Very frustrate!!!!!

Sale are slow as it is, without having to worry about people that bids and than they decide not to pay. Of five sales only one paid, two I already opened a dispute for not paying, another one I'm still waiting for payment and the fifth one want to pick up even though I' have told him I don't do pick up. I'm just tired. So guys what should I do? If I agree with pick up I don't want this person to come to my house, and plus what proof do I have that the item was delivered? Please give me some answers. I don't know what to do. The buyer suggested that I live the item at the local post office for him to pick up.I don't know how that would work. Has any of you used this method?Please I rely on you guys because right now I have a touch of the flu and I can't think straight. Thank you.

Message 1 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

I would meet the buyer in a Timmy's parking lot and then never agree to a pick up again.

You just learned that you hate them.


Also, if you are having problems with unpaid items it might make sense to take a close look at your shipping costs..

You might want to raise item cost and lower the cost of shipping.


Then, I'd probably have a hot warm drink and go to bed.

Message 2 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

P.S.  Just saw that you didn't actually agree to the pick up at all............ then just don't.......... :):-)

Message 3 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Don't agree to the pick up and don't meet the buyer anywhere to deliver the product.  You stated that you do not allow pick ups and should stick to it.  If he asks again then ask him if he would like to cancel the transaction entirely.


He/she is asking you for a service that was not included in the transaction.  That is against eBay policy.  If he persists or causes trouble use the 'report a buyer' button.

Message 4 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

and another thing to think do you prove to paypal and ebay that the transaction was completed (in a parking lot) when the customer files and item not received claim....bordering on a scam possibility.....

Message 5 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Don't do anything when you are sick. Your decisions are swayed by being sick.


The problem is not NPB, it is your business model. You are expecting your buyers to complete your sale by paying you the way you want. Either build in the rate of non-payers, or, change the way you do things.


I "think" that your products would do better with a store. Somewhere where you list, park, forget about them. With BIN, NPB goes away. You will have greater control over all aspects of your business. Probably clear more profit as well.


It works for me.

Message 6 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

If you do allow the pickup just say cash only so proving delivery is never an issue for you.


I sell stuff on kijiji too so they all come to my place so eBay is no different. I have had it happen a few times. But if that is not in your comfort zone just don't do it.

Message 7 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Don't do anything when you are sick. Your decisions are swayed by being sick.


The problem is not NPB, it is your business model. You are expecting your buyers to complete your sale by paying you the way you want. Either build in the rate of non-payers, or, change the way you do things.


I "think" that your products would do better with a store. Somewhere where you list, park, forget about them. With BIN, NPB goes away. You will have greater control over all aspects of your business. Probably clear more profit as well.


It works for me.


How does using BIN eliminate NPB?



Message 8 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

It doesn't. What I meant was, BIN with IPR.


Go with what I mean, not with what I said.

Message 9 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!


How does using BIN eliminate NPB?




If you mean using Immediate Payment, you can use it for BIN with or without a store.


Also, you can use BIN with GTC with a non-store to "list, park, forget about them".


I also do not see how using a store over non-store will "Probably clear more profit as well".

Message 10 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

It's an individual thing. My store I get to price higher. I do less work, track less, maintain less. I am putting in less energy running things. That frees up my attention for other matters.


Some folks enjoy the constant listing and re-listing. I do not.

Message 11 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

I have emailed the buyer by restating that I don't do pick ups. He hasn't answered yet.I just don't feel comfortable.


I*m-still-here, how would raise the item cost and lowering the shipping cost solve the unpaid item problem? Plus, are my shipping cost that high. Please elaborate as I try to be competitive and wasn't aware that my shipping was that much higher than other sellers.


Mr.elmwood, what is wrong in expecting the buyer to complete the transaction paying the way is stated in the listing? Plus It may be the fact that I'm sick, I rally didn't understand much about the pros and cons of my business model.Kindly explain, even though you already tried to explain it to Poco and maybe he understood,but I didn't and I blame for this the flu.


Thank you

Message 12 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Yeah, I will blame it on the flu. I had that two weeks ago. The fever was nice, I saved on heat costs for the house. That morphed into a cold and the cough has not gone away.


Your expectations that the customer will pay is valid, to a point. Some customers abandon the purchase, some buy with the intenet of using and returning, some promise to come back and pay, others steal.


I was 35 years of liquor retail. Ya think I saw it all? Not a chance. There were always new variants coming in the door. The lying, thieving, trickery, dishonesty never goes out of style. However, the vast majority of customers are dead honest. They are the ones to focus on. They pay your bills.


There was this one spot of time where a guy was stealing $15 worth of product and Jenny was screaming for help to stop him. Dianne ignored her because she was selling $600 worth of Champagne.




If you are going to continue with listings that do not have IPR, build in the non-payment rate. Once you accept that XX% will not pay, you will be fine. Right now you are expecting, anticipating, demanding, 100% compliance. Isn't working, is it? Never will work, will it?


You can want that, but, it won't happen. So, re-align your expectations to match what is actually happening. Build in the capacity for auto UID, close, re-list. Stop it from bothering you.



Message 13 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!


I*m-still-here, how would raise the item cost and lowering the shipping cost solve the unpaid item problem? Plus, are my shipping cost that high. Please elaborate as I try to be competitive and wasn't aware that my shipping was that much higher than other sellers.




IMO the reason that buyers don't pay is because they perceive that shipping costs are too high.

They might not be higher than you pay, but the buyer experiences it that way.


For example, you have that neat little murano glass mouse for $5.99 plus $11.42 shipping.

He should sell in time, but you could easily list the mouse at $12.99 with $$.5.88 shipping and I'll bet that your buyer would willingly pay right away.............. and a little more $ for you to boot.

Message 14 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Thanks guys, I finally understand what you are saying and it makes sense too. Anyways the buyer who wanted to pick up the item has not  responded to my email and I don't know if I should offer to cancel the transaction. What do you guys think? Plus one of the buyers that  has paid for his item, has asked for tracking # and to bubble wrap and send it in a box. Now you have to understand that the item is a little ornament in a box that I was going to send in a bubble envelope, lettermail or light packet, if I have to send it any other way I'm going to loose money.Do you think it would be a good idea to contact him and let him know that for the price quoted the item is shipped in a bubble mailer and if she wants it in a box with tracking there is going to me an extra charge. I know I'm giving you guys a big headache with all this questions but I really appreciate all your help. Thanks!

Message 15 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Breakables really do require double boxing.  It's no fun receiving broken items and several times when a seller has shipped to me without double boxing the item has arrived broken.


I'd wait 10 days and see what happens with the pick up buyer.

Message 16 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. The ornament is made of Pewter , so it won't brake but the box is going to get a little squashed. Anyways I sent the buyer an email explaining the situation, If she wants it mailed with tracking, in a box is going to cost more. If she is ok with an envelope than is fine, if neither option is of her liking I will give her a refund.


The pick up buyer paid but just because I'm a sucker, I sent him an email too telling him that if he is not happy with the transaction I can send him a refund too.


NOW  the third NPB   is a newbie from Quebec. he has sent me an email in French and from what I understood He wants to send me a cheque  because he could not pay by paypal. I've told him that is fine, to send me the cheque and as soon as it will clear I'll send the item. IS THIS OK? OR THERE SOMETHING I SHOULD  BE AWARE OF WHEN YOU DEAL WITH OUT OF THE PROVINCE CHEQUES?  Please let me know.

Message 17 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

I had a cheque take four months to bounce back to me. That was about 5-6 years ago, at least. My Credit Union laid down the law, no cheques, no money orders. Simple is simple. Anyone asks me "Can I?", I respond "Sorry, no". Plain and simple, it isn't worth the hassle.


Rio! It is a learning curve that never ends.

Message 18 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Well, I'd take the check.


I hate standing in line at the bank, but there are much more difficult ways to make $$$$.


If someone wants to give me their $ they are welcome to do so in almost form they wish. 🙂


Just let it clear before shipping.

Message 19 of 20
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Very frustrate!!!!!

Do people still actually write cheques ?


Our bills are all pre authorized debit, the rest of the purchases on on our Debit Cards.


Just for the points of course.

Message 20 of 20
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