if he picks right.


You've already decided against Harper and there is nothing that he can do or say that would get your vote.


Ya think!

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

My prediction is the next election will be only interesting from the point of view of watching Harper squirm as he tries to deal with a reality he never had to deal with and wasn't expecting. For the media and all the seclusion that Harper has dealt them over the's payback time.


Didn't you predict that Ignatiaf would do something similar?

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

"You've already decided against Harper and there is nothing that he can do or say that would get your vote."


Unfortunately, that is true for many voters on ALL sides.


Some people have decided decades ago to always vote for one party or another, regardless of policies or personalities.  They vote "the party" because their family has always voted "the party"!


I would rather keep my options open and decide which way to vote based on the issues at that time although at this time I have to agree that anybody but Harper will do.  While I do agree with some of the policies presented by the Conservative government, overall, I feel his extreme partisan administration has been and continue to be detrimental to Canada and Canadians.

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Re: Trudeau praises Alberta Premier for Keystone lobbying

Didn't you predict that Ignatiaf would do something similar?


No. I never felt Ignatieff was a viable candidate at that time.

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